# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2024
# Authors: Lester Hedges <lester.hedges@gmail.com>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Functionality for running simulations using AMBER."""
__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = "lester.hedges@gmail.com"
__all__ = ["Amber"]
from .._Utils import _try_import
_pygtail = _try_import("pygtail")
import os as _os
import re as _re
import time as _time
import shutil as _shutil
import tempfile as _tempfile
import timeit as _timeit
import warnings as _warnings
from sire.legacy import Base as _SireBase
from sire.legacy import IO as _SireIO
from sire.legacy import Mol as _SireMol
from .. import _amber_home, _isVerbose
from ..Align._squash import _squash, _unsquash
from .._Config import Amber as _AmberConfig
from .._Exceptions import IncompatibleError as _IncompatibleError
from .._Exceptions import MissingSoftwareError as _MissingSoftwareError
from ..Protocol._free_energy_mixin import _FreeEnergyMixin
from ..Protocol._position_restraint_mixin import _PositionRestraintMixin
from .._SireWrappers import System as _System
from ..Types._type import Type as _Type
from .. import IO as _IO
from .. import Protocol as _Protocol
from .. import Trajectory as _Trajectory
from .. import Units as _Units
from .. import _Utils
from . import _process
from ._plumed import Plumed as _Plumed
class Amber(_process.Process):
"""A class for running simulations using AMBER."""
def __init__(
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The molecular system.
protocol : :class:`Protocol <BioSimSpace.Protocol>`
The protocol for the AMBER process.
reference_system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` or None
An optional system to use as a source of reference coordinates for position
restraints. It is assumed that this system has the same topology as "system".
If this is None, then "system" is used as a reference.
explicit_dummies : bool
Whether to keep dummy atoms explicit at alchemical end states, or remove them.
exe : str
The full path to the AMBER executable.
is_gpu : bool
Whether to use the GPU accelerated version of AMBER.
name : str
The name of the process.
work_dir :
The working directory for the process.
seed : int
A random number seed.
extra_options : dict
A dictionary containing extra options. Overrides the defaults generated
by the protocol.
extra_lines : [str]
A list of extra lines to put at the end of the configuration file.
extra_args : dict
A dictionary of extra command-line arguments to pass to the AMBER executable.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
kwargs : dict
Additional keyword arguments.
# Call the base class constructor.
# Set the package name.
self._package_name = "AMBER"
# This process can generate trajectory data.
self._has_trajectory = True
if not isinstance(is_gpu, bool):
raise TypeError("'is_gpu' must be of type 'bool'")
# Check whether this is a vacuum simulation.
self._is_vacuum = not (
_AmberConfig.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map)
or _AmberConfig.hasWater(self._system)
# Flag to indicate whether the original system has a box.
self._has_box = _AmberConfig.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map)
# If the path to the executable wasn't specified, then search
# for it in AMBERHOME and the PATH.
if exe is None:
if isinstance(protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin):
is_free_energy = True
is_free_energy = False
self._exe = _find_exe(
is_gpu=is_gpu, is_free_energy=is_free_energy, is_vacuum=self._is_vacuum
# Make sure executable exists.
if _os.path.isfile(exe):
self._exe = exe
raise IOError("AMBER executable doesn't exist: '%s'" % exe)
# Is this a CUDA enabled version of AMBER?
if "cuda" in self._exe.lower():
self._is_pmemd_cuda = True
self._is_pmemd = False
self._is_pmemd_cuda = False
if "pmemd" in self._exe.lower():
self._is_pmemd = True
self._is_pmemd = False
if not isinstance(explicit_dummies, bool):
raise TypeError("'explicit_dummies' must be of type 'bool'")
self._explicit_dummies = explicit_dummies
# Initialise the energy dictionary and header.
self._stdout_dict = _process._MultiDict()
