Source code for BioSimSpace.Process._namd

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.

"""Functionality for running simulations using NAMD."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Namd"]

from .._Utils import _try_import

import math as _math
import os as _os

_pygtail = _try_import("pygtail")
import timeit as _timeit
import warnings as _warnings

from sire.legacy import Base as _SireBase
from sire.legacy import IO as _SireIO
from sire.legacy import Mol as _SireMol
from sire.legacy.Maths import Vector as _Vector

from .. import _isVerbose
from .._Exceptions import IncompatibleError as _IncompatibleError
from .._Exceptions import MissingSoftwareError as _MissingSoftwareError
from ..Protocol._position_restraint_mixin import _PositionRestraintMixin
from .._SireWrappers import System as _System
from ..Types._type import Type as _Type

from .. import IO as _IO
from .. import Protocol as _Protocol
from .. import Trajectory as _Trajectory
from .. import Units as _Units
from .. import _Utils

from . import _process

[docs] class Namd(_process.Process): """A class for running simulations using NAMD."""
[docs] def __init__( self, system, protocol, reference_system=None, exe=None, name="namd", work_dir=None, seed=None, property_map={}, **kwargs, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. protocol : :class:`Protocol <BioSimSpace.Protocol>` The protocol for the NAMD process. reference_system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` or None An optional system to use as a source of reference coordinates for position restraints. It is assumed that this system has the same topology as "system". If this is None, then "system" is used as a reference. exe : str The full path to the NAMD executable. name : str The name of the process. work_dir : The working directory for the process. seed : int A random number seed. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments. """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__( system, protocol, reference_system=reference_system, name=name, work_dir=work_dir, seed=seed, property_map=property_map, ) # Set the package name. self._package_name = "NAMD" # This process can generate trajectory data. self._has_trajectory = True # If the path to the executable wasn't specified, then search # for it in $PATH. if exe is None: try: self._exe = _SireBase.findExe("namd2").absoluteFilePath() except: raise _MissingSoftwareError( "'BioSimSpace.Process.Namd' is not supported. " "Please install NAMD (" ) from None else: # Make sure executable exists. if _os.path.isfile(exe): self._exe = exe else: raise IOError("NAMD executable doesn't exist: '%s'" % exe) # Initialise the stdout dictionary and title header. self._stdout_dict = _process._MultiDict() self._stdout_title = None # The names of the input files. self._psf_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.psf") self._top_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.pdb") self._param_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.params") self._velocity_file = None self._restraint_file = None # The name of the trajectory file. self._traj_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}_out.dcd") # Set the path for the NAMD configuration file. self._config_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{name}.cfg") # Create the list of input files. self._input_files = [ self._config_file, self._psf_file, self._top_file, self._param_file, ] # Now set up the working directory for the process. self._setup()
def _setup(self): """Setup the input files and working directory ready for simulation.""" # Create the input files... # Create a copy of the system. system = self._system.copy() # Check for perturbable molecules and convert to the chosen end state. system = self._checkPerturbable(system) # PSF and parameter files. try: file = _os.path.splitext(self._psf_file)[0] _IO.saveMolecules(file, system, "psf", property_map=self._property_map) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to write system to 'CHARMMPSF' format." if _isVerbose(): raise IOError(msg) from e else: raise IOError(msg) from None # PDB file. try: pdb = _SireIO.PDB2(system._sire_object, self._property_map) pdb.writeToFile(self._top_file) except Exception as e: msg = "Failed to write system to 'PDB' format." if _isVerbose(): raise IOError(msg) from e else: raise IOError(msg) from None # Try to write a PDB "velocity" restart file. # The file will only be generated if all atoms in the system have # a "velocity" property. # First generate a name for the velocity file. velocity_file = _os.path.splitext(self._top_file)[0] + ".vel" # Write the velocity file. has_velocities = pdb.writeVelocityFile(velocity_file) # If a file was written, store the name of the file and update the # list of input files. if has_velocities: self._velocity_file = velocity_file self._input_files.append(self._velocity_file) # NAMD requires donor, acceptor, and non-bonded exclusion record entries # in the PSF file. We check that these are present and append blank # records if not. The records are actually redundant (they have no # affect on the MD) so could be stripped (or zeroed) by the CharmmPSF # parser. has_donors = False has_acceptors = False has_non_bonded = False # When converting forcefields, improper terms may be represented as # dihedrals (cosine impropers). As such, there will be no