# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <lester.hedges@gmail.com>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Utility class for interfacing with PLUMED."""
__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = "lester.hedges@gmail.com"
__all__ = ["Plumed"]
from .._Utils import _try_import
import glob as _glob
import os as _os
_pygtail = _try_import("pygtail")
import shlex as _shlex
import shutil as _shutil
import subprocess as _subprocess
import warnings as _warnings
from sire.legacy.Base import findExe as _findExe
from sire.legacy.Maths import Vector as _Vector
from sire.legacy.Mol import MolNum as _MolNum
import sire.legacy.Vol as _SireVol
from .._SireWrappers import System as _System
from ..Metadynamics import CollectiveVariable as _CollectiveVariable
from ..Protocol import Metadynamics as _Metadynamics
from ..Protocol import Steering as _Steering
from ..Types import Coordinate as _Coordinate
from .. import _Exceptions
from .. import Types as _Types
from .. import _Utils
from .. import Units as _Units
from ._process import _MultiDict
class Plumed:
"""A class for interfacing with PLUMED."""
def __init__(self, work_dir):
work_dir : str
The working directory of the process that is interfacing
with PLUMED.
# Check that the working directory is valid.
if not isinstance(work_dir, str):
raise TypeError("'work_dir' must be of type 'str'")
if not _os.path.isdir(work_dir):
raise ValueError("'work_dir' doesn't exist: %s" % work_dir)
# Try to locate the PLUMED executable.
self._exe = _findExe("plumed").absoluteFilePath()
raise _Exceptions.MissingSoftwareError(
"Metadynamics simulations required "
"that PLUMED is installed: www.plumed.org"
# Run a PLUMED as a background process to query the version number.
command = "%s info --version" % self._exe
process = _subprocess.run(
_Utils.command_split(command), shell=False, stdout=_subprocess.PIPE
if process.returncode == 0:
self._plumed_version = process.stdout.decode("ascii").strip()
# Get the major minor version.
major, minor = self._plumed_version.split(".")
major = int(major)
minor = int(minor)
if major < 2 or (major < 3 and minor < 5):
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(
"PLUMED version >= 2.5 is required."
# Store the major and minor versions.
self._plumed_major = major
self._plumed_minor = minor
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError("Could not determine PLUMED version!")
# Set the working directory of the process.
self._work_dir = work_dir
# Set the location of the HILLS and COLVAR files.
self._hills_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "HILLS")
self._colvar_file = _os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "COLVAR")
# The number of collective variables and total number of components.
self._num_colvar = 0
self._num_components = 0
# The number of lower/upper walls.
self._num_lower_walls = 0
self._num_upper_walls = 0
# Initialise a list of the collective variable argument names.
self._colvar_name = []
# Initialise a dictionary to map the collective variable names
# to their unit. This can be used when returning time series
# records from the log files.
self._colvar_unit = {}
# Initialise the list of configuration file strings and auxiliary files.
self._config = []
self._aux_files = []
# Initialise dictionaries to hold COLVAR and HILLS time-series records.
self._colvar_dict = _MultiDict()
self._hills_dict = _MultiDict()
# Initialise lists to store the keys used to index the above dictionary.
self._colvar_keys = []
self._hills_keys = []
# Whether to use the HILLS file to get COLVAR information.
self._use_hills = False
# Flag that we haven't yet got a valid config.
self._has_config = False
def createConfig(self, system, protocol, property_map={}):
Create a PLUMED configuration file.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
A BioSimSpace system object.
protocol : :class:`Protocol.Metadynamics <BioSimSpace.Protocol.Metadynamics>`, \
:class:`Protocol.Steering <BioSimSpace.Protocol.Steering>`, \
The metadynamics or steered molecular dynamics protocol.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
config, auxiliary_files : [str], [str]
The list of PLUMED configuration strings and paths to any auxiliary
files required by the collective variables.
if not isinstance(system, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'system' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'"
# Create a metadynamics protocol.
if isinstance(protocol, _Metadynamics):
return self._createMetadynamicsConfig(system, protocol, property_map)
# Create a steered molecular dynamics protocol.
if isinstance(protocol, _Steering):
return self._createSteeringConfig(system, protocol, property_map)
raise TypeError(
"'protocol' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Protocol.Metadynamics' "
" or 'BioSimSpace.Protocol.Steering'"
def _createMetadynamicsConfig(self, system, protocol, property_map={}):
Create a PLUMED metadynamics configuration file.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
A BioSimSpace system object.