# Initialise dictionaries to hold stdout records for all possible
# regions. For regular simulations there will be one, for free-energy
# simulations there can be up to four, i.e. one for each of the TI regions
# and one for the soft-core part of the system in each region, if present.
# The order of the dictionaries is:
# - TI region 1
# - TI region 1 (soft-core part)
# - TI region 2
# - TI region 2 (soft-core part)
self._stdout_dict = [
# Initialise mappings between "universal" stdout keys, and the actual
# record key used for the different regions (and soft-core parts) from
# in the AMBER output. Ordering is the same as for the stdout_dicts above.
self._stdout_key = [{}, {}, {}, {}]
# Flag for the current record region in the AMBER output file.
self._current_region = 0
# Initialise log file parsing flags.
self._has_results = False
self._finished_results = False
self._is_header = False
# The names of the input files.
self._rst_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.rst7")
self._top_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.prm7")
self._ref_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}_ref.rst7")
# The name of the trajectory file.
self._traj_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.nc")
# Set the path for the AMBER configuration file.
self._config_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.cfg")
# Create the list of input files.
self._input_files = [self._config_file, self._rst_file, self._top_file]
# Add the reference file if there are position restraints.
if self._protocol.getRestraint() is not None:
# Now set up the working directory for the process.
def _setup(self, **kwargs):
"""Setup the input files and working directory ready for simulation."""
# Create the input files...
# Create a copy of the system.
system = self._system.copy()
reference_system = self._reference_system.copy()
# Convert the water model topology so that it matches the AMBER naming convention.
system._set_water_topology("AMBER", property_map=self._property_map)
reference_system._set_water_topology("AMBER", property_map=self._property_map)
# Create the squashed system.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin):
# Check that the system contains a perturbable molecule.
if self._system.nPerturbableMolecules() == 0:
raise ValueError(
"'BioSimSpace.Protocol.FreeEnergy' requires a "
"perturbable molecule!"
# If this is vacuum simulation with pmemd.cuda then
# we need to add a simulation box.
if self._is_vacuum and self._is_pmemd_cuda:
# Get the existing box information.
box, _ = system.getBox()
# We need to add a box.
if box is None:
from ..Box import cubic as _cubic
from ..Units.Length import angstrom as _angstrom
# Get the bounding box of the system.
box_min, box_max = system.getAxisAlignedBoundingBox()
# Work out the box size from the difference in the coordinates.
box_size = [y - x for x, y in zip(box_min, box_max)]
# Work out the size of the box assuming an 8 Angstrom non-bonded cutoff.
padding = 8 * _angstrom
box_length = max(box_size) + padding
# Small box fix. Should be patched in future versions of pmemd.cuda.
if box_length < 30 * _angstrom:
box_length = 30 * _angstrom
# Set the simulation box.
# Apply SOMD1 compatibility to the perturbation.
if (
"somd1_compatibility" in kwargs
and kwargs.get("somd1_compatibility") is True
from ._somd import _somd1_compatibility
system = _somd1_compatibility(system)
system, self._mapping = _squash(
system, explicit_dummies=self._explicit_dummies
self._squashed_system = system
# Check for perturbable molecules and convert to the chosen end state.
system = self._checkPerturbable(system)
reference_system = self._checkPerturbable(reference_system)
# RST file (coordinates).
file = _os.path.splitext(self._rst_file)[0]
_IO.saveMolecules(file, system, "rst7", property_map=self._property_map)
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to write system to 'RST7' format."
if _isVerbose():
raise IOError(msg) from e
raise IOError(msg) from None
# Reference file for position restraints.
file = _os.path.splitext(self._ref_file)[0]
file, reference_system, "rst7", property_map=self._property_map
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to write reference system to 'RST7' format."
if _isVerbose():
raise IOError(msg) from e
raise IOError(msg) from None
# PRM file (topology).
file = _os.path.splitext(self._top_file)[0]
file, system, "prm7", match_water=False, property_map=self._property_map
except Exception as e:
msg = "Failed to write system to 'PRM7' format."
