Source code for BioSimSpace.Convert._convert

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.

"""Functionality for converting between molecular representations."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = [

from .._Utils import _try_import, _have_imported

_openmm = _try_import("openmm")

import os as _os

from rdkit.Chem.rdchem import Mol as _RDMol

import rdkit.Chem as _Chem

from sire import convert as _sire_convert
from sire import smiles as _sire_smiles

import sire.legacy.Base as _SireBase
import sire.legacy.Mol as _SireMol
import sire.legacy.System as _SireSystem
import sire.legacy.Vol as _SireVol

import sire.system as _NewSireSystem

from .._Exceptions import ConversionError as _ConversionError
from .. import IO as _IO
from .. import _SireWrappers

[docs] def smiles( smiles_string, add_hydrogens=True, generate_coordinates=True, property_map={} ): """ Generate a BioSimSpace Molecule froma SMILES string. Parameters ---------- smiles_string : str The molecule in SMILES string format. add_hydrogens : bool Whether or not to automatically add hydrogens. generate_coordinates : bool Whether or not to automatically generate coordinates. Note that generating the coordinates will automatically switch on addition of hydrogens. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- molecule : :class:`Molecule <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.Molecule>` A BioSimSpace molecule. """ if not isinstance(smiles_string, str): raise TypeError("'smiles_string' must be of type 'str'.") if not isinstance(add_hydrogens, bool): raise TypeError("'add_hydrogens' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(generate_coordinates, bool): raise TypeError("'generate_coordinates' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(property_map, dict): raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'.") # Strip whitespace. smiles_string = smiles_string.replace(" ", "") try: molecule = _SireWrappers.Molecule( _sire_smiles( smiles_string, add_hydrogens=add_hydrogens, generate_coordinates=generate_coordinates, map=property_map, ) ) # Rename the molecule with the original SMILES string. # Since the name is written to topology file formats, we # need to ensure that it doesn't start with an [ character, # which would break GROMACS. if smiles_string.startswith("["): name = f"smiles:{smiles_string}" edit_mol = molecule._sire_object.edit() edit_mol = edit_mol.rename(name).molecule() molecule._sire_object = edit_mol.commit() return molecule except: raise _ConversionError( f"Unable to create a BioSimSpace Molecule from SMILES string: {smiles_string}" )
[docs] def supportedFormats(): """ Return a list of the supported formats. Returns ------- formats : [str] The supported formats. """ return _sire_convert.supported_formats()
[docs] def to(obj, format="biosimspace", property_map={}, **kwargs): """ Convert an object to a specified format. Parameters ---------- obj : The input object to convert. format : str The format to convert to. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- converted_obj : The object in the converted format. """ # Validate the input. if not isinstance(format, str): raise TypeError("'format' must be of type 'str'.") # Convert to lower case and strip whitespace. format = format.lower().replace(" ", "") if not format in supportedFormats(): raise ValueError( f"Unsupported format '{format}', options are: {', '.join(supportedFormats())}." ) if not isinstance(property_map, dict): raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'.") # Check for force_stereo_inference in kwargs. if "force_stereo_inference" in kwargs: force_stereo_inference = kwargs["force_stereo_inference"] if not isinstance(force_stereo_inference, bool): raise TypeError("'force_stereo_inference' must be of type 'bool'.") property_map["force_stereo_inference"] = _SireBase.wrap(force_stereo_inference) # Special handling for OpenMM conversion. Currently this is a one-way (toOpenMM) # conversion only and is only supported for specific Sire and BioSimSpace types. if format == "openmm": if not _have_imported(_openmm): raise ConversionError( "Conversion to OpenMM format is currently not supported on this platform." ) # If this is already an OpenMM context, then simply return it. if isinstance(obj, _openmm.openmm.Context): return obj # BioSimSpace objects. if isinstance(obj, _SireWrappers._sire_wrapper.SireWrapper): if not isinstance(obj, _SireWrappers.System): # Convert to a system where possible. try: obj = obj.toSystem() except: # Otherwise, convert residues/atoms to a molecule, then a system. try: obj = obj.toMolecule().toSystem() except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to OpenMM