# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <lester.hedges@gmail.com>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Functionality for a root-mean-square deviation collective variable."""
__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = "lester.hedges@gmail.com"
__all__ = ["RMSD"]
from math import ceil as _ceil
from math import sqrt as _sqrt
from sire.legacy import IO as _SireIO
from sire.legacy import Mol as _SireMol
from sire.mol import selection_to_atoms as _selection_to_atoms
from ... import _isVerbose
from ..._Exceptions import IncompatibleError as _IncompatibleError
from ..._SireWrappers import Atom as _Atom
from ..._SireWrappers import Molecule as _Molecule
from ..._SireWrappers import System as _System
from ...Align import rmsdAlign as _rmsdAlign
from ._collective_variable import CollectiveVariable as _CollectiveVariable
from .._bound import Bound as _Bound
from .._grid import Grid as _Grid
from ...Types import Length as _Length
class RMSD(_CollectiveVariable):
"""A class for a root-mean-square deviation (RMSD) collective variable."""
def __init__(
hill_width=_Length(0.1, "nanometer"),
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The molecular system of interest.
reference : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The reference system, against which the RMSD will be measured.
align_selection : str
A Sire selection string that defines the atoms to be used
when aligning the two structures. If None, then the RMSD
will be calculated without alignment.
rmsd_selection : str
A Sire selection string that defines the atoms to be used
when calculating the RMSD.
reference_mapping : dict
A dictionary mapping molecule indices in the reference to
those in the system. This must be used when the reference
represents a sub-set of the system.
hill_width : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>`
The width of the Gaussian hill used to sample this variable.
lower_bound : :class:`Bound <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Bound>`
A lower bound on the value of the collective variable.
upper_bound : :class:`Bound <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Bound>`
An upper bound on the value of the collective variable.
grid : :class:`Grid <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Grid>`
The grid on which the collective variable will be sampled.
This can help speed up long metadynamics simulations where
the number of Gaussian kernels can become prohibitive.
alignment_type : str
The mannier in which RMSD alignment is performed. Options are
"optimal" or "simple".
pbc : bool
Whether to use periodic boundary conditions when computing the
collective variable.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
# Call the base class constructor.
# Set the types associated with this collective variable.
self._types = [_Length]
# Validate input.
if not isinstance(system, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'system' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'."
self._system = system.copy()
if not isinstance(reference, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'reference' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'."
self._reference = reference.copy()
from sire.system import System
sire_reference = System(reference._sire_object)
if reference_mapping is None:
# Make sure that the reference system is compatible with the system.
if system.nMolecules() != reference.nMolecules():
raise _IncompatibleError(
"The number of molecules in 'system' and 'reference' must match."
if system.nResidues() != reference.nResidues():
raise _IncompatibleError(
"The number of residues in 'system' and 'reference' must match."
if system.nAtoms() != reference.nAtoms():
raise _IncompatibleError(
"The number of atoms in 'system' and 'reference' must match."
self._reference_mapping = {i: i for i in range(system.nMolecules())}
if not isinstance(reference_mapping, dict):
raise TypeError("'reference_mapping' must be of type 'dict'")
# Validate the mapping.
for k, v in reference_mapping.items():
if not isinstance(k, int):
raise TypeError("Keys of 'reference_mapping' must be of type 'int'")
if not isinstance(v, int):
raise TypeError(
"Values of 'reference_mapping' must be of type 'int'"
# Allow negative indeices.
if k < 0:
k += reference.nMolecules()
if v < 0:
v += system.nMolecules()
if k >= reference.nMolecules():
raise ValueError(
"Keys of 'reference_mapping' must be in the range [0, nMolecules)"
if v >= system.nMolecules():
raise ValueError(
"Values of 'reference_mapping' must be in the range [0, nMolecules)"
# Make sure the mapped molecules have the same number of atoms.
if reference[k].nAtoms() != system[v].nAtoms():
raise _IncompatibleError(
"Molecules mapped via the 'reference_mapping' must have the same number of atoms."
self._reference_mapping = reference_mapping
# Validate alignment selection string.
if not isinstance(align_selection, str):
raise TypeError("'align_selection' must be of type 'str'")
self._align_selection = align_selection
self._aligment_atoms = _selection_to_atoms(sire_reference, align_selection)
except Exception as e:
msg = "Invalid 'align_selection' string."