if _isVerbose():
raise IOError(msg) from e
raise IOError(msg) from None
# Generate the AMBER configuration file.
# Skip if the user has passed a custom config.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Custom):
# Generate the dictionary of command-line arguments.
# Return the list of input files.
return self._input_files
def _generate_config(self):
"""Generate AMBER configuration file strings."""
extra_options = self._extra_options.copy()
extra_lines = self._extra_lines.copy()
# Set the random number seed.
if self._seed is None:
extra_options["ig"] = -1
extra_options["ig"] = self._seed
# Add configuration variables for a metadynamics simulation.
if isinstance(self._protocol, (_Protocol.Metadynamics, _Protocol.Steering)):
extra_options["plumed"] = 1
extra_options["plumedfile"] = "'plumed.dat'"
# Create the PLUMED input file and copy auxiliary files to the working directory.
self._plumed = _Plumed(str(self._work_dir))
plumed_config, auxiliary_files = self._plumed.createConfig(
self._system, self._protocol, self._property_map
if auxiliary_files is not None:
for file in auxiliary_files:
file_name = _os.path.basename(file)
file, _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), file_name)
# Expose the PLUMED specific member functions.
setattr(self, "getPlumedConfig", self._getPlumedConfig)
setattr(self, "getPlumedConfigFile", self._getPlumedConfigFile)
setattr(self, "setPlumedConfig", self._setPlumedConfig)
setattr(self, "getFreeEnergy", self._getFreeEnergy)
setattr(self, "getCollectiveVariable", self._getCollectiveVariable)
setattr(self, "sampleConfigurations", self._sampleConfigurations)
setattr(self, "getTime", self._getTime)
# Instantiate the AMBER configuration generator.
amber_config = _AmberConfig(self._system, self._protocol)
# Create the configuration.
# Flag that this isn't a custom protocol.
if not self._extra_options and not self._extra_lines:
def _generate_args(self):
"""Generate the dictionary of command-line arguments."""
# Clear the existing arguments.
# Add the default arguments.
self.setArg("-O", True) # Overwrite.
self.setArg("-i", "%s.cfg" % self._name) # Input file.
self.setArg("-p", "%s.prm7" % self._name) # Topology file.
self.setArg("-c", "%s.rst7" % self._name) # Coordinate file.
self.setArg("-o", "%s.out" % self._name) # Redirect stdout to file.
self.setArg("-r", "%s.crd" % self._name) # Restart file.
self.setArg("-inf", "%s.nrg" % self._name) # Energy info file.
# Skip if the user has passed a custom protocol.
if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Custom):
# Append a reference file if a position restraint is specified.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _PositionRestraintMixin):
if self._protocol.getRestraint() is not None:
self.setArg("-ref", "%s_ref.rst7" % self._name)
# Append a trajectory file if this anything other than a minimisation.
if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation):
self.setArg("-x", "%s.nc" % self._name)
# Add the extra arguments.
for key, value in self._extra_args.items():
self.setArg(key, value)
def start(self):
Start the AMBER process.
process : :class:`Process.Amber <BioSimSpace.Process.Amber>`
The process object.
# The process is currently queued.
if self.isQueued():
# Process is already running.
if self._process is not None:
if self._process.isRunning():
# Run the process in the working directory.
with _Utils.cd(self._work_dir):
# Create the arguments string list.
args = self.getArgStringList()
# Write the command-line process to a README.txt file.
with open("README.txt", "w") as file:
# Set the command-line string.
self._command = "%s " % self._exe + self.getArgString()
# Write the command to file.
file.write("# AMBER was run with the following command:\n")
file.write("%s\n" % self._command)
# Start the timer.
self._timer = _timeit.default_timer()
# Start the simulation. Pass a null string for the stdout file
# since we've explicitly redirected AMBER output to file since
# pmemd doesn't write to standard output.
self._process = _SireBase.Process.run(
self._exe, args, "", "%s.err" % self._name
return self
def getSystem(self, block="AUTO"):
Get the latest molecular system.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The latest molecular system.