format!" ) # Get the user-defined space property name. prop = property_map.get("space", "space") # Try to get the space property. Use an infinite cartesian space # if none is present. try: space = except: space = _SireVol.Cartesian() # Set a shared space property. obj._sire_object.addSharedProperty(prop, space) # Now try to convert the object to OpenMM format. try: return obj, "openmm", map=property_map, ) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to OpenMM format!") # Sire objects. elif isinstance( obj, ( _NewSireSystem.System, _SireSystem.System, _SireMol.MoleculeGroup, _SireMol.Molecules, _SireMol.Molecule, _SireMol.Residue, ), ): try: # First convert the object to BioSimSpace format. obj = to(obj, format="biosimspace", property_map=property_map) # Now try converting to OpenMM format. return to(obj, format="openmm", property_map=property_map) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to OpenMM format!") else: raise _ConversionError( f"Currently unable to convert object of type {type(obj)} to OpenMM format!" ) # Now do some work to handle different types of input. Where possible, we # try to convert to the "expected" format, i.e. atom to atom, residue # to residue, etc. This means that we need to use sire.legacy.Mol.PartialMolecule # to extract the sub-components we require. # BioSimSpace objects, i.e. wrapped Sire objects. if isinstance(obj, _SireWrappers._sire_wrapper.SireWrapper): # Return the object itself. if format == "biosimspace": return obj # Return the underlying object. elif format == "sire": if isinstance(obj, _SireWrappers.Molecules): return _SireMol.SelectorMol(obj._sire_object) else: return obj._sire_object elif format == "rdkit": # Handle System and Molecules objects. if isinstance(obj, (_SireWrappers.System, _SireWrappers.Molecules)): try: return obj._sire_object.molecules(), "rdkit", map=property_map ) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to RDKit format!") # Handle Residues and Atoms by extracting the PartialMolecule. else: try: return _SireMol.PartialMolecule(obj._sire_object).extract(), "rdkit", map=property_map, ) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to RDKit format!") # Sire objects. elif isinstance( obj, ( _NewSireSystem.System, _SireSystem.System, _SireMol.SelectorMol, _SireMol.MoleculeGroup, _SireMol.Molecules, _SireMol.Molecule, _SireMol.Residue, _SireMol.Atom, ), ): if format == "biosimspace": if isinstance(obj, _NewSireSystem.System): try: return _SireWrappers.System(obj._system) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) if isinstance(obj, _SireSystem.System): try: return _SireWrappers.System(obj) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.SelectorMol): try: return _SireWrappers.Molecules(obj.toMoleculeGroup()) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.Molecules): try: molgrp = _SireMol.MoleculeGroup("all") molgrp.add(obj) return _SireWrappers.Molecules(molgrp) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.MoleculeGroup): try: return _SireWrappers.Molecules(obj) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.Molecule): try: return _SireWrappers.Molecule(obj) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.Residue): try: return _SireWrappers.Residue(obj) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif isinstance(obj, _SireMol.Atom): try: return _SireWrappers.Atom(obj) except: raise _ConversionError( "Unable to convert object to BioSimSpace format!" ) elif format == "rdkit": if isinstance( obj, (_NewSireSystem.System, _SireSystem.System, _SireMol.MoleculeGroup) ): try: return, "rdkit", map=property_map) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to RDKit format!") elif isinstance(obj, (_SireMol.Molecules, _SireMol.Molecule)): try: return, "rdkit", map=property_map) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to RDKit format!") elif isinstance(obj, (_SireMol.Residue, _SireMol.Atom)): try: return _SireMol.PartialMolecule(obj).extract(), "rdkit", map=property_map, ) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert object to RDKit format!") # RDKit objects. elif isinstance(obj, _RDMol): try: # Convert the object, then return as a single residue, atom, # or entire molecule. new_obj =, format, map=property_map) if format == "biosimspace": if new_obj.nAtoms() == 1: return new_obj.getAtoms()[0] elif new_obj.nResidues() == 1: return new_obj.getResidues()[0] else: return new_obj elif format == "sire": if new_obj.nAtoms() == 1: return new_obj.atoms()[0] if new_obj.nResidues() == 1: return new_obj.residues()[0] else: return new_obj except: raise _ConversionError(f"Unable to convert object to {format} format!") # Lists or tuples of objects. elif isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): initial_type = type(obj[0]) if not all(isinstance(x, initial_type) for x in obj): raise ValueError("Containers must contain objects of the same type!") if isinstance(obj[0], (_RDMol, _SireWrappers.Molecule)): try: new_obj =, format, map=property_map) if format == "biosimspace": new_obj = _SireWrappers.Molecules(new_obj) return new_obj except: raise _ConversionError(f"Unable to convert object to {format} format!") else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert object of type '{type(obj)}'") else: raise TypeError(f"Cannot convert from object of type '{type(obj)}'")