improper # records in the PSF file. has_impropers = False # Open the PSF file for reading. with open(self._psf_file) as file: # Loop over all lines. for line in file: # There are improper records. if "!NIMPHI" in line: has_impropers = True # There are donor records. elif "!NDON" in line: has_donors = True # There are acceptor records. elif "NACC" in line: has_acceptors = True # There are non-bonded exclusion records. elif "NNB" in line: has_non_bonded = True # Append empty improper record. if not has_impropers: file = open(self._psf_file, "a") file.write("\n%8d !NIMPHI: impropers\n" % 0) file.close() # Append empty donor record. if not has_donors: file = open(self._psf_file, "a") file.write("\n%8d !NDON: donors\n" % 0) file.close() # Append empty acceptor record. if not has_acceptors: file = open(self._psf_file, "a") file.write("\n%8d !NACC: acceptors\n" % 0) file.close() # Append empty non-bonded exclusion record. if not has_non_bonded: file = open(self._psf_file, "a") file.write("\n%8d !NNB: excluded\n" % 0) file.close() # Generate the NAMD configuration file. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Custom): self.setConfig(self._protocol.getConfig()) else: self._generate_config() self.writeConfig(self._config_file) # Return the list of input files. return self._input_files def _generate_config(self): """Generate NAMD configuration file strings.""" # Clear the existing configuration list. self._config = [] # Flag that the system doesn't contain a box. has_box = False prop = self._property_map.get("space", "space") if prop in self._system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): try: box = # Flag that we have found a periodic box. has_box = box.isPeriodic() except Exception: box = None # Check whether the system contains periodic box information. if has_box: # Periodic box. try: box_size = v0 = _Vector(box_size.x().value(), 0, 0) v1 = _Vector(0, box_size.y().value(), 0) v2 = _Vector(0, 0, box_size.z().value()) # TriclinicBox. except: box = v0 = box.vector0() v1 = box.vector1() v2 = box.vector2() # Work out the minimum box size. box_size = min(v0.magnitude(), v1.magnitude(), v2.magnitude()) # Convert vectors to tuples. v0 = tuple(x.value() for x in v0) v1 = tuple(x.value() for x in v1) v2 = tuple(x.value() for x in v2) # Since the box is translationally invariant, we set the cell # origin to be the average of the atomic coordinates. This # ensures a consistent wrapping for coordinates in the NAMD # output files. origin = tuple(x.value() for x in self._system._getAABox().center()) # No box information. Assume this is a gas phase simulation. else: _warnings.warn("No simulation box found. Assuming gas phase simulation.") has_box = False prop = self._property_map.get("param_format", "param_format") # Check whether the system contains parameter format information. if prop in self._system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): # Get the parameter format. if == "CHARMM": is_charmm = True else: is_charmm = False # No parameter format information. Assume these are CHARMM parameters. else: _warnings.warn( "No parameter format information found. Assuming CHARMM parameters." ) is_charmm = True # Append generic configuration variables. # Topology. self.addToConfig("structure %s" % _os.path.basename(self._psf_file)) self.addToConfig("coordinates %s" % _os.path.basename(self._top_file)) # Velocities. if self._velocity_file is not None: self.addToConfig( "velocities %s" % _os.path.basename(self._velocity_file) ) # Parameters. if is_charmm: self.addToConfig("paraTypeCharmm on") self.addToConfig( "parameters %s" % _os.path.basename(self._param_file) ) # Random number seed. if self._is_seeded: self.addToConfig("seed %d" % self._seed) # Exclusion policy. self.addToConfig("exclude scaled1-4") # Non-bonded potential parameters. # Gas phase. if not has_box or not self._has_water: self.addToConfig("cutoff 999.") self.addToConfig("zeroMomentum yes") self.addToConfig("switching off") # Solvated. else: # Only use a cutoff if the box is large enough. if box_size > 26: self.addToConfig("cutoff 12.") self.addToConfig("pairlistdist 14.") self.addToConfig("switching on") self.addToConfig("switchdist 10.") # Load the XSC file. self.addToConfig("extendedSystem %s.xsc" % self._name) # We force the cell origin to be located at the system's centre # of geometry. This ensures a consistent periodic wrapping for # all NAMD output. self.addToConfig("cellOrigin %.3f %.3f %.3f" % origin) # Add the cell vectors. self.addToConfig("cellBasisVector1 %.3f %.3f %.3f" % v0) self.addToConfig("cellBasisVector2 %.3f %.3f %.3f" % v1) self.addToConfig("cellBasisVector3 %.3f %.3f %.3f" % v2) # Wrap all molecular coordinates to the periodic box. self.addToConfig("wrapAll on") # Periodic electrostatics. self.addToConfig("PME yes") self.addToConfig("PMEGridSpacing 1.") # Output file parameters. self.addToConfig("outputName %s_out" % self._name) self.addToConfig("binaryOutput no") self.addToConfig("binaryRestart no") # Position restraints. if isinstance(self._protocol, _PositionRestraintMixin): restraint = self._protocol.getRestraint() if restraint is not None: # Create a restrained system. restrained = self._createRestrainedSystem( self._reference_system, restraint ) # Create a PDB object, mapping the "occupancy" property to "restrained". prop = self._property_map.get("occupancy", "occupancy") try: p = _SireIO.PDB2(restrained._sire_object, {prop: "restrained"}) # File name for the restraint file. self._restraint_file = _os.path.join( str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}.restrained" ) # Write the PDB file. p.writeToFile(self._restraint_file) except: _warnings.warn( "Failed to add restraints to PDB file. " "Perhaps there are no atoms matching the restraint?" ) # Update the configuration file. self.addToConfig("constraints yes") self.addToConfig("consref %s.restrained" % self._name) self.addToConfig("conskfile %s.restrained" % self._name) self.addToConfig("conskcol O") # Add configuration variables for a minimisation simulation. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Output frequency. self.addToConfig("restartfreq 500") self.addToConfig("xstFreq 500") # Printing frequency. self.addToConfig("outputEnergies 100") self.addToConfig("outputTiming 1000") self.addToConfig("temperature 300") # Work out the number of steps. This must be a multiple of # stepspercycle, which is set the default of 20. steps = 20 * _math.ceil(self._protocol.getSteps() / 20) self.addToConfig("minimize %d" % steps) # Add configuration variables for an equilibration simulation. elif isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Equilibration): # Work out the number of integration steps. steps = _math.ceil( self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep() ) # Get the report and restart intervals. report_interval = self._protocol.getReportInterval() restart_interval = self._protocol.getRestartInterval() # Cap the intervals at the total number of steps. if report_interval > steps: report_interval = steps if restart_interval > steps: restart_interval = steps # Output frequency. self.addToConfig("restartfreq %d" % restart_interval) self.addToConfig("xstFreq %d" % restart_interval) # Printing frequency. self.addToConfig("outputEnergies %d" % report_interval) self.addToConfig("outputTiming 1000") # Set the Tcl temperature variable. if self._protocol.isConstantTemp(): self.addToConfig( "set temperature %.2f" % self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value() ) else: self.addToConfig( "set temperature %.2f" % self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value() ) self.addToConfig("temperature $temperature") # Integrator parameters. self.addToConfig( "timestep %.2f" % self._protocol.getTimeStep().femtoseconds().value() ) self.addToConfig("rigidBonds all") self.addToConfig("nonbondedFreq 1") self.addToConfig("fullElectFrequency 2") # Constant temperature control. self.addToConfig("langevin on") self.addToConfig("langevinDamping 1.") self.addToConfig("langevinTemp $temperature") self.addToConfig("langevinHydrogen no") # Constant pressure control. if self._protocol.getPressure() is not None: self.addToConfig("langevinPiston on") self.addToConfig( "langevinPistonTarget %.5f" % self._protocol.getPressure().bar().value() ) self.addToConfig("langevinPistonPeriod 100.") self.addToConfig("langevinPistonDecay 50.") self.addToConfig("langevinPistonTemp $temperature") self.addToConfig("useGroupPressure yes") self.addToConfig("useFlexibleCell no") self.addToConfig("useConstantArea no") # Heating/cooling simulation. if not self._protocol.isConstantTemp(): # Work out temperature step size (assuming a unit increment). denom = abs( self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value() - self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value() ) freq = _math.floor(steps / denom) self.addToConfig("reassignFreq %d" % freq) self.addToConfig( "reassignTemp %.2f" % self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value() ) self.addToConfig("reassignIncr 1.") self.addToConfig( "reassignHold %.2f" % self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value() ) # Trajectory output frequency. self.addToConfig("DCDfreq %d" % restart_interval) # Run the simulation. self.addToConfig("run %d" % steps) # Add configuration variables for a production simulation. elif isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Production): # Work out the number of integration steps. steps = _math.ceil( self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep() ) # Get the report and restart intervals. report_interval = self._protocol.getReportInterval() restart_interval = self._protocol.getRestartInterval() # Cap the intervals at the total number of steps. if report_interval > steps: report_interval = steps if restart_interval > steps: restart_interval = steps # Output frequency. self.addToConfig("restartfreq %d" % restart_interval) self.addToConfig("xstFreq %d" % restart_interval) # Printing frequency. self.addToConfig("outputEnergies %d" % report_interval) self.addToConfig("outputTiming 1000") # Set the Tcl temperature variable. self.addToConfig( "set temperature %.2f" % self._protocol.getTemperature().kelvin().value() ) self.addToConfig("temperature $temperature") # Integrator parameters. self.addToConfig( "timestep %.2f" % self._protocol.getTimeStep().femtoseconds().value() ) self.addToConfig("rigidBonds all") self.addToConfig("nonbondedFreq 1") self.addToConfig("fullElectFrequency 2") # Constant temperature control. self.addToConfig("langevin on") self.addToConfig("langevinDamping 1.") self.addToConfig("langevinTemp $temperature") self.addToConfig("langevinHydrogen no") # Constant pressure control. if self._protocol.getPressure() is not None: self.addToConfig("langevinPiston on") self.addToConfig( "langevinPistonTarget %.5f" % self._protocol.getPressure().bar().value() ) self.addToConfig("langevinPistonPeriod 100.") self.addToConfig("langevinPistonDecay 50.") self.addToConfig("langevinPistonTemp $temperature") self.addToConfig("useGroupPressure yes") self.addToConfig("useFlexibleCell no") self.addToConfig("useConstantArea no") # Work out number of steps needed to exceed desired running time. steps = _math.ceil( self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep() ) # Trajectory output frequency. self.addToConfig("DCDfreq %d" % restart_interval) # Run the simulation. self.addToConfig("run %d" % steps) else: raise _IncompatibleError( "Unsupported protocol: '%s'" % self._protocol.