# Wait for the process to finish.
if block is True:
elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked:
# Warn the user if the process has exited with an error.
if self.isError():
_warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!")
# Create the name of the restart CRD file.
restart = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "%s.crd" % self._name)
# Check that the file exists.
if _os.path.isfile(restart):
# Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state.
if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map:
is_lambda1 = True
is_lambda1 = False
# Copy the restart file to a temporary location. Sire streams from
# binary files with the same path, so we need to ensure that a new
# stream is created each time.
with _tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmp_dir:
tmp_file = f"{tmp_dir}/{self._name}.crd"
_shutil.copyfile(restart, tmp_file)
# Create a new molecular system from the restart file.
new_system = _System(
[tmp_file, self._top_file], self._property_map
# Create a copy of the existing system object.
old_system = self._system.copy()
if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin):
# Udpate the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between
# the molecule indices in the two systems.
mapping = {
_SireMol.MolIdx(x): _SireMol.MolIdx(x)
for x in range(0, self._squashed_system.nMolecules())
) = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities(
# Update the unsquashed system based on the updated squashed system.
old_system = _unsquash(
# Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between
# the molecule indices in the two systems.
sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities(
# Update the underlying Sire object.
old_system._sire_object = sire_system
# Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't
# need to recompute it next time.
self._mapping = mapping
# Update the box information in the original system.
if self._has_box:
if "space" in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys():
box = new_system._sire_object.property("space")
if box.isPeriodic():
self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box
return old_system
return None
def getCurrentSystem(self):
Get the latest molecular system.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The latest molecular system.
return self.getSystem(block=False)
def getTrajectory(self, backend="AUTO", block="AUTO"):
Return a trajectory object.
backend : str
The backend to use for trajectory parsing. To see supported backends,
run BioSimSpace.Trajectory.backends(). Using "AUTO" will try each in
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
trajectory : :class:`Trajectory <BioSimSpace.Trajectory.Trajectory>`
The latest trajectory object.
if not isinstance(backend, str):
raise TypeError("'backend' must be of type 'str'")
if not isinstance(block, (bool, str)):
raise TypeError("'block' must be of type 'bool' or 'str'")
# Wait for the process to finish.
if block is True:
elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked:
# Warn the user if the process has exited with an error.
if self.isError():
_warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!")
return _Trajectory.Trajectory(process=self, backend=backend)
return None
def getFrame(self, index):
Return a specific trajectory frame.
index : int
The index of the frame.
frame : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
The System object of the corresponding frame.
if not type(index) is int:
raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'")
max_index = int(
(self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep())
/ self._protocol.getRestartInterval()
if index < 0 or index > max_index:
raise ValueError(f"'index' must be in range [0, {max_index}].")
# Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state.
if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map:
is_lambda1 = True
is_lambda1 = False
# Get the latest trajectory frame.
new_system = _Trajectory.getFrame(self._traj_file, self._top_file, index)
# Create a copy of the existing system object.
old_system = self._system.copy()
# Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between
# the molecule indices in the two systems.
sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities(
# Update the underlying Sire object.
old_system._sire_object = sire_system
# Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't
# need to recompute it next time.
self._mapping = mapping
# Update the box information in the original system.
if self._has_box:
if "space" in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys():
box = new_system._sire_object.property("space")
self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box
return old_system
return None
def getRecordKey(self, record, region=0, soft_core=False):
record : str
The record used in the AMBER standard output, e.g. 'TEMP(K)'.
Please consult the current AMBER manual for details:
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
key : str
The universal record key that can be used with getRecord.
# Validate the record string.
if not isinstance(record, str):
raise TypeError("'record' must be of type 'str'")
# Validate the region.
if not isinstance(region, int):
raise TypeError("'region' must be of type 'int'")
if region < 0 or region > 1:
raise ValueError("'region' must be in range [0, 1]")
# Validate the soft-core flag.
if not isinstance(soft_core, bool):
raise TypeError("'soft_core' must be of type 'bool'.")