if _isVerbose():
raise IOError(msg) from e
raise IOError(msg) from None
# Validate RMSD selection string.
if not isinstance(rmsd_selection, str):
raise TypeError("'rmsd_selection' must be of type 'str'")
self._rmsd_selection = rmsd_selection
self._rmsd_atoms = _selection_to_atoms(sire_reference, rmsd_selection)
except Exception as e:
msg = "Invalid 'rmsd_selection' string."
if _isVerbose():
raise IOError(msg) from e
raise IOError(msg) from None
# Check that the map is valid.
if not isinstance(property_map, dict):
raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'")
# Work out the unique molecule numbers used for alignment and RMSD.
mol_nums = set()
for atom in self._aligment_atoms:
if atom.molecule().number() not in mol_nums:
for atom in self._rmsd_atoms:
if atom.molecule().number() not in mol_nums:
# List to store the molecule indices in the system.
self._molecule_indices = []
# List to store index pairs for the mapped molecule (system, reference).
molecule_pairs = []
# List to store the absolute atom indices.
abs_atom_indices = []
# Dictionary to store alignment and RMSD indices for each molecule.
align_indices = {}
rmsd_indices = {}
# Create mappings for the alignment and RMSD.
# Loop over the molecules numbers.
for num in mol_nums:
# Extract the molecule from the reference system.
molecule = reference._sire_object[num]
# Work out the index of the molecule in the reference.
index = reference.getIndex(_Molecule(molecule))
# Map the index to the system.
# Store the index pair.
molecule_pairs.append((self._reference_mapping[index], index))
# Set of atoms to select.
selected = set()
# Create a cursor for editing the molecule.
cursor = molecule.cursor()
# Loop over the atoms.
for i, atom in enumerate(molecule.atoms()):
is_align = False
is_rmsd = False
# This atom is used for alignment.
if atom in self._aligment_atoms:
is_align = True
align_indices[num] = [atom.index()]
# This atom is used for RMSD.
if atom in self._rmsd_atoms:
is_rmsd = True
rmsd_indices[num] = [atom.index()]
if is_align or is_rmsd:
# Append to the list of atoms to select.
# Add the absolute atom index.
abs_atom_indices.append(1 + reference.getIndex(_Atom(atom)))
# Set occupancy and beta factor.
if is_align:
cursor.atom(i)["occupancy"] = 1.0
cursor.atom(i)["occupancy"] = 0.0
if is_rmsd:
cursor.atom(i)["beta_factor"] = 1.0
cursor.atom(i)["beta_factor"] = 0.0
# Commit the changes.
new_molecule = cursor.commit()
# Create an AtomSelection.
selection = new_molecule.selection()
# Unselect all of the atoms.
# Now add all of the atoms that appear in the reference.
for idx in selected:
# Create a partial molecule and extract the atoms.
partial_molecule = (
_SireMol.PartialMolecule(new_molecule, selection).extract().molecule()
# Update the new system.
new_system += _Molecule(partial_molecule)
new_system = _Molecule(partial_molecule).toSystem()
# Parse as a PDB file and store the lines.
pdb = _SireIO.PDB2(new_system._sire_object)
lines = pdb.toLines()
# Format for PLUMED, making sure to use the same indices as in the system.
# Also strip any TER records.
self._reference_pdb = []
for line, idx in zip(lines[1:-2], abs_atom_indices):
if not "TER" in line:
self._reference_pdb.append(line[:6] + str(idx).rjust(5) + line[11:])
# Store the initial value of the RMSD. This is useful to use as a starting
# point for the restraint when performing steered molecular dynamics.
self._initial_value = self._compute_initial_rmsd(
# Set the "settable" parameters.
# Set defaults for optional values.
self._lower_bound = None
self._upper_bound = None
self._grid = None
# Set the optional parameters.
if lower_bound is not None:
if upper_bound is not None:
if grid is not None:
# Validate that the state is self-consistent.
# Flag that the object has been instantiated, i.e. it is no longer "new".
self._is_new_object = False
def __str__(self):
"""Return a human readable string representation of the object."""
string = "<BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable.RMSD: "
string += " align_selection=%s" % self._align_selection
string += ", rmsd_selection=%s" % self._rmsd_selection
string += ", hill_width=%s" % self._hill_width
if self._lower_bound is not None:
string += ", lower_bound=%s" % self._lower_bound
if self._upper_bound is not None:
string += ", upper_bound=%s" % self._upper_bound
if self._grid is not None:
string += ", grid=%s" % self._grid
string += ", alignment_type=%s" % self._alignment_type
string += ", pbc=%s" % self._pbc
string += ">"
return string
def __repr__(self):
"""Return a string showing how to instantiate the object."""
