Source code for BioSimSpace.Process._gromacs

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2024
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.

"""Functionality for running simulations with GROMACS."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Gromacs"]

from .._Utils import _try_import

from pathlib import Path as _Path
from tempfile import TemporaryDirectory as _TemporaryDirectory

import glob as _glob
import numpy as _np
import os as _os

_pygtail = _try_import("pygtail")
import shutil as _shutil
import shlex as _shlex
import subprocess as _subprocess
import timeit as _timeit
import warnings as _warnings

from sire.legacy import Base as _SireBase
from sire.legacy import IO as _SireIO
from sire.legacy import Maths as _SireMaths
from sire.legacy import Units as _SireUnits
from sire.legacy import Vol as _SireVol

from .. import _gmx_exe, _gmx_version
from .. import _isVerbose
from .._Config import Gromacs as _GromacsConfig
from .._Exceptions import MissingSoftwareError as _MissingSoftwareError
from ..Protocol._free_energy_mixin import _FreeEnergyMixin
from ..Protocol._position_restraint_mixin import _PositionRestraintMixin
from .._SireWrappers import System as _System
from ..Types._type import Type as _Type

from .. import IO as _IO
from .. import Protocol as _Protocol
from .. import Trajectory as _Trajectory
from .. import Types as _Types
from .. import Units as _Units
from .. import _Utils

from . import _process

from ._plumed import Plumed as _Plumed

[docs] class Gromacs(_process.Process): """A class for running simulations using GROMACS."""
[docs] def __init__( self, system, protocol, reference_system=None, exe=None, name="gromacs", work_dir=None, seed=None, extra_options={}, extra_lines=[], extra_args={}, property_map={}, ignore_warnings=False, show_errors=True, checkpoint_file=None, **kwargs, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. protocol : :class:`Protocol <BioSimSpace.Protocol>` The protocol for the GROMACS process. reference_system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` or None An optional system to use as a source of reference coordinates for position restraints. It is assumed that this system has the same topology as "system". If this is None, then "system" is used as a reference. exe : str The full path to the GROMACS executable. name : str The name of the process. work_dir : The working directory for the process. seed : int A random number seed. extra_options : dict A dictionary containing extra options. Overrides the defaults generated by the protocol. extra_lines : [str] A list of extra lines to put at the end of the configuration file. extra_args : dict A dictionary of extra command-line arguments to pass to the GROMACS executable. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } ignore_warnings : bool Whether to ignore warnings when generating the binary run file with 'gmx grompp'. By default, these warnings are elevated to errors and will halt the program. show_errors : bool Whether to show warning/error messages when generating the binary run file. checkpoint_file : str The path to a checkpoint file from a previous run. This can be used to continue an existing simulation. Currently we only support the use of checkpoint files for Equilibration protocols. kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__( system, protocol, reference_system=reference_system, name=name, work_dir=work_dir, seed=seed, extra_options=extra_options, extra_lines=extra_lines, extra_args=extra_args, property_map=property_map, ) # Set the package name. self._package_name = "GROMACS" # This process can generate trajectory data. self._has_trajectory = True # Use GROMACS executable from environment. if exe is None: if _gmx_exe is not None: self._exe = _gmx_exe else: raise _MissingSoftwareError( "'BioSimSpace.Process.Gromacs' is not supported. " "Please install GROMACS (" ) # Use user-specified executable. else: # Make sure executable exists. if _os.path.isfile(exe): self._exe = exe else: raise IOError("GROMACS executable doesn't exist: '%s'" % exe) if not isinstance(ignore_warnings, bool): raise ValueError("'ignore_warnings' must be of type 'bool'.") self._ignore_warnings = ignore_warnings if not isinstance(show_errors, bool): raise ValueError("'show_errors' must be of type 'bool'.") self._show_errors = show_errors # Initialise the stdout dictionary and title header. self._energy_dict = {} # Store the name of the GROMACS log file. self._log_file = "%s/%s.log" % (self._work_dir, name) # Store the name of the GROMACS energy file. self._energy_file = "%s/%s.edr" % (self._work_dir, name) # The names of the input files. self._gro_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.gro") self._top_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.top") self._ref_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}_ref.gro") # The name of the trajectory file. self._traj_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.trr") # The name of the output coordinate file. self._crd_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}_out.gro") # Set the path for the GROMACS configuration file. self._config_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.mdp") # Create the list of input files. self._input_files = [self._config_file, self._gro_file, self._top_file] # Add the reference file if there are position restraints. if self._protocol.getRestraint() is not None: self._input_files.append(self._ref_file) # Initialise the PLUMED interface object. self._plumed = None # Set the path of Gromacs checkpoint file. self._checkpoint_file = None if checkpoint_file is not None: if not isinstance(checkpoint_file, str): raise ValueError("'checkpoint_file' must be of type 'str'.") else: if _os.path.isfile(checkpoint_file): self._checkpoint_file = checkpoint_file else: raise IOError( "GROMACS checkpoint file doesn't exist: '%s'" % checkpoint_file ) # Now set up the working directory for the process. self._setup(**kwargs)
def _setup(self, **kwargs): """Setup the input files and working directory ready for simulation.""" # Create the input files... # Create a copy of the system. system = self._system.copy() if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): # Check that the system contains a perturbable molecule. if self._system.nPerturbableMolecules() == 0: raise ValueError( "'BioSimSpace.Protocol.FreeEnergy' requires a " "perturbable molecule!" ) # Check that the perturbation type is supported.. if self._protocol.getPerturbationType() != "full": msg = ( "'BioSimSpace.Process.Gromacs' currently only supports the 'full' " "perturbation type. Please use 'BioSimSpace.Process.Somd' " "for multistep perturbation types." ) raise NotImplementedError(msg) # Apply SOMD1 compatibility to the perturbation. if ( "somd1_compatibility" in kwargs and kwargs.get("somd1_compatibility") is True ): from ._somd import _somd1_compatibility system = _somd1_compatibility(system) else: # Check for perturbable molecules and convert to the chosen end state. system = self._checkPerturbable(system) # Convert the water model topology so that it matches the GROMACS naming convention. system._set_water_topology("GROMACS", property_map=self._property_map) self._reference_system._set_water_topology( "GROMACS", property_map=self._property_map ) # GRO87 file. file = _os.path.splitext(self._gro_file)[0] _IO.saveMolecules( file, system, "gro87", match_water=False, property_map=self._property_map ) # Reference file. file = _os.path.splitext(self._ref_file)[0] _IO.saveMolecules( file, self._reference_system, "gro87", match_water=False, property_map=self._property_map, ) # TOP file. file = _os.path.splitext(self._top_file)[0] _IO.saveMolecules( file, system, "grotop", match_water=False, property_map=self._property_map ) # Create the binary input file name. self._tpr_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}.tpr") self._input_files.append(self._tpr_file) # Generate the GROMACS configuration file. # Skip if the user has passed a custom config. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Custom): self.setConfig(self._protocol.getConfig()) else: self._generate_config() self.writeConfig(self._config_file) # Generate the dictionary of command-line arguments. self._generate_args() # Return the list of input files. return self._input_files def _generate_config(self): """Generate GROMACS configuration file strings.""" # Check whether the system contains periodic box information. space_prop = self._property_map.get("space", "space") if space_prop in self._system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): try: # Make sure that we have a periodic box. The system will now have # a default cartesian space. box = has_box = box.isPeriodic() except: has_box = False else: _warnings.warn("No simulation box found. Assuming gas phase simulation.") has_box = False # Deal with periodic boundary conditions. if not has_box or not self._has_water: # Create a copy of the system. system = self._system.copy() # Convert the water model topology so that it matches the GROMACS naming convention. system._set_water_topology("GROMACS") # Create a 999.9 nm periodic box and apply to the system. space = _SireVol.PeriodicBox(_SireMaths.Vector(9999, 9999, 9999)) system._sire_object.setProperty( self._property_map.get("space", "space"), space ) # Re-write the GRO file. gro = _SireIO.Gro87(system._sire_object, self._property_map) gro.writeToFile(self._gro_file) # Initialise a dictionary of additional configuration options. config_options = {} if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Set the random number seed. if self._is_seeded: seed = self._seed else: seed = -1 config_options["ld-seed"] = seed if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Equilibration): if self._checkpoint_file is not None: config_options["continuation"] = "yes" config_options["gen-vel"] = "no" # Add any position restraints. if isinstance(self._protocol, _PositionRestraintMixin): self._add_position_restraints() # Add configuration variables for metadynamics or steered molecular dynamics. if isinstance(self._protocol, (_Protocol.Metadynamics, _Protocol.Steering)): # Create the PLUMED input file and copy auxiliary files to the working directory. self._plumed = _Plumed(str(self._work_dir)) plumed_config, auxiliary_files = self._plumed.createConfig( self._system, self._protocol, self._property_map ) self._setPlumedConfig(plumed_config) if auxiliary_files is not None: for file in auxiliary_files: file_name = _os.path.basename(file) _shutil.copyfile( file, _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), file_name) ) self._input_files.append(self._plumed_config_file) # Expose the PLUMED specific member functions. setattr(self, "getPlumedConfig", self._getPlumedConfig) setattr(self, "getPlumedConfigFile", self._getPlumedConfigFile) setattr(self, "setPlumedConfig", self._setPlumedConfig) setattr(self, "getCollectiveVariable", self._getCollectiveVariable) setattr(self, "getTime", self._getTime) # Expose metadynamics specific functions. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Metadynamics): setattr(self, "getFreeEnergy", self._getFreeEnergy) setattr(self, "sampleConfigurations", self._sampleConfigurations) # Add configuration variables for a steered molecular dynamics protocol. elif isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Steering): # Create the PLUMED input file and copy auxiliary files to the working directory. self._plumed = _Plumed(str(self._work_dir)) plumed_config, auxiliary_files = self._plumed.createConfig( self._system, self._protocol, self._property_map ) self._setPlumedConfig(plumed_config) if auxiliary_files is not None: for file in auxiliary_files: file_name = _os.path.basename(file) _shutil.copyfile( file, _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), file_name) ) self._input_files.append(self._plumed_config_file) # Expose the PLUMED specific member functions. setattr(self, "getPlumedConfig", self._getPlumedConfig) setattr(self, "getPlumedConfigFile", self._getPlumedConfigFile) setattr(self, "setPlumedConfig", self._setPlumedConfig) setattr(self, "getCollectiveVariable", self._getCollectiveVariable) setattr(self, "getTime", self._getTime) # Set the configuration. gromacs_config = _GromacsConfig( self._system, self._protocol, self._property_map ) self.setConfig( gromacs_config.createConfig( version=_gmx_version, extra_options={**config_options, **self._extra_options}, extra_lines=self._extra_lines, ) ) # Flag that this isn't a custom protocol. self._protocol._setCustomised(False) # Flag that this isn't a custom protocol. self._protocol._setCustomised(False) def _generate_args(self): """Generate the dictionary of command-line arguments.""" # Clear the existing arguments. self.clearArgs() # Add the default arguments. self.setArg("mdrun", True) # Use mdrun. self.setArg("-deffnm", self._name) # Output file prefix. self.setArg("-c", self._crd_file) # Output out coordinate file. # Metadynamics and steered MD arguments. if isinstance(self._protocol, (_Protocol.Metadynamics, _Protocol.Steering)): self.setArg("-plumed", "plumed.dat") # Add any extra arguments. for key, value in self._extra_args.items(): self.setArg(key, value) @staticmethod def _generate_binary_run_file( mdp_file, gro_file, top_file, ref_file, tpr_file, exe, checkpoint_file=None, ignore_warnings=False, show_errors=True, **kwargs, ): """ Use grommp to generate the binary run input file. Parameters ---------- mdp_file : str The path to the input mdp file. gro_file : str The path to the input coordinate file. top_file : str The path to the input topology file. ref_file : str The path to the input reference coordinate file to be used for position restraints. tpr_file : str The path to the output binary run file. exe : str The path to the GROMACS executable. checkpoint_file : str The path to a checkpoint file from a previous run. This can be used to continue an existing simulation. Currently we only support the use of checkpoint files for Equilibration protocols. ignore_warnings : bool Whether to ignore warnings when generating the binary run file with 'gmx grompp'. By default, these warnings are elevated to errors and will halt the program. show_errors : bool Whether to show warning/error messages when generating the binary run file. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ if not isinstance(mdp_file, str): raise ValueError("'mdp_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(mdp_file): raise IOError(f"'mdp_file' doesn't exist: '{mdp_file}'") if not isinstance(gro_file, str): raise ValueError("'gro_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(gro_file): raise IOError(f"'gro_file' doesn't exist: '{gro_file}'") if not isinstance(top_file, str): raise ValueError("'top_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(top_file): raise IOError(f"'top_file' doesn't exist: '{top_file}'") if not isinstance(ref_file, str): raise ValueError("'ref_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(ref_file): raise IOError(f"'ref_file' doesn't exist: '{ref_file}'") if not isinstance(tpr_file, str): raise ValueError("'tpr_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not isinstance(exe, str): raise ValueError("'exe' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(exe): raise IOError(f"'exe' doesn't exist: '{exe}'") if checkpoint_file is not None: if not isinstance(checkpoint_file, str): raise ValueError("'checkpoint_file' must be of type 'str'.") if not _os.path.isfile(checkpoint_file): raise IOError(f"'checkpoint_file' doesn't exist: '{checkpoint_file}'") if not isinstance(ignore_warnings, bool): raise ValueError("'ignore_warnings' must be of type 'bool'") if not isinstance(show_errors, bool): raise ValueError("'show_errors' must be of type 'bool'") # Create the name of the output mdp file. mdp_out = ( _os.path.dirname(mdp_file) + "/%s.out.mdp" % _os.path.basename(mdp_file).split(".")[0] ) # Use grompp to generate the portable binary run input file. if checkpoint_file is not None: command = "%s grompp -f %s -po %s -c %s -p %s -r %s -t %s -o %s" % ( exe, mdp_file, mdp_out, gro_file, top_file, ref_file, checkpoint_file, tpr_file, ) else: command = "%s grompp -f %s -po %s -c %s -p %s -r %s -o %s" % ( exe, mdp_file, mdp_out, gro_file, top_file, ref_file, tpr_file, ) # Warnings don't trigger an error. if ignore_warnings: command += " --maxwarn 9999" # Run the command. proc = _Utils.command_split(command), shell=False, text=True, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, ) # Check that grompp ran successfully. if proc.returncode != 0: # Handle errors and warnings. if show_errors: # Capture errors and warnings from the grompp output. errors = [] warnings = [] is_error = False is_warn = False lines = proc.stderr.split("\n") for line in lines: line = line.strip() if line[0:5] == "ERROR" or is_error: if line == "": is_error = False continue errors.append(line) is_error = True elif line[0:7] == "WARNING" or is_warn: if line == "": is_warn = False continue warnings.append(line) is_warn = True error_string = "\n ".join(errors) warning_string = "\n ".join(warnings) exception_string = "Unable to generate GROMACS binary run input file.\n" if len(errors) > 0: exception_string += ( "\n'gmx grompp' reported the following errors:\n" + f"{error_string}\n" ) if len(warnings) > 0: exception_string += ( "\n'gmx grompp' reported the following warnings:\n" + f"{warning_string}\n" + "\nUse 'ignore_warnings' to ignore warnings." ) raise RuntimeError(exception_string) else: raise RuntimeError( "Unable to generate GROMACS binary run input file. " "Use 'show_errors=True' to display errors/warnings." )
[docs] def addToConfig(self, config): """ Add a string to the configuration list. Parameters ---------- config : str, [str] A configuration string, a list of configuration strings, or a path to a configuration file. """ # Call the base class method. super().addToConfig(config) # Use grompp to generate the portable binary run input file. self._generate_binary_run_file( self._config_file, self._gro_file, self._top_file, self._gro_file, self._tpr_file, self._exe, self._checkpoint_file, self._ignore_warnings, self._show_errors, )
[docs] def resetConfig(self): """Reset the configuration parameters.""" self._generate_config() # Use grompp to generate the portable binary run input file. self._generate_binary_run_file( self._config_file, self._gro_file, self._top_file, self._gro_file, self._tpr_file, self._exe, self._checkpoint_file, self._ignore_warnings, self._show_errors, )
[docs] def setConfig(self, config): """ Set the list of configuration file strings. Parameters ---------- config : str, [str] The list of configuration strings, or a path to a configuration file. """ # Call the base class method. super().setConfig(config) # Use grompp to generate the portable binary run input file. self._generate_binary_run_file( self._config_file, self._gro_file, self._top_file, self._gro_file, self._tpr_file, self._exe, self._checkpoint_file, self._ignore_warnings, self._show_errors, )
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the GROMACS process. Returns ------- process : :class:`Process.Gromacs <BioSimSpace.Process.Gromacs>` A handle to the GROMACS process. """ # The process is currently queued. if self.isQueued(): return # Process is already running. if self._process is not None: if self._process.isRunning(): return # Clear any existing output. self._clear_output() # Run the process in the working directory. with # Create the arguments string list. args = self.getArgStringList() # Write the command-line process to a README.txt file. with open("README.txt", "w") as f: # Set the command-line string. self._command = "%s " % self._exe + self.getArgString() # Write the command to file. f.write("# GROMACS was run with the following command:\n") f.write("%s\n" % self._command) # Start the timer. self._timer = _timeit.default_timer() # Start the simulation. self._process = self._exe, args, "%s.out" % self._name, "%s.out" % self._name ) # For historical reasons (console message aggregation with MPI), Gromacs # writes the majority of its output to stderr. For user convenience, we # redirect all output to stdout, and place a message in the stderr file # to highlight this. with open(self._stderr_file, "w") as f: f.write("All output has been redirected to the stdout stream!\n") return self
[docs] def getSystem(self, block="AUTO"): """ Get the latest molecular system. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The latest molecular system. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") if block is True and not self.isError(): return self._getFinalFrame() else: # Minimisation trajectories have a single frame, i.e. the final state. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): time = 0 * _Units.Time.nanosecond # Get the current simulation time. else: time = self.getTime() # Grab the most recent frame from the trajectory file. return self._getFrame(time)
[docs] def getCurrentSystem(self): """ Get the latest molecular system. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The latest molecular system. """ return self.getSystem(block=False)
[docs] def getTrajectory(self, backend="AUTO", block="AUTO"): """ Return a trajectory object. Parameters ---------- backend : str The backend to use for trajectory parsing. To see supported backends, run BioSimSpace.Trajectory.backends(). Using "AUTO" will try each in sequence. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- trajectory : :class:`System <BioSimSpace.Trajectory.Trajectory>` The latest trajectory object. """ if not isinstance(backend, str): raise TypeError("'backend' must be of type 'str'") if not isinstance(block, (bool, str)): raise TypeError("'block' must be of type 'bool' or 'str'") # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") try: # Locate the trajectory file. traj_file = self._find_trajectory_file() if traj_file is None: return None else: self._traj_file = traj_file return _Trajectory.Trajectory(process=self, backend=backend) except: return None