# Convert to the full index.
idx = 2 * region + int(soft_core)
# Strip whitespace from the beginning and end of the record and convert
# to upper case.
cleaned_record = record.strip().upper()
# Make sure the record exists in the key mapping.
if not cleaned_record in self._stdout_key[idx].values():
raise ValueError(f"No key found for record '{record}'")
return list(self._stdout_key[idx].keys())[
def getRecord(
self, key, time_series=False, unit=None, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get a record from the stdout dictionary.
key : str
A universal record key based on the key used in the AMBER standard
output. Use 'getRecordKey(record)` to generate the key. The records
are those used in the AMBER standard output, e.g. 'TEMP(K)'. Please
consult the current AMBER manual for details: https://ambermd.org/Manuals.php
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>`
The unit to convert the record to.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`
The matching record.
# Wait for the process to finish.
if block is True:
elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked:
# Warn the user if the process has exited with an error.
if self.isError():
_warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!")
return self._get_stdout_record(
def getCurrentRecord(
self, key, time_series=False, unit=None, region=0, soft_core=False
Get a current record from the stdout dictionary.
key : str
A universal record key based on the key used in the AMBER standard
output. Use 'getRecordKey(record)` to generate the key. The records
are those used in the AMBER standard output, e.g. 'TEMP(K)'. Please
consult the current AMBER manual for details: https://ambermd.org/Manuals.php
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>`
The unit to convert the record to.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`
The matching record.
# Warn the user if the process has exited with an error.
if self.isError():
_warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!")
return self._get_stdout_record(
def getRecords(self, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Return the dictionary of stdout time-series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
records : :class:`MultiDict <BioSimSpace.Process._process._MultiDict>`
The dictionary of time-series records.
# Validate the region.
if not isinstance(region, int):
raise TypeError("'region' must be of type 'int'")
if region < 0 or region > 1:
raise ValueError("'region' must be in range [0, 1]")
# Validate the soft-core flag.
if not isinstance(soft_core, bool):
raise TypeError("'soft_core' must be of type 'bool'.")
# Convert to the full index, region + soft_core.
idx = 2 * region + int(soft_core)
# Wait for the process to finish.
if block is True:
elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked:
# Warn the user if the process has exited with an error.
if self.isError():
_warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!")
return self._stdout_dict[idx].copy()
def getCurrentRecords(self, region=0, soft_core=False):
Return the current dictionary of stdout time-series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
records : :class:`MultiDict <BioSimSpace.Process._process._MultiDict>`
The dictionary of time-series records.
return self.getRecords(region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False)
def getTime(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the simulation time.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>`
The current simulation time in nanoseconds.
# No time records for minimisation protocols.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation):
return None
# Get the list of time steps.
time_steps = self.getRecord(
# Convert from picoseconds to nanoseconds.
if time_steps is not None:
if time_series:
return [
(x * _Units.Time.picosecond)._to_default_unit() for x in time_steps
return (time_steps * _Units.Time.picosecond)._to_default_unit()
def getCurrentTime(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current simulation time.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>`
The current simulation time in nanoseconds.
return self.getTime(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getStep(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the number of integration steps.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
step : int
The current number of integration steps.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentStep(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current number of integration steps.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
step : int
The current number of integration steps.
return self.getStep(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getBondEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the bond energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The bond energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentBondEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current bond energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The bond energy.
return self.getBondEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getAngleEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the angle energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The angle energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentAngleEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current angle energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The angle energy.
return self.getAngleEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getDihedralEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the total dihedral energy (proper + improper).
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The total dihedral energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentDihedralEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current total dihedral energy (proper + improper).