return self.__str__()
def __eq__(self, other):
"""Equality operator."""
return (
self._reference == other._reference
and self._hill_width == other._hill_width
and self._lower_bound == other._lower_bound
and self._upper_bound == other._upper_bound
and self._grid == other._grid
and self._alignment_type == other._alignment_type
and self._pbc == other._pbc
def getReferencePDB(self):
Return the reference PDB file as a list of strings.
pdb : [str]
The reference PDB file as list of strings.
return self._reference_pdb
def getInitialValue(self):
Return the initial value of the collective variable.
rmsd : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>`
The initial value of the collective variable.
return self._initial_value
def setHillWidth(self, hill_width):
Set the width of the Gaussian hills used to bias this collective
hill_width : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>`
The width of the Gaussian hill.
if not isinstance(hill_width, _Length):
raise TypeError("'hill_width' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Length'")
if hill_width.value() < 0:
raise ValueError("'hill_width' must have a value of > 0")
# Convert to the internal unit.
self._hill_width = hill_width.nanometers()
def getHillWidth(self):
Return the width of the Gaussian hill used to bias this collective
hill_width : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>`
The width of the Gaussian hill.
return self._hill_width
def setAlignmentType(self, alignment_type):
Set the RMSD alignment type. Options are "optimal" or "simple".
alignment_type : str
The RMSD alignment type.
if not isinstance(alignment_type, str):
raise TypeError("'alignment_type' must be of type 'str'")
alignment_type = alignment_type.lower().replace(" ", "")
if alignment_type not in ["optimal", "simple"]:
raise ValueError("'alignment_type' must be 'optimal' or 'simple'.")
self._alignment_type = alignment_type
def getAlignmentType(self):
Return the RMSD alignment type.
alignment_type : str
The RMSD alignment type.
return self._alignment_type
def getMoleculeIndices(self):
Return the indices of molecules involved in the collective variable.
molecule_indices : int
The indices of molecules involved in the collective variable.
return self._molecule_indices
def setPeriodicBoundaries(self, pbc):
Set whether to use periodic_boundaries when calculating the
collective variable.
pbc : bool
Whether to use periodic boundaries conditions.
if not isinstance(pbc, bool):
raise TypeError("'pbc' must be of type 'bool'")
self._pbc = pbc
def getPeriodicBoundaries(self):
Return whether to take account of periodic boundary conditions
when computing the collective variable.
pbc : bool
Whether to use periodic boundaries conditions.
return self._pbc
def _compute_initial_rmsd(
Compute the initial value of the RMSD collective variable.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The molecular system of interest.
reference : :class:`Molecule <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.Molecule>`
The reference molecule, against which the RMSD will be measured.
This molecule should match with a single molecule from the
system, i.e. contain the same residues as the matching molecule
in the same order.
molecule_pairs : [(int, int), ...]
The indices of molecules in the system and reference that contain
atoms involved in alignment and RMSD.
align_indices : {Sire.Mol.MolNum: [Sire.Mol.AtomIdx, ...]}
A dictionary mapping molecules to the indices of atoms that will
be used for alignment.
rmsd_indices : {Sire.Mol.MolNum: [Sire.Mol.AtomIdx, ...]}
A dictionary mapping molecules to the indices of atoms that will
be used for the RMSD.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
rmsd : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>`
The initial value of the RMSD.
# Note that we need to do this manually, since Sire.Mol.Evaluator doesn't
# work correctly for molecules with different numbers of coordinate groups.
if not isinstance(system, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'system' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'."
if not isinstance(reference, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'reference' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'."
if not isinstance(molecule_pairs, list):
raise TypeError("'molecule_pairs' must be a list of integer tuples.")
for pair in molecule_pairs:
if not isinstance(pair, tuple):
raise TypeError("'molecule_pairs' must be a list of integer tuples.")
if len(pair) != 2:
raise ValueError("'molecule_pairs' must be a list of integer tuples.")
if not isinstance(pair[0], int):
raise TypeError("'molecule_pairs' must be a list of integer tuples.")
if not isinstance(pair[1], int):
raise TypeError("'molecule_pairs' must be a list of integer tuples.")
if not isinstance(align_indices, dict):
raise TypeError("'align_indices' must be a dictionary.")
for key, value in align_indices.items():
if not isinstance(key, _SireMol.MolNum):
raise TypeError(
"Keys of 'align_indices' must be of type 'sire.legacy.Mol.MolMolNum'."