[docs] def getFrame(self, index): """ Return a specific trajectory frame. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the frame. Returns ------- frame : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The System object of the corresponding frame. """ if not type(index) is int: raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'") max_index = ( int( (self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep()) / self._protocol.getRestartInterval() ) - 1 ) if index < 0 or index > max_index: raise ValueError(f"'index' must be in range [0, {max_index}].") try: time = ( index * self._protocol.getRestartInterval() * self._protocol.getTimeStep() ) with _warnings.catch_warnings(): system = self._getFrame(time) return self._getFrame(time) except: return None
[docs] def getRecord(self, record, time_series=False, unit=None, block="AUTO"): """ Get a record from the stdout dictionary. Parameters ---------- record : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>` The unit to convert the record to. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>` The matching record. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self._update_energy_dict() return self._get_energy_record(record, time_series, unit)
[docs] def getCurrentRecord(self, record, time_series=False, unit=None): """ Get a current record from the stdout dictionary. Parameters ---------- record : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>` The unit to convert the record to. Returns ------- record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>` The matching record. """ # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self._update_energy_dict() return self._get_energy_record(record, time_series, unit)
[docs] def getRecords(self, block="AUTO"): """ Return the dictionary of stdout time-series records. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- records : :class:`MultiDict <BioSimSpace.Process._process._MultiDict>` The dictionary of time-series records. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self._update_energy_dict() return self._energy_dict.copy()
[docs] def getCurrentRecords(self): """ Return the current dictionary of stdout time-series records. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- records : :class:`MultiDict <BioSimSpace.Process._process._MultiDict>` The dictionary of time-series records. """ return self.getRecords(block=False)
[docs] def getTime(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the simulation time. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The current simulation time in nanoseconds. """ if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): return None else: return self.getRecord("TIME", time_series, _Units.Time.picosecond, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTime(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current simulation time. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The current simulation time in nanoseconds. """ return self.getTime(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getStep(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the number of integration steps. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- step : int The current number of integration steps. """ records = self.getRecord("TIME", time_series, _Units.Time.picosecond, block) time_step = self._protocol.getTimeStep() if time_series: return [record / time_step for record in records] else: return records / time_step
[docs] def getCurrentStep(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current number of integration steps. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- step : int The current number of integration steps. """ return self.getStep(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getBondEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the bond energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The bond energy. """ return self.getRecord("BOND", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentBondEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current bond energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The bond energy. """ return self.getBondEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getAngleEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the angle energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The angle energy. """ return self.getRecord("ANGLE", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentAngleEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current angle energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The angle energy. """ return self.getAngleEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getDihedralEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total dihedral energy (proper + improper). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total dihedral energy. """ # Get the proper and improper energies. proper = self.getRecord( "PROPERDIH", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block ) improper = self.getRecord( "IMPROPERDIH", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block ) # No records. if proper is None and improper is None: return None elif proper is None: return improper elif improper is None: return proper else: if time_series: return [x + y for x, y in zip(proper, improper)] else: return proper + improper
[docs] def getCurrentDihedralEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current total dihedral energy (proper + improper). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dihedral energy. """ return self.getDihedralEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getProperEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the proper dihedral energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The proper dihedral energy. """ return self.getRecord("PROPERDIH", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentProperEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current proper dihedral energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The proper dihedral energy. """ return self.getProperEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getImproperEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the improper energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The improper energy. """ return self.getRecord( "IMPROPERDIH", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentImproperEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current improper energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The improper energy. """ return self.getImproperEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getLennardJones14(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the Lennard-Jones energy between atoms 1 and 4. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Lennard-Jones energy. """ return self.getRecord("LJ14", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentLennardJones14(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current Lennard-Jones energy between atoms 1 and 4. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Lennard-Jones energy. """ return self.getLennardJones14(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getLennardJonesSR(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the short-range Lennard-Jones energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The short-range Lennard-Jones energy. """ return self.getRecord("LJSR", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentLennardJonesSR(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current short-range Lennard-Jones energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Lennard-Jones energy. """ return self.getLennardJonesSR(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getCoulomb14(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the Coulomb energy between atoms 1 and 4. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getRecord("COULOMB14", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentCoulomb14(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current Coulomb energy between atoms 1 and 4. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getCoulomb14(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getCoulombSR(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the short-range Coulomb energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getRecord("COULOMBSR", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentCoulombSR(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current short-range Coulomb energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getCoulombSR(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getCoulombReciprocal(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the reciprocal space Coulomb energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getRecord("COULRECIP", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentCoulombReciprocal(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current reciprocal space Coulomb energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Coulomb energy. """ return self.getCoulombReciprocal(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getDispersionCorrection(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the dispersion correction. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dispersion correction. """ return self.getRecord( "DISPERCORR", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentDispersionCorrection(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current dispersion correction. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dispersion correction. """ return self.getDispersionCorrection(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getRestraintEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the position restraint energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dispersion correction. """ return self.getRecord( "POSITIONREST", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentRestraintEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current position restraint energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dispersion correction. """ return self.getRestraintEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPotentialEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the potential energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The potential energy. """ return self.getRecord("POTENTIAL", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentPotentialEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current potential energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The potential energy. """ return self.getPotentialEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getKineticEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The kinetic energy. """ return self.getRecord("KINETICEN", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentKineticEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The kinetic energy. """ return self.getKineticEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTotalEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getRecord( "TOTALENERGY", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentTotalEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current total energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getTotalEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getConservedEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the conserved energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The conserved energy. """ return self.getRecord( "CONSERVEDEN", time_series, _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentConservedEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current conserved energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The conserved energy. """ return self.getConservedEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTemperature(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The temperature. """ return self.getRecord( "TEMPERATURE", time_series, _Units.Temperature.kelvin, block )
[docs] def getCurrentTemperature(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The current temperature. """ return self.getTemperature(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPressure(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self.getRecord("PRESSURE", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentPressure(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The current pressure. """ return self.getPressure(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPressureDC(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the DC pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The DC pressure. """ return self.getRecord("PRESDC", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentPressureDC(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current DC pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The current pressure. """ return self.getPressureDC(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getConstraintRMSD(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the RMSD of the constrained atoms. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- length : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>` The constrained RMSD. """ return self.getRecord("CONSTRRMSD", time_series, None, block)
[docs] def getCurrentConstraintRMSD(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current RMSD of the constrained atoms. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- length : :class:`Length <BioSimSpace.Types.Length>` The current constrained RMSD. """ return self.getConstraintRMSD(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getVolume(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """Get the volume. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>` The volume. """ return self.getRecord("VOLUME", time_series, _Units.Volume.nanometer3, block)
[docs] def getCurrentVolume(self, time_series=False): """Get the current volume. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>` The volume. """ return self.getVolume(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def stdout(self, n=10): """ Print the last n lines of the stdout buffer. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of lines to print. """ # Note that thermodynamic records, e.g. energy, pressure, temperature, # are redirected to a log file. # Ensure that the number of lines is positive. if n < 0: raise ValueError("The number of lines must be positive!") # Append any new lines to the stdout list. for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._stdout_file): self._stdout.append(line.rstrip()) # Get the current number of lines. num_lines = len(self._stdout) # Set the line from which to start printing. if num_lines < n: start = 0 else: start = num_lines - n # Print the lines. for x in range(start, num_lines): print(self._stdout[x])