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The total dihedral energy.
return self.getDihedralEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getElectrostaticEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the electrostatic energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The electrostatic energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentElectrostaticEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False
Get the current dihedral energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The electrostatic energy.
return self.getElectrostaticEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getElectrostaticEnergy14(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the electrostatic energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The electrostatic energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentElectrostaticEnergy14(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False
Get the current electrostatic energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The electrostatic energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getElectrostaticEnergy14(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=False, block=False
def getVanDerWaalsEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the Van der Vaals energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The Van der Vaals energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentVanDerWaalsEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current Van der Vaals energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The Van der Vaals energy.
return self.getVanDerWaalsEnergy(
time_series=time_series, block=False, region=region, soft_core=soft_core
def getVanDerWaalsEnergy14(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the Van der Vaals energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The Van der Vaals energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentVanDerWaalsEnergy14(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False
Get the current Van der Vaals energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The Van der Vaals energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getVanDerWaalsEnergy(
time_series=time_series, block=False, region=region, soft_core=soft_core
def getHydrogenBondEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the hydrogen bond energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The hydrogen bond energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentHydrogenBondEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False
Get the current hydrogen bond energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The hydrogen bond energy.
return self.getHydrogenBondEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getRestraintEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the restraint energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The restraint energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentRestraintEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current restraint energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The restraint energy.
return self.getRestraintEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getPotentialEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the potential energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The potential energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentPotentialEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current potential energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The potential energy.
return self.getPotentialEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getKineticEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the kinetic energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The kinetic energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentKineticEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current kinetic energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The kinetic energy.
return self.getKineticEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getNonBondedEnergy14(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the non-bonded energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The non-bonded energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentNonBondedEnergy14(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current non-bonded energy between atoms 1 and 4.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The non-bonded energy between atoms 1 and 4.
return self.getNonBondedEnergy14(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getTotalEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the total energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The total energy.
if not isinstance(region, int):
raise TypeError("'region' must be of type 'int'")
if region < 0 or region > 1:
raise ValueError("'region' must be in range [0, 1]")
# Validate the soft-core flag.
if not isinstance(soft_core, bool):
raise TypeError("'soft_core' must be of type 'bool'.")
# Convert to the full index, region + soft_core.
idx = 2 * region + int(soft_core)
if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation) and not soft_core:
return self.getRecord(
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentTotalEnergy(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current total energy.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The total energy.
return self.getTotalEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getCentreOfMassKineticEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the kinetic energy of the centre of mass in translation.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The centre of mass kinetic energy.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentCentreOfMassKineticEnergy(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False
Get the current kinetic energy of the centre of mass in translation.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The centre of mass kinetic energy.
return self.getCentreOfMassKineticEnergy(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getVirial(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the virial.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
virial : float
The virial.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentVirial(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current virial.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
virial : float
The virial.
return self.getVirial(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getTemperature(
self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"
Get the temperature.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>`
The temperature.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentTemperature(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current temperature.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>`
The temperature.
return self.getTemperature(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getPressure(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the pressure.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>`
The pressure.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentPressure(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current pressure.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>`
The pressure.
return self.getPressure(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getVolume(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the volume.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>`
The volume.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentVolume(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current volume.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>`
The volume.
return self.getVolume(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getDensity(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the density.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
density : float
The density.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentDensity(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current density.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
density : float
The density.
return self.getDensity(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def getDVDL(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False, block="AUTO"):
Get the gradient of the total energy with respect to lambda.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
block : bool
Whether to block until the process has finished running.
dv_dl : float
The gradient of the total energy with respect to lambda.
return self.getRecord(
def getCurrentDVDL(self, time_series=False, region=0, soft_core=False):
Get the current gradient of the total energy with respect to lambda.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
dv_dl : float
The current gradient of the total energy with respect to lambda.
return self.getDVDL(
time_series=time_series, region=region, soft_core=soft_core, block=False
def stdout(self, n=10):
Print the last n lines of the stdout buffer.
n : int
The number of lines to print.