__class__.__name__ ) # Flag that this isn't a custom protocol. self._protocol._setCustomised(False)
[docs] def start(self): """ Start the NAMD process. Returns ------- process : :class:`Process.Namd <BioSimSpace.Process.Namd>` The process object. """ # The process is currently queued. if self.isQueued(): return # Process is already running. if self._process is not None: if self._process.isRunning(): return # Clear any existing output. self._clear_output() # Run the process in the working directory. with # Write the command-line process to a README.txt file. with open("README.txt", "w") as file: # Set the command-line string. self._command = "%s %s.cfg" % (self._exe, self._name) # Write the command to file. file.write("# NAMD was run with the following command:\n") file.write("%s\n" % self._command) # Start the timer. self._timer = _timeit.default_timer() # Start the simulation. self._process = self._exe, "%s.cfg" % self._name, "%s.out" % self._name, "%s.err" % self._name, ) return self
[docs] def getSystem(self, block="AUTO"): """ Get the latest molecular system. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The latest molecular system. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") # Read the PDB coordinate file and construct a parameterised molecular # system using the original PSF and param files. has_coor = False # First check for final configuration. if _os.path.isfile( _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.coor") ): coor_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.coor") has_coor = True # Otherwise check for a restart file. elif _os.path.isfile( _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.restart.coor") ): coor_file = _os.path.join( str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.restart.coor" ) has_coor = True # Try to find an XSC file. has_xsc = False # First check for final XSC file. if _os.path.isfile(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.xsc")): xsc_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.xsc") has_xsc = True # Otherwise check for a restart XSC file. elif _os.path.isfile( _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.restart.xsc") ): xsc_file = _os.path.join( str(self._work_dir), f"{self._name}_out.restart.xsc" ) has_xsc = True # We found a coordinate file. if has_coor: # List of files. files = [coor_file, self._psf_file, self._param_file] # Add the box information. if has_xsc: files.append(xsc_file) # Create and return the molecular system. try: # Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state. if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map: is_lambda1 = True else: is_lambda1 = False # Load the restart file. new_system = _IO.readMolecules(files, property_map=self._property_map) # Create a copy of the existing system object. old_system = self._system.copy() # Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between # the molecule indices in the two systems. sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities( old_system._sire_object, new_system._sire_object, self._mapping, is_lambda1, self._property_map, self._property_map, ) # Update the underlying Sire object. old_system._sire_object = sire_system # Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't # need to recompute it next time. self._mapping = mapping # Update the box information in the original system. if "space" in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): box ="space") if box.isPeriodic(): old_system._sire_object.setProperty( self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box ) return old_system except: return None else: return None
[docs] def getCurrentSystem(self): """ Get the latest molecular system. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The latest molecular system. """ return self.getSystem(block=False)
[docs] def getTrajectory(self, backend="AUTO", block="AUTO"): """ Return a trajectory object. Parameters ---------- backend : str The backend to use for trajectory parsing. To see supported backends, run BioSimSpace.Trajectory.backends(). Using "AUTO" will try each in sequence. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- trajectory : :class:`Trajectory <BioSimSpace.Trajectory>` The latest trajectory object. """ if not isinstance(backend, str): raise TypeError("'backend' must be of type 'str'") if not isinstance(block, (bool, str)): raise TypeError("'block' must be of type 'bool' or 'str'") # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") try: return _Trajectory.Trajectory(process=self, backend=backend) except: return None