[docs] def toBioSimSpace(obj, property_map={}): """ Convert an object to BioSimSpace format. Parameters ---------- obj : The input object to convert. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- converted_obj : The object in BioSimSpace format. """ return to(obj, format="biosimspace", property_map=property_map)
[docs] def toOpenMM(obj, property_map={}): """ Convert an object to OpenMM format. Parameters ---------- obj : The input object to convert. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- converted_obj : The object in RDKit format. """ if _have_imported(_openmm): return to(obj, format="openmm", property_map=property_map) else: raise ConversionError( "Conversion to OpenMM format is currently not supported on this platform." )
[docs] def toRDKit(obj, force_stereo_inference=False, property_map={}): """ Convert an object to RDKit format. Parameters ---------- obj : The input object to convert. bool : force_stereo_inference Whether to force inference of stereochemistry, overriding any stereochemistry present in the input object. This is useful when the object has been loaded from a file with invalid stereochemistry. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- converted_obj : The object in OpenMM format. """ if not isinstance(force_stereo_inference, bool): raise TypeError("'force_stereo_inference' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(property_map, dict): raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'.") property_map["force_stereo_inference"] = _SireBase.wrap(force_stereo_inference) return to(obj, format="rdkit", property_map=property_map)
[docs] def toSire(obj, property_map={}): """ Convert an object to Sire format. Parameters ---------- obj : The input object to convert. format : str The format to convert to. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- converted_obj : The object in Sire format. """ return to(obj, format="sire", property_map=property_map)
def _to_rdkit(molecule, work_dir=_os.getcwd(), direct=True, property_map={}): """ Internal function to convert two BioSimSpace molecules to RDKit format. This will go via an intermediate file format if direct conversion fails. Parameters ---------- molecule : :class:`Molecule <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.Molecule>` The BioSimSpace molecule. work_dir : str The path to the working directory. dire : bool Whether to use a direct conversion (True) or go via an intermediate file format (False). property_map : dict A dictionary that maps "properties" in 'molecule' to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } Returns ------- rdmol : rdkit.Chem.rdchem.Mol The molecule in RDKit format. """ if not isinstance(molecule, _SireWrappers.Molecule): raise TypeError( "'molecule' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.Molecule'." ) if not isinstance(work_dir, str): raise TypeError("'work_dir' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.exists(work_dir): raise ValueError(f"'work_dir' doesn't exist: {work_dir}") if not isinstance(direct, bool): raise TypeError("'direct' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(property_map, dict): raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'.") # First try to convert to RDKit format directly. try: if not direct: raise Exception else: rdmol = toRDKit(molecule, property_map=property_map) # If this fails, then go via an intermediate file format. except: try: is_sdf = False filebase = work_dir + "/tmp" # Try to go via SDF format to preserve bond orders. if molecule._sire_object.hasProperty("fileformat"): if "SDF" in"fileformat").value(): _IO.saveMolecules( filebase, molecule, "SDF", property_map=property_map ) rdmol = _Chem.MolFromMolFile(filebase + ".sdf", True, False, 0) # Flag that we went via SDF format. is_sdf = True # Convert via PDB format.. if not is_sdf: _IO.saveMolecules(filebase, molecule, "PDB", property_map=property_map) rdmol = _Chem.MolFromPDBFile(filebase + ".pdb", True, False, 0) except: raise _ConversionError("Unable to convert molecule to RDKit format!") return rdmol