# Ensure that the number of lines is positive.
if n < 0:
raise ValueError("The number of lines must be positive!")
# Flag that this isn't a header line.
self._is_header = False
# Append any new lines to the stdout list.
for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._stdout_file):
line = line.strip()
# Swap dictionary based on the protocol and the degre of freedom to
# which the next block of records correspond.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin):
if "TI region 1" in line:
self._current_region = 0
elif "TI region 2" in line:
self._current_region = 2
elif "Softcore part" in line and self._current_region == 0:
self._current_region = 1
elif "Softcore part" in line and self._current_region == 2:
self._current_region = 3
elif "Detailed TI info" in line:
# This flags that we should skip records until the start of
# the next set for the first TI region.
self._current_region = 4
# Default stdout dictionary.
self._current_region = 0
# Continue if we are ignoring this record block.
if self._current_region == 4:
stdout_dict = self._stdout_dict[self._current_region]
stdout_key = self._stdout_key[self._current_region]
# Skip empty lines and summary reports.
if len(line) > 0 and line[0] != "|" and line[0] != "-":
# Skip EAMBER records.
if "EAMBER (non-restraint)" in line:
# Flag that we've started recording results.
elif not self._has_results and line.startswith("NSTEP"):
self._has_results = True
self._finished_results = False
# Flag that we've finished recording results.
elif "A V E R A G E S" in line:
self._finished_results = True
# Parse the results.
if self._has_results and not self._finished_results:
# The first line of output has different formatting for minimisation protocols.
if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation):
# No equals sign in the line.
if "NSTEP" in line and "=" not in line:
# Split the line using whitespace.
data = line.upper().split()
# If we find a header, jump to the top of the loop.
if len(data) > 0:
if data[0] == "NSTEP":
self._is_header = True
# Process the header record.
if self._is_header:
# Split the line using whitespace.
data = line.upper().split()
# The file hasn't been updated.
if (
"NSTEP" in stdout_dict
and data[0] == stdout_dict["NSTEP"][-1]
self._finished_results = True
# Add the timestep and energy records to the dictionary.
stdout_dict["NSTEP"] = data[0]
stdout_dict["ENERGY"] = data[1]
# Add the keys to the mapping
stdout_key["NSTEP"] = "NSTEP"
stdout_key["ENERGY"] = "ENERGY"
# Turn off the header flag now that the data has been recorded.
self._is_header = False
# All other records are formatted as RECORD = VALUE.
# Use a regex search to split the line into record names and values.
records = _re.findall(
# Append each record to the dictionary.
for key, value in records:
# Strip whitespace from beginning and end.
key = key.strip()
# Format key so it can be re-used for records corresponding to
# different regions, which use different abbreviations.
universal_key = (
key.replace("SC_", "")
.replace(" ", "")
.replace("-", "")
.replace("EELEC", "EEL")
.replace("VDWAALS", "VDW")
# Handle missing values, which will appear as asterisks, e.g.
# PRESS=********
tmp = float(value)
value = None
# Store the record using the original key.
stdout_dict[key] = value
# Map the universal key to the original.
stdout_key[universal_key] = key
# Get the current number of lines.
num_lines = len(self._stdout)
# Set the line from which to start printing.
if num_lines < n:
start = 0
start = num_lines - n
# Print the lines.
for x in range(start, num_lines):
def kill(self):
"""Kill the running process."""
# Kill the process.
if not self._process is None and self._process.isRunning():
def _get_stdout_record(
self, key, time_series=False, unit=None, region=0, soft_core=False
Helper function to get a stdout record from the dictionary.
key : str
The universal record key.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a time series of records.
unit : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types._type.Type>`
The unit to convert the record to.
region : int
The region to which the record corresponds. There will only be more
than one region for FreeEnergy protocols, where 1 indicates the second
TI region.
soft_core : bool
Whether to get the record for the soft-core part of the system for the
chosen region.
record :
The matching stdout record.