[docs] def getFrame(self, index): """ Return a specific trajectory frame. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the frame. Returns ------- frame : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The System object of the corresponding frame. """ if not type(index) is int: raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'") max_index = ( int( (self._protocol.getRunTime() / self._protocol.getTimeStep()) / self._protocol.getRestartInterval() ) - 1 ) if index < 0 or index > max_index: raise ValueError(f"'index' must be in range [0, {max_index}].") try: # Do we need to get coordinates for the lambda=1 state. if "is_lambda1" in self._property_map: is_lambda1 = True else: is_lambda1 = False # Load the latest trajectory frame. new_system = _Trajectory.getFrame(self._traj_file, self._top_file, index) # Create a copy of the existing system object. old_system = self._system.copy() # Update the coordinates and velocities and return a mapping between # the molecule indices in the two systems. sire_system, mapping = _SireIO.updateCoordinatesAndVelocities( old_system._sire_object, new_system._sire_object, self._mapping, is_lambda1, self._property_map, self._property_map, ) # Update the underlying Sire object. old_system._sire_object = sire_system # Store the mapping between the MolIdx in both systems so we don't # need to recompute it next time. self._mapping = mapping # Update the box information in the original system. if "space" in new_system._sire_object.propertyKeys(): box ="space") old_system._sire_object.setProperty( self._property_map.get("space", "space"), box ) return old_system except: return None
[docs] def getRecord(self, record, time_series=False, unit=None, block="AUTO"): """ Get a record from the stdout dictionary. Parameters ---------- record : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>` The unit to convert the record to. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>` The matching record. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self.stdout(0) return self._get_stdout_record(record, time_series, unit)
[docs] def getCurrentRecord(self, record, time_series=False, unit=None): """ Get a current record from the stdout dictionary. Parameters ---------- record : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. unit : :class:`Unit <BioSimSpace.Units>` The unit to convert the record to. Returns ------- record : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>` The matching record. """ # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self.stdout(0) return self._get_stdout_record(record, time_series, unit)
[docs] def getRecords(self, block="AUTO"): """ Return the dictionary of stdout time-series records. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- records : dict The dictionary of time-series records. """ # Wait for the process to finish. if block is True: self.wait() elif block == "AUTO" and self._is_blocked: self.wait() # Warn the user if the process has exited with an error. if self.isError(): _warnings.warn("The process exited with an error!") self.stdout(0) return self._stdout_dict.copy()
[docs] def getCurrentRecords(self): """ Return the current dictionary of stdout time-series records. Parameters ---------- block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- records : BioSimSpace.Process._process._MultiDict The dictionary of time-series records. """ return self.getRecords(block=False)
[docs] def getTime(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the simulation time. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The current simulation time in nanoseconds. """ if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): return None else: # Get the list of time steps. time_steps = self.getRecord("TS", time_series, None, block) # Convert the time step to the default unit. timestep = self._protocol.getTimeStep()._to_default_unit() # Multiply by the integration time step. if time_steps is not None: if time_series: return [x * timestep for x in time_steps] else: return timestep * time_steps
[docs] def getCurrentTime(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current simulation time. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The current simulation time in nanoseconds. """ return self.getTime(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getStep(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the number of integration steps. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- step : int The current number of integration steps. """ return self.getRecord("TS", time_series, None, block)
[docs] def getCurrentStep(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current number of integration steps. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- step : int The current number of integration steps. """ return self.getStep(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getBondEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the bond energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The bond energy. """ return self.getRecord("BOND", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentBondEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current bond energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The bond energy. """ return self.getBondEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getAngleEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the angle energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The angle energy. """ return self.getRecord("ANGLE", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentAngleEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current angle energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The angle energy. """ return self.getAngleEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getDihedralEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total dihedral energy (proper + improper). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total dihedral energy. """ # Get the proper and improper energies. proper = self.getRecord("DIHED", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block) improper = self.getRecord( "IMPRP", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block ) # No records. if proper is None and improper is None: return None elif proper is None: return improper elif improper is None: return proper else: if time_series: return [x + y for x, y in zip(proper, improper)] else: return proper + improper
[docs] def getCurrentDihedralEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current total dihedral energy (proper + improper). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The dihedral energy. """ return self.getDihedralEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getProperEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the proper dihedral energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The proper dihedral energy. """ return self.getRecord("DIHED", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentProperEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current proper dihedral energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The proper dihedral energy. """ return self.getProperEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getImproperEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the improper energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The improper energy. """ return self.getRecord("IMPRP", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentImproperEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current improper energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The improper energy. """ return self.getImproperEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getElectrostaticEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the electrostatic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The electrostatic energy. """ return self.getRecord("ELECT", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentElectrostaticEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current electrostatic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The electrostatic energy. """ return self.getElectrostaticEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getVanDerWaalsEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the Van der Vaals energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Van der Vaals energy. """ return self.getRecord("VDW", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentVanDerWaalsEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current Van der Waals energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The Van der Vaals energy. """ return self.getVanDerWaalsEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getBoundaryEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the boundary energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The boundary energy. """ return self.getRecord( "BOUNDARY", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentBoundaryEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current boundary energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The boundary energy. """ return self.getBoundaryEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getMiscEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the external energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The external energy. """ return self.getRecord("MISC", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentMiscEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current external energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The external energy. """ return self.getMiscEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getKineticEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The kinetic energy. """ return self.getRecord("KINETIC", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentKineticEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current kinetic energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The current kinetic energy. """ return self.getKineticEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPotentialEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the potential energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The potential energy. """ return self.getRecord( "POTENTIAL", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block )