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(
"Values of 'align_indices' must be lists of 'sire.legacy.Mol.AtomIdx' types."
for idx in value:
if not isinstance(idx, _SireMol.AtomIdx):
raise TypeError(
"Values of 'align_indices' must be lists of 'sire.legacy.Mol.AtomIdx' types."
if not isinstance(rmsd_indices, dict):
raise TypeError("'rmsd_indices' must be a dictionary.")
for key, value in rmsd_indices.items():
if not isinstance(key, _SireMol.MolNum):
raise TypeError(
"Keys of 'rmsd_indices' must be of type 'sire.legacy.Mol.MolNum'."
if not isinstance(value, list):
raise TypeError(
"Values of 'rmsd_indices' must be lists of 'sire.legacy.Mol.AtomIdx' types."
for idx in value:
if not isinstance(idx, _SireMol.AtomIdx):
raise TypeError(
"Values of 'rmsd_indices' must be lists of 'sire.legacy.Mol.AtomIdx' types."
if not isinstance(property_map, dict):
raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'")
# Get the 'space' property from the system.
space_prop = property_map.get("space", "space")
space = system._sire_object.property(space_prop)
raise ValueError(
f"'system' has no '{space_prop}' property. Unable to compute RMSD!"
# Set the user-define coordinates property.
coord_prop = property_map.get("coordinates", "coordinates")
# Total squared distance.
dist2 = 0
# Total number of RMSD atoms.
num_rmsd = 0
# Loop over the molecules.
for idx_system, idx_ref in molecule_pairs:
mol = system[idx_system]
ref = reference[idx_ref]
align_mapping = {}
align_mapping = {
i.value(): i.value()
for i in align_indices[ref._sire_object.number()]
except Exception as e:
if len(align_mapping) > 0:
new_mol = _rmsdAlign(
"Unable to align 'molecule' to 'reference' based on 'align_mapping'."
rmsd_mapping = {}
rmsd_mapping = {i: i for i in rmsd_indices[ref._sire_object.number()]}
except Exception as e:
if len(rmsd_mapping) > 0:
# Loop over all atom matches and compute the squared distance.
for idx0, idx1 in rmsd_mapping.items():
coord0 = new_mol._sire_object.atom(idx0).property(coord_prop)
coord1 = ref._sire_object.atom(idx1).property(coord_prop)
raise ValueError(
"Could not calculate initial RMSD due to missing coordinates!"
dist2 += space.calcDist2(coord0, coord1)
num_rmsd += 1
# Compute the RMSD.
dist2 /= num_rmsd
rmsd = _sqrt(dist2)
return _Length(rmsd, "Angstrom")
def _validate(self):
"""Internal function to check that the object is in a consistent state."""
if self._lower_bound is not None:
if type(self._lower_bound.getValue()) not in self._types:
raise TypeError(
"'lower_bound' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Length'"
if self._upper_bound is not None:
if type(self._upper_bound.getValue()) not in self._types:
raise TypeError(
"'upper_bound' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Length'"
if self._lower_bound is not None and self._upper_bound is not None:
if self._lower_bound.getValue() >= self._upper_bound.getValue():
raise TypeError("'lower_bound' must less than 'upper_bound'")
if self._grid is not None:
if type(self._grid.getMinimum()) not in self._types:
raise TypeError(
"'grid' minimum must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Length'"
if type(self._grid.getMaximum()) not in self._types:
raise TypeError(
"Grid 'maximum' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Length'"
if (
self._lower_bound is not None
and self._grid.getMinimum() > self._lower_bound.getValue()
raise ValueError("'lower_bound' is less than 'grid' minimum.")
if (
self._upper_bound is not None
and self._grid.getMaximum() < self._upper_bound.getValue()
raise ValueError("'upper_bound' is greater than 'grid' maximum.")
# If the number of bins isn't specified, estimate it out from the hill width.
if self._grid.getBins() is None:
grid_range = (self._grid.getMaximum() - self._grid.getMinimum()).value()
num_bins = _ceil(5.0 * (grid_range / self._hill_width.value()))