# Update the standard output dictionary.
# No data!
if len(self._stdout_dict) == 0:
return None
if not isinstance(time_series, bool):
_warnings.warn("Non-boolean time-series flag. Defaulting to False!")
time_series = False
# Validate the unit.
if unit is not None:
if not isinstance(unit, _Type):
raise TypeError("'unit' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types'")
# Validate the region.
if not isinstance(region, int):
raise TypeError("'region' must be of type 'int'")
if region < 0 or region > 1:
raise ValueError("'region' must be in range [0, 1]")
# Validate the soft-core flag.
if not isinstance(soft_core, bool):
raise TypeError("'soft_core' must be of type 'bool'.")
# Convert to the full index, region + soft_core.
idx = 2 * region + int(soft_core)
# Extract the dictionary of stdout records for the specified region and soft-core flag.
stdout_dict = self._stdout_dict[idx]
# Map the universal key to the original key used for this region.
key = self._stdout_key[idx][key]
return None
# Return the list of dictionary values.
if time_series:
if key == "NSTEP":
return [int(x) for x in stdout_dict[key]]
if unit is None:
return [float(x) if x else None for x in stdout_dict[key]]
return [
(float(x) * unit)._to_default_unit() if x else None
for x in stdout_dict[key]
except KeyError:
return None
# Return the most recent dictionary value.
if key == "NSTEP":
return int(stdout_dict[key][-1])
if unit is None:
return float(stdout_dict[key][-1])
return None
return (
float(stdout_dict[key][-1]) * unit
return None
except KeyError:
return None
def _find_exe(is_gpu=False, is_free_energy=False, is_vacuum=False):
Helper function to search for an AMBER executable.
is_gpu : bool
Whether to search for a GPU-enabled executable.
is_free_energy : bool
Whether this is a free energy simulation.
is_vacuum : bool
Whether this is a vacuum simulation.
exe : str
The path to the executable.
if not isinstance(is_gpu, bool):
raise TypeError("'is_gpu' must be of type 'bool'.")
if not isinstance(is_free_energy, bool):
raise TypeError("'is_free_energy' must be of type 'bool'.")
if not isinstance(is_vacuum, bool):
raise TypeError("'is_vacuum' must be of type 'bool'.")
if is_gpu:
targets = ["pmemd.cuda"]
if is_free_energy:
targets = ["pmemd"]
targets = ["pmemd", "sander"]
# Search for the executable.
import os as _os
import pathlib as _pathlib
from glob import glob as _glob
# Get the current path.
path = _os.environ["PATH"].split(_os.pathsep)
# If AMBERHOME is set, then prepend to the path.
if _amber_home is not None:
path = [_amber_home + "/bin"] + path
# Helper function to check whether a file is executable.
def is_exe(fpath):
return _os.path.isfile(fpath) and _os.access(fpath, _os.X_OK)
# Loop over each directory in the path and search for the executable.
for p in path:
# Loop over each target.
for t in targets:
# Glob for the executable.
results = _glob(f"{t}*", root_dir=p)
# If we find a match, check that it's executable and return the path.
# Note that this returns the first match, not the best match. If a
# user requires a specific version of the executable, they should
# order their path accordingly, or use the exe keyword argument.
if results:
for exe in results:
# Exclude "locally enhanced sampling" executables.
if "LES" not in exe:
exe = _pathlib.Path(p) / exe
if is_exe(exe):
return str(exe)
msg = (
"'BioSimSpace.Process.Amber' is not supported. "
"Unable to find AMBER executable in AMBERHOME or PATH. "
"Please install AMBER (http://ambermd.org)."
if is_free_energy:
msg += " Free energy simulations require 'pmemd' or 'pmemd.cuda'."
# If we don't find the executable, raise an error.
raise _MissingSoftwareError(msg)