[docs] def getCurrentPotentialEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current potential energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The potential energy. """ return self.getPotentialEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTotalEnergy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getRecord("TOTAL", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTotalEnergy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current potential energy. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getTotalEnergy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTotal2Energy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total energy. (Better KE conservation.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getRecord("TOTAL2", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTotal2Energy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current total energy. (Better KE conservation.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getTotal2Energy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTotal3Energy(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the total energy. (Smaller short-time fluctuations.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getRecord("TOTAL3", time_series, _Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTotal3Energy(self, time_series=False): """ Get the total energy. (Smaller short-time fluctuations.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- energy : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The total energy. """ return self.getTotal3Energy(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTemperature(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The temperature. """ return self.getRecord("TEMP", time_series, _Units.Temperature.kelvin, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTemperature(self, time_series=False): """ Get the temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The temperature. """ return self.getTemperature(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getTemperatureAverage(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the average temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The average temperature. """ return self.getRecord("TEMPAVG", time_series, _Units.Temperature.kelvin, block)
[docs] def getCurrentTemperatureAverage(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current average temperature. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The average temperature. """ return self.getTemperatureAverage(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPressure(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self.getRecord("PRESSURE", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentPressure(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self.getPressure(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getPressureAverage(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the average pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The average pressure. """ return self.getRecord("PRESSAVG", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentPressureAverage(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current average pressure. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The average pressure. """ return self.getPressureAverage(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getGPressure(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the pressure. (Hydrogens incorporated into bonded atoms.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self.getRecord("GPRESSURE", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentGPressure(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current pressure. (Hydrogens incorporated into bonded atoms.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self.getGPressure(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getGPressureAverage(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the average pressure. (Hydrogens incorporated into bonded atoms.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The average pressure. """ return self.getRecord("GPRESSAVG", time_series,, block)
[docs] def getCurrentGPressureAverage(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current average pressure. (Hydrogens incorporated into bonded atoms.). Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The average pressure. """ return self.getGPressureAverage(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def getVolume(self, time_series=False, block="AUTO"): """ Get the volume. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. block : bool Whether to block until the process has finished running. Returns ------- volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>` The volume. """ return self.getRecord("VOLUME", time_series, _Units.Volume.angstrom3, block)
[docs] def getCurrentVolume(self, time_series=False): """ Get the current volume. Parameters ---------- time_series : bool Whether to return a list of time series records. Returns ------- volume : :class:`Volume <BioSimSpace.Types.Volume>` The volume. """ return self.getVolume(time_series, block=False)
[docs] def eta(self): """ Get the estimated time for the process to finish (in minutes). Returns ------- eta : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The estimated remaining time in minutes. """ # Make sure the list of stdout records is up to date. # Print the last zero lines, i.e. no output. self.stdout(0) # Now search backwards through the list to find the last TIMING record. for _, record in reversed(list(enumerate(self._stdout))): # Split the record using whitespace. data = record.split() # We've found a TIMING record. if len(data) > 0: if data[0] == "TIMING:": # Try to find the "hours" record. # If found, return the entry precedeing it. try: return ( float(data[data.index("hours") - 1]) * 60 ) * _Units.Time.minutes # No record found. except ValueError: return None
