Source code for BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable._torsion

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
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"""Functionality for torsion based collective variables."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Torsion"]

from math import ceil as _ceil
from math import isclose as _isclose
from math import pi as _pi

from ._collective_variable import CollectiveVariable as _CollectiveVariable
from ...Types import Angle as _Angle

[docs] class Torsion(_CollectiveVariable): """A class for torsion based collective variables."""
[docs] def __init__( self, atoms, hill_width=_Angle(0.35, "radian"), lower_bound=None, upper_bound=None, grid=None, pbc=True, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- atoms : [int, int, int, int] The indices of the four atoms involved in the torsion. hill_width : :class:`Angle <BioSimSpace.Types.Angle>` The width of the Gaussian hill used to sample this variable. lower_bound : :class:`Bound <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Bound>` A lower bound on the value of the collective variable. upper_bound : :class:`Bound <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Bound>` An upper bound on the value of the collective variable. grid : :class:`Grid <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.Grid>` The grid on which the collective variable will be sampled. This can help speed up long metadynamics simulations where the number of Gaussian kernels can become prohibitive. pbc : bool Whether to use periodic boundary conditions when computing the collective variable. """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__() # Set the types associated with this collective variable. self._types = [_Angle] # Initialise optional member data. self._lower_bound = None self._upper_bound = None self._grid = None # Set the required parameters. self.setAtoms(atoms) self.setHillWidth(hill_width) self.setPeriodicBoundaries(pbc) # Set the optional parameters. if lower_bound is not None: self.setLowerBound(lower_bound) if upper_bound is not None: self.setUpperBound(upper_bound) if grid is not None: self.setGrid(grid) # Validate that the state is self-consistent. self._validate() # Flag that the object has been instantiated, i.e. it is no longer "new". self._is_new_object = False
def __str__(self): """Return a human readable string representation of the object.""" string = "<BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable.Torsion: " string += "atoms=%s" % self._atoms string += ", hill_width=%s" % self._hill_width if self._lower_bound is not None: string += ", lower_bound=%s" % self._lower_bound if self._upper_bound is not None: string += ", upper_bound=%s" % self._upper_bound if self._grid is not None: string += ", grid=%s" % self._grid string += ", pbc=%s" % self._pbc string += ">" return string def __repr__(self): """Return a string showing how to instantiate the object.""" return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator.""" return ( self._atoms == other._atoms and self._hill_width == other._hill_width and self._lower_bound == other._lower_bound and self._upper_bound == other._upper_bound and self._grid == other._grid and self._pbc == other._pbc )
[docs] def setAtoms(self, atoms): """ Set the atoms for which the torsion will be calculated. measured. Parameters ---------- atoms : [int, int, int, int] The atoms involved in the torsion. will be measured from. """ # List/tuple of atom indices. if isinstance(atoms, (list, tuple)) and all(type(x) is int for x in atoms): pass else: raise TypeError("'atoms' must be of list of 'int' types.") if len(atoms) != 4: raise ValueError("'atoms' must contain four indices.") # All okay, set the value. self._atoms = list(atoms)
[docs] def getAtoms(self): """ Return list of atom indices involved in the torsion. Returns ------- atoms : [int, int, int, int] The atom indices involved in the torsion. """ return self._atoms
[docs] def setHillWidth(self, hill_width): """ Set the width of the Gaussian hills used to bias this collective variable. Parameters ---------- hill_width : :class:`Angle <BioSimSpace.Types.Angle>` The width of the Gaussian hill. """ if not isinstance(hill_width, _Angle): raise TypeError("'hill_width' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Angle'") if hill_width.value() < 0: raise ValueError("'hill_width' must have a value of > 0") # Convert to the internal unit. self._hill_width = hill_width.radians()
[docs] def getHillWidth(self): """ Return the width of the Gaussian hill used to bias this collective variable. Returns ------- hill_width : :class:`Angle <BioSimSpace.Types.Angle>` The width of the Gaussian hill. """ return self._hill_width
[docs] def setPeriodicBoundaries(self, pbc): """ Set whether to use periodic_boundaries when calculating the collective variable. Parameters ---------- pbc : bool Whether to use periodic boundaries conditions. """ if not isinstance(pbc, bool): raise TypeError("'pbc' must be of type 'bool'") self._pbc = pbc
[docs] def getPeriodicBoundaries(self): """ Return whether to take account of periodic boundary conditions when computing the collective variable. Returns ------- pbc : bool Whether to use periodic boundaries conditions. """ return self._pbc
def _validate(self): """Internal function to check that the object is in a consistent state.""" if self._lower_bound is not None: if not isinstance(self._lower_bound.getValue(), _Angle): raise TypeError( "'lower_bound' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Angle'" ) # Convert to default unit. self._lower_bound.setValue(self._lower_bound.getValue().radians()) if self._upper_bound is not None: if not isinstance(self._upper_bound.getValue(), _Angle): raise TypeError( "'upper_bound' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Angle'" ) # Convert to default unit. self._upper_bound.setValue(self._upper_bound.getValue().radians()) if self._lower_bound is not None and self._upper_bound is not None: if self._lower_bound.getValue() >= self._upper_bound.getValue(): raise TypeError("'lower_bound' must less than 'upper_bound'") if self._grid is not None: if not isinstance(self._grid.getMinimum(), _Angle): raise TypeError( "'grid' minimum must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Angle'" ) # Convert to default unit. self._grid.setMinimum(self._grid.getMinimum().radians()) if not isinstance(self._grid.getMaximum(), _Angle): raise TypeError( "Grid 'maximum' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Angle'" ) # Convert to default unit. self._grid.setMaximum(self._grid.getMaximum().radians()) # Torsion is a periodic collective variable, so the grid must be defined # from -pi to pi. PLUMED allows no other grid, regardless of lower or # upper walls. if not _isclose(self._grid.getMinimum().value() / _pi, -1.0, rel_tol=1e-6): raise ValueError( "'Torsion' is a periodic collective variable: 'grid_min' must be -pi radians." ) if not _isclose(self._grid.getMaximum().value() / _pi, 1.0, rel_tol=1e-6): raise ValueError( "'Torsion' is a periodic collective variable: 'grid_max' must be +pi radians." ) if ( self._lower_bound is not None and self._grid.getMinimum() > self._lower_bound.getValue() ): raise ValueError("'lower_bound' is less than 'grid' minimum.") if ( self._upper_bound is not None and self._grid.getMaximum() < self._upper_bound.getValue() ): raise ValueError("'upper_bound' is greater than 'grid' maximum.") # If the number of bins isn't specified, estimate it out from the hill width. if self._grid.getBins() is None: grid_range = (self._grid.getMaximum() - self._grid.getMinimum()).value() num_bins = _ceil(5.0 * (grid_range / self._hill_width.value())) self._grid.setBins(num_bins)