def _add_position_restraints(self): """Helper function to add position restraints.""" # Get the restraint type. restraint = self._protocol.getRestraint() if restraint is not None: # Get the force constant in units of kJ_per_mol/nanometer**2 force_constant = self._protocol.getForceConstant()._sire_unit force_constant = _SireUnits.kJ_per_mol / _SireUnits.nanometer2 ) # Copy the user property map. property_map = self._property_map.copy() # Parse the topology in serial to ensure that molecules are # ordered correctly. Don't sort based on name. property_map["parallel"] = _SireBase.wrap(False) property_map["sort"] = _SireBase.wrap(False) # Create a copy of the reference system. system = self._reference_system.copy() # Convert to the lambda = 0 state if this is a perturbable system and this # isn't a free energy protocol. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): system = self._checkPerturbable(system) # Convert the water model topology so that it matches the GROMACS naming convention. system._set_water_topology("GROMACS") # Create a GROMACS topology object. top = _SireIO.GroTop(system._sire_object, property_map) # Get the top file as a list of lines. top_lines = top.lines() # List of 'moleculetype' record indices. moltypes_top_idx = [] # Store the line index for the start of each 'moleculetype' record. for idx, line in enumerate(top_lines): if "[ moleculetype ]" in line or "[ system ]" in line: moltypes_top_idx.append(idx) # Create a dictionary to store the indices of the molecules in the # system for each GROMACS molecule type and the inverse. moltypes_sys_idx = {} sys_idx_moltypes = {} # Convert the topology to a GROMACS system. gro_system = top.groSystem() # Initialise the dictionary for each type. for mol_type in gro_system.uniqueTypes(): moltypes_sys_idx[mol_type] = [] # Now loop over each molecule and store the indices of the molecules # in the system that are of each type as well as a mapping from the # molecule index to the GROMACS molecule type. for idx, mol_type in enumerate(gro_system): moltypes_sys_idx[mol_type].append(idx) sys_idx_moltypes[idx] = mol_type # A keyword restraint. if isinstance(restraint, str): # The number of restraint files. num_restraint = 1 # Loop over all of the molecule types and create a position # restraint file for each. for mol_type_idx, (mol_type, mol_idxs) in enumerate( moltypes_sys_idx.items() ): # Initialise a list of restrained atom indices. restrained_atoms = [] # Loop over each molecule in the system that matches this # type and append any atoms matching the restraint. for idx, mol_idx in enumerate(mol_idxs): # Get the indices of any restrained atoms in this molecule, # making sure that indices are relative to the molecule. atom_idxs = self._system.getRestraintAtoms( restraint, mol_index=mol_idx, is_absolute=False, allow_zero_matches=True, ) # Store the atom index if it hasn't already been recorded. for atom_idx in atom_idxs: if not atom_idx in restrained_atoms: restrained_atoms.append(atom_idx) # Write the position restraint file for this molecule. if len(restrained_atoms) > 0: # Create the file names. include_file = "posre_%04d.itp" % num_restraint restraint_file = _os.path.join( str(self._work_dir), include_file ) with open(restraint_file, "w") as file: # Write the header. file.write("[ position_restraints ]\n") file.write("; i funct fcx fcy fcz\n") # Write restraints for each atom. for atom_idx in restrained_atoms: file.write( f"{atom_idx+1:4} 1 {force_constant} {force_constant} {force_constant}\n" ) # Work out the offset. offset = num_restraint - 1 # Include the position restraint file in the correct place within # the topology file. We put the additional include directive at the # end of the block so we move to the line before the next moleculetype # record. new_top_lines = top_lines[ : moltypes_top_idx[mol_type_idx + 1] + offset - 1 ] # Append the additional information. new_top_lines.append('#include "%s"' % include_file) new_top_lines.append("") # Now extend with the remainder of the file. new_top_lines.extend( top_lines[moltypes_top_idx[mol_type_idx + 1] + offset :] ) # Overwrite the topology file lines. top_lines = new_top_lines # Increment the number of restraint files. num_restraint += 1 # Append the restraint file to the list of autogenerated inputs. self._input_files.append(restraint_file) # Write the updated topology to file. with open(self._top_file, "w") as file: for line in top_lines: file.write("%s\n" % line) # A user-defined list of atoms indices. else: # Create an empty multi-dict for each molecule type. mol_atoms = {} for mol_type in gro_system.uniqueTypes(): mol_atoms[mol_type] = [] # Now work out which MolNum corresponds to each atom in the restraint. for idx in restraint: try: # Get the molecule index and relative atom index. mol_idx, atom_idx = self._system._getRelativeIndices(idx) # Get the type associated with this molecule index. mol_type = sys_idx_moltypes[mol_idx] # Append this atom if it's not already been recorded. if not atom_idx in mol_atoms[mol_type]: mol_atoms[mol_type].append(atom_idx) except Exception as e: msg = "Unable to find restrained atom in the system?" if _isVerbose(): raise ValueError(msg) from e else: raise ValueError(msg) from None # The number of restraint files. num_restraint = 1 # Loop over all of the molecule types and create a position # restraint file for each. for mol_type_idx, (mol_type, atom_idxs) in enumerate(mol_atoms.items()): # Write the position restraint file for this molecule. if len(atom_idxs) > 0: # Create the file names. include_file = "posre_%04d.itp" % num_restraint restraint_file = _os.path.join( str(self._work_dir), include_file ) with open(restraint_file, "w") as file: # Write the header. file.write("[ position_restraints ]\n") file.write("; i funct fcx fcy fcz\n") # Write restraints for each atom. for atom_idx in atom_idxs: file.write( f"{atom_idx+1:4} 1 {force_constant} {force_constant} {force_constant}\n" ) # Work out the offset. offset = num_restraint - 1 # Include the position restraint file in the correct place within # the topology file. We put the additional include directive at the # end of the block so we move to the line before the next moleculetype # record. new_top_lines = top_lines[ : moltypes_top_idx[mol_type_idx + 1] + offset - 1 ] # Append the additional information. new_top_lines.append('#include "%s"' % include_file) new_top_lines.append("") # Now extend with the remainder of the file. new_top_lines.extend( top_lines[moltypes_top_idx[mol_type_idx + 1] + offset :] ) # Overwrite the topology file lines. top_lines = new_top_lines # Increment the number of restraint files. num_restraint += 1 # Append the restraint file to the list of autogenerated inputs. self._input_files.append(restraint_file) # Write the updated topology to file. with open(self._top_file, "w") as file: for line in top_lines: file.write("%s\n" % line) def _initialise_energy_dict(self): """Helper function to intialise the energy dictionary.""" # Grab the available energy terms command = f"{self._exe} energy -f {self._energy_file}" proc = _Utils.command_split(command), input="0", stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", ) err = proc.stderr keys = self._parse_energy_terms(err) # We need to stored the original key as the one in the # self._energy_dict will be the sanitised keys. self._energy_keys = keys self._energy_dict["TIME"] = [] for key in keys: # Skip surface tension records, since there is no appropriate general unit. if key != "#Surf*SurfTen": self._energy_dict[self._sanitise_energy_term(key)] = [] @staticmethod def _parse_energy_terms(text): """ Parse the output from gmx energy output to get the energy terms in the edr file. Example output looks like: # :-) GROMACS - gmx energy, 2022.2-conda_forge (-: # Command line: # gmx energy -f energy.edr # Opened prod.edr as single precision energy file # Select the terms you want from the following list by # selecting either (part of) the name or the number or a combination. # End your selection with an empty line or a zero. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # 1 Harmonic-Pot. 2 Angle 3 U-B 4 Proper-Dih. # ------------------------------------------------------- Parameters ---------- text : str The output string from the gmx energy Returns ------- list A list of the string energy terms in the edr file. Notes ----- The order that the key is stored is very important as the order that the energy term is stored in the xvg file will obey this order. In this case, the energy will be stored in the order of Harmonic-Pot., Angle, U-B, Proper-Dih.. Note that this order is absolute and will not be changed by the input to `gmx energy`. """ sections = text.split("---") # Remove the empty sections sections = [section for section in sections if section] # Concatenate the lines section = sections[1].replace("\n", "") terms = section.split() # Remove the possible '-' from the separation line terms = [term for term in terms if term != "-"] # Check if the index order is correct indexes = [int(term) for term in terms[::2]] energy_names = terms[1::2] length_nomatch = len(indexes) != len(energy_names) # -1 as the index is 1-based. index_nomatch = (_np.arange(len(indexes)) != _np.array(indexes) - 1).any() if length_nomatch or index_nomatch: raise ValueError(f"Cannot parse the energy terms in the {edr_file} file.") else: return energy_names @staticmethod def _parse_energy_units(text): """ Extract the energy unit from the output. Example outputs are: # Statistics over 15000001 steps [ 0.0000 through 30000.0000 ps ], 53 data sets # All statistics are over 15001 points (frames) # Energy Average Err.Est. RMSD Tot-Drift # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Harmonic Pot. 0.34534 0.009 0.491375 -0.0225767 (kJ/mol) # Angle 16159.4 4.7 202.124 -35.3327 (kJ/mol) # U-B 81396.5 3.7 431.584 9.91613 (kJ/mol) # Proper Dih. 71615.4 24 250.353 -101.74 (kJ/mol) Parameters ---------- text : str Output text with term name and units. Returns ------- list A list of the energy units of type :mod:`~BioSimSpace.Types._GeneralUnit`. Notes ----- The order that the energy unit is printed will obey the order obtained from :meth:`~BioSimSpace.Process.Gromacs._parse_energy_terms`. """ section = text.split("---")[-1] lines = section.split("\n") units = [ _Units.Time.picosecond, ] for line in lines: terms = line.split() if len(terms) > 1 and terms[0] != "#Surf*SurfTen": unit = terms[-1][1:-1] if unit == "K": units.append(_Units.Temperature.kelvin) elif unit == "kJ/mol": units.append(_Units.Energy.kj_per_mol) elif unit == "bar": units.append( elif unit == "": units.append(_Units.Length.nanometer) elif unit == "nm": units.append(_Units.Length.nanometer) elif unit == "nm^3": units.append(_Units.Volume.nanometer3) elif unit == "bar nm": units.append( * _Units.Length.nanometer) elif unit == "nm/ps": units.append(_Units.Length.nanometer / _Units.Time.picosecond) elif unit == "kg/m^3": units.append(_Types._GeneralUnit("kg/m3")) else: units.append(1.0) _warnings.warn( f"Unit {unit} cannot be parsed, recording the unit as unitless." ) return units @staticmethod def _sanitise_energy_term(key): """ Format the energy term names to comply with the BioSimSpace standard. Parameters ---------- key : str The original name of the energy term. Returns ------- str The formatted name of the energy term. """ # Convert to upper case. key = key.upper() # Strip whitespace and newlines from beginning and end. key = key.strip() # Remove whitespace. key = key.replace(" ", "") # Remove periods. key = key.replace(".", "") # Remove hyphens. key = key.replace("-", "") # Remove parentheses. key = key.replace("(", "") key = key.replace(")", "") # Remove instances of BAR. key = key.replace("BAR", "") return key def _update_energy_dict(self): """Internal function to update the energy dictionary with the latest data.""" if len(self._energy_dict) == 0: self._initialise_energy_dict() keys = self._energy_keys with _TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdirname: temp_dir = _Path(tmpdirname) output_file = temp_dir / "energy.xvg" command = f"{self._exe} energy -f {self._energy_file} -o {output_file}" proc = _Utils.command_split(command), input="\n".join(keys), # The order that the input keys are generated is irrelevant. # The order the energy term will be printed obeys # :meth:`~BioSimSpace.Process.Gromacs._parse_energy_terms` stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, encoding="utf-8", ) out = proc.stdout results = _np.loadtxt(output_file, comments=["@", "#"]) units = self._parse_energy_units(out) if len(units) != len(list(self._energy_dict)): raise ValueError( "The number of energy units does not match the " "number of energy terms." ) self._energy_units = {} for i, key in enumerate(self._energy_dict): if len(results.shape) == 1: # Account for the case of single point energy self._energy_dict[key] = [results[i]] self._energy_units[key] = units[i] else: self._energy_dict[key] = [result for result in results[:, i]] self._energy_units[key] = units[i] def _get_energy_record(self, key, time_series=False, unit=None): """Helper function to get a stdout record from the dictionary. Parameters ---------- key : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a time series of records. unit : BioSimSpace.Types._type.Type The unit to convert the record to. Returns ------- record : The matching stdout record. """ # No data! if len(self._energy_dict) == 0: return None if not isinstance(time_series, bool): _warnings.warn("Non-boolean time-series flag. Defaulting to False!") time_series = False # Validate the unit. if unit is not None: if not isinstance(unit, _Type): raise TypeError("'unit' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types'") # Return the list of dictionary values. if time_series: try: if unit is None: return [x for x in self._energy_dict[key]] else: return [ (float(x) * unit)._to_default_unit() for x in self._energy_dict[key] ] except KeyError: return None # Return the most recent dictionary value. else: try: if unit is None: return float(self._energy_dict[key][-1]) else: return (float(self._energy_dict[key][-1]) * unit)._to_default_unit() except KeyError: return None def _getFinalFrame(self): """ Get the frame from the GRO file generated at the end of the simulation. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system from the final frame. """ # Grab the last frame from the GRO file. with # Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state. if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map: is_lambda1 = True else: is_lambda1 = False # Locate the coordinate file. if not _os.path.isfile(self._crd_file): _warnings.warn( "Invalid coordinate file! " "%s gro file not found." % (self._crd_file) ) return None # Read the frame file. new_system = _IO.readMolecules( [self._crd_file, self._top_file], property_map=self._property_map ) # Create a copy of the existing system object. old_system = self._system.copy() # Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between # the molecule indices in the two systems. sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities( old_system._sire_object, new_system._sire_object, self._mapping, is_lambda1, self._property_map, self._property_map, ) # Update the underlying Sire object. old_system._sire_object = sire_system # Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't # need to recompute it next time. self._mapping = mapping # Get the "space" property name from the property map. space_prop = self._property_map.get("space", "space") # Update the box information in the original system. Only do this if # the original system contains space information, since it will have # been added in order to run vacuum simulations. if ( space_prop in old_system._sire_object.propertyKeys() and space_prop in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys() ): # Get the original space. box ="space") # Only update the box if the space is periodic. if box.isPeriodic(): box ="space") old_system._sire_object.setProperty( self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box ) # If this is a vacuum simulation, then translate the centre of mass # of the system back to the origin. if not space_prop in old_system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): com = new_system._getCenterOfMass() old_system.translate([-x for x in com]) return old_system def _getFrame(self, time): """ Get the trajectory frame closest to a specific time value. Parameters ---------- time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The time value. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system from the closest trajectory frame. """ if not isinstance(time, _Types.Time): raise TypeError("'time' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types.Time'") # Grab the last frame from the current trajectory file. try: with # Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state. if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map: is_lambda1 = True else: is_lambda1 = False # Locate the trajectory file. traj_file = self._find_trajectory_file() if traj_file is None: return None else: self._traj_file = traj_file # Use trjconv to get the frame closest to the current simulation time. command = "%s trjconv -f %s -s %s -dump %f -pbc mol -o frame.gro" % ( self._exe, self._traj_file, self._tpr_file, time.picoseconds().value(), ) # Run the command as a pipeline. proc_echo = _subprocess.Popen( ["echo", "0"], shell=False, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE ) proc = _subprocess.Popen( _Utils.command_split(command), shell=False, stdin=proc_echo.stdout, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=_subprocess.PIPE, ) proc.wait() proc_echo.stdout.close() # Read the frame file. new_system = _IO.readMolecules( ["frame.gro", self._top_file], property_map=self._property_map ) # Delete the frame file. _os.remove("frame.gro") # Create a copy of the existing system object. old_system = self._system.copy() # Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between # the molecule indices in the two systems. sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities( old_system._sire_object, new_system._sire_object, self._mapping, is_lambda1, self._property_map, self._property_map, ) # Update the underlying Sire object. old_system._sire_object = sire_system # Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't # need to recompute it next time. self._mapping = mapping # Get the "space" property name from the property map. space_prop = self._property_map.get("space", "space") # Update the box information in the original system. Only do this if # the original system contains space information, since it will have # been added in order to run vacuum simulations. if ( space_prop in old_system._sire_object.propertyKeys() and space_prop in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys() ): # Get the original space. box ="space") # Only update the box if the space is periodic. if box.isPeriodic(): box ="space") if box.isPeriodic(): old_system._sire_object.setProperty( self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box ) # If this is a vacuum simulation, then translate the centre of mass # of the system back to the origin. if not space_prop in old_system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): com = new_system._getCenterOfMass() old_system.translate([-x for x in com]) return old_system except: raise _warnings.warn( "Failed to extract trajectory frame with trjconv. " "Try running 'getSystem' again." ) frame = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "frame.gro") if _os.path.isfile(frame): _os.remove(frame) return None def _find_trajectory_file(self): """ Helper function to find the trajectory file associated with the process. Returns ------- traj_file : str The path to the trajectory file. """ # Check that the current trajectory file is found. if not _os.path.isfile(self._traj_file): # If not, first check for any trr extension. traj_file = _glob.glob(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "*.trr")) # Store the number of trr files. num_trr = len(traj_file) # Only accept if a single trajectory file is present. if num_trr == 1: return traj_file[0] else: # Now check for any xtc files. traj_file = _glob.glob(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "*.xtc")) if len(traj_file) == 1: return traj_file[0] else: _warnings.warn( "Invalid trajectory file! " "%d trr files found, %d xtc files found." % (num_trr, len(traj_file)) ) return None else: return self._traj_file
def _is_minimisation(config): """ Helper function to check whether a custom configuration is a minimisation. Parameters ---------- config : [str] A list of configuration strings. Returns ------- is_minimisation : bool Whether this is a minimisation configuration. """ for line in config: # Convert to lower-case and remove any whitespace. line = line.lower().replace(" ", "") # Check for integrators used for minimisation. if ( "integrator=steep" in line or "integrator=cg" in line or "integrator=l-bfgs" in line ): return True return False def _is_vacuum(config): """ Helper function to check whether a configuration corresponds to a vacuum simulation. Parameters ---------- config : [str] A list of configuration strings. Returns ------- is_vacuum : bool Whether this is (likely) a vacuum configuration. """ # Join all of the config strings together. config = "".join(config) # Convert to lower-case and remove any whitespace. config = config.lower().replace(" ", "") # Check for likely indicators of a vacuum simulation. # These can be adapted as we think of more, or options # change. if ( "pbc=no" in config and "nstlist=0" in config and "rlist=0" in config and "rvdw=0" in config and "rcoulomb=0" in config ): return True else: return False