[docs] def stdout(self, n=10): """ Print the last n lines of the stdout buffer. Parameters ---------- n : int The number of lines to print. """ # Ensure that the number of lines is positive. if n < 0: raise ValueError("The number of lines must be positive!") # Append any new lines to the stdout list. for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._stdout_file): self._stdout.append(line.rstrip()) # Split the record using whitespace. data = self._stdout[-1].split() # Make sure there is at least one record. if len(data) > 0: # Store the updated energy title. if data[0] == "ETITLE:": self._stdout_title = data[1:] # This is an energy record. elif data[0] == "ENERGY:": # Extract the data. stdout_data = data[1:] # Add the records to the dictionary. if len(stdout_data) == len(self._stdout_title): for title, data in zip(self._stdout_title, stdout_data): self._stdout_dict[title] = data # Get the current number of lines. num_lines = len(self._stdout) # Set the line from which to start printing. if num_lines < n: start = 0 else: start = num_lines - n # Print the lines. for x in range(start, num_lines): print(self._stdout[x])
def _createRestrainedSystem(self, system, restraint): """ Restrain protein backbone atoms. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. restraint : str, [int] The type of restraint. Returns ------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system with an added 'restrained' property. """ # Get the force constant value in the default units. This is # the same as used by NAMD, i.e. kcal_per_mol/angstrom**2 force_constant = self._protocol.getForceConstant().value() # Copy the original system. s = system.copy() # Convert to the chosen end state. s = self._checkPerturbable(s) # Keyword restraint. if isinstance(restraint, str): # Loop over all molecules by number. for x, mol in enumerate(s): # Get the indices of the restrained atoms for this molecule. atoms = s.getRestraintAtoms( restraint, x, is_absolute=False, allow_zero_matches=True ) # Extract the molecule and make it editable. edit_mol = mol._sire_object.edit() # First set all restraint force constants to 0, i.e. the restraint # will be ignored. for atom in edit_mol.atoms(): edit_mol = ( edit_mol.atom(atom.index()) .setProperty("restrained", 0.0) .molecule() ) # Now apply restraints to the selected atoms. for idx in atoms: edit_mol = ( edit_mol.atom(_SireMol.AtomIdx(idx)) .setProperty("restrained", 10.0) .molecule() ) # Update the system. s._sire_object.update(edit_mol.commit()) # A user-defined list of atoms. elif isinstance(restraint, (list, tuple)): # Create an empty multi dict for each MolNum. mol_atoms = {} for num in s._mol_nums: mol_atoms[num] = [] # Now work out which MolNum corresponds to each atom in the restraint. for idx in restraint: try: mol_idx, atom_idx = s._getRelativeIndices(idx) mol_num = s._mol_nums[mol_idx] atom_idx = _SireMol.AtomIdx(atom_idx) mol_atoms[mol_num].append(atom_idx) except Exception as e: msg = "Unable to find restrained atom in the system?" if _isVerbose(): raise ValueError(msg) from e else: raise ValueError(msg) from None # Now loop over the multi-dict. for num, idxs in mol_atoms.items(): # Extract the molecule and make it editable. edit_mol = s._sire_object[num].edit() # First set all restraints to zero. for atom in edit_mol.atoms(): edit_mol = ( edit_mol.atom(atom.index()) .setProperty("restrained", 0.0) .molecule() ) # Now apply restraints to the selected atoms. # TODO: The fixed-width PDB format means that the force # constant can't exceed 999 kcal_per_mol/angstrom**2 when # written in the standard 2dp floating point format. We # could warn when the value is too large, or write as an # integer instead. (This latter would require tweaking the # PDB parser. for idx in idxs: edit_mol = ( edit_mol.atom(idx) .setProperty("restrained", force_constant) .molecule() ) # Update the system. s._sire_object.update(edit_mol.commit()) # Return the new system. return s def _get_stdout_record(self, key, time_series=False, unit=None): """ Helper function to get a stdout record from the dictionary. Parameters ---------- key : str The record key. time_series : bool Whether to return a time series of records. unit : BioSimSpace.Types._type.Type The unit to convert the record to. Returns ------- record : The matching stdout record. """ # No data! if len(self._stdout_dict) == 0: return None if not isinstance(time_series, bool): _warnings.warn("Non-boolean time-series flag. Defaulting to False!") time_series = False # Validate the unit. if unit is not None: if not isinstance(unit, _Type): raise TypeError("'unit' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types'") # Return the list of dictionary values. if time_series: try: if key == "TS": return [int(x) for x in self._stdout_dict[key]] else: if unit is None: return [float(x) for x in self._stdout_dict[key]] else: return [ (float(x) * unit)._to_default_unit() for x in self._stdout_dict[key] ] except KeyError: return None # Return the most recent dictionary value. else: try: if key == "TS": return int(self._stdout_dict[key][-1]) else: if unit is None: return float(self._stdout_dict[key][-1]) else: return ( float(self._stdout_dict[key][-1]) * unit )._to_default_unit() except KeyError: return None