protocol : :class:`Protocol.Metadynamics <BioSimSpace.Protocol.Metadynamics>`
The metadynamics protocol.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
config, auxiliary_files : [str], [str]
The list of PLUMED configuration strings and paths to any auxiliary
files required by the collective variables.
if not isinstance(system, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'system' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'"
if not isinstance(protocol, _Metadynamics):
raise TypeError(
"'protocol' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Protocol.Metadynamics'"
if not isinstance(property_map, dict):
raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'")
# Clear data.
self._num_colvar = 0
self._num_lower_walls = 0
self._num_upper_walls = 0
self._colvar_name = []
self._colvar_unit = {}
self._config = []
self._aux_files = []
# Always remove pygtail offset files.
_os.remove(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "COLVAR.offset"))
_os.remove(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "HILLS.offset"))
# Restart if existing HILLS and COLVAR files are present.
if _os.path.isfile(self._colvar_file) and _os.path.isfile(self._hills_file):
is_restart = True
is_restart = False
self._config.append("RESTART NO")
# Initialise molecule number to atom tally lookup dictionary in the system.
raise ValueError("The system contains no molecules?")
# Store the collective variable(s).
colvars = protocol.getCollectiveVariable()
self._num_colvar = len(colvars)
for cv in colvars:
self._num_components += cv.nComponents()
# Loop over each collective variable and create WHOLEMOLECULES entities
# for any molecule that involve atoms in a collective variable. We only
# want to record each molecule once, so keep a list of the molecules
# that we've already seen.
molecules = []
for colvar in colvars:
# Store all of the atoms to which the collective variable applies.
atoms = []
# Distance.
if isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Distance):
atom0 = colvar.getAtom0()
atom1 = colvar.getAtom1()
if type(atom0) is int:
elif isinstance(atom0, list):
if type(atom1) is int:
elif isinstance(atom1, list):
# Torsion.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Torsion):
atoms = colvar.getAtoms()
# Funnel.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Funnel):
# First we need to check that the funnel length is less
# than half the simulation box base length in any dimension.
# Get the upper bound on the collective variable.
upper_bound = colvar.getUpperBound()
if upper_bound is not None:
# Store the value of the bound in angstrom.
value = upper_bound.getValue().angstroms().value()
# Get the user-defined "space" property.
space_prop = property_map.get("space", "space")
# Check whether the system has a space. If not, vacuum
# simulations are okay.
if space_prop in system._sire_object.propertyKeys():
# Get the space property.
space = system._sire_object.property(space_prop)
# Handle PeriodicBox.
if isinstance(space, _SireVol.PeriodicBox):
# Get the x,y,z dimensions of th box in angstrom.
dimensions = space.dimensions()
# Check the upper bound is greater than dim/2 for
# each dimension.
for dim in dimensions:
if value >= 0.5 * dim.value():
message = (
"The simulation box is too small for the funnel. "
"Try reducing the upper bound of the collective "
"variable or increasing the box size."
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(message)
# Handle TriclinicBox.
# Get the magnitude of each box vector in angstrom.
m0 = _Vector.magnitude(space.vector0())
m1 = _Vector.magnitude(space.vector1())
m2 = _Vector.magnitude(space.vector2())
# Check the upper bound is greater than mag/2 for
for mag in [m0, m1, m2]:
if value >= 0.5 * mag:
message = (
"The simulation box is too small for the funnel. "
"Try reducing the upper bound of the collective "
"variable or increasing the box size."
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(message)
# Here we assume that we have a solvated protein/ligand
# (or host/guest). The largest molecule in the system
# will be the protein, the second largest the ligand.
# Store the number of atoms in each molecule.
atom_nums = []
for mol in system:
# Sort the molecule indices by the number of atoms they contain.
sorted_nums = sorted(
(value, num) for value, num in zip(atom_nums, system._mol_nums)
# Store the indices of the largest and second largest molecules.
if sorted_nums[-1][1] not in molecules:
if sorted_nums[-2][1] not in molecules:
# The funnel collective variable requires an auxiliary file for
# PLUMED versions < 2.7.
if self._plumed_major < 2 or (
self._plumed_major < 3 and self._plumed_minor < 7
aux_file = "ProjectionOnAxis.cpp"
self._config.append(f"LOAD FILE={aux_file}")
aux_file = (
"CollectiveVariable", "_aux"
+ "/"
+ aux_file
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.RMSD):
for i in colvar.getMoleculeIndices():
num = system._mol_nums[i]
if num not in molecules:
# Loop over all of the atoms. Make sure the index is valid and
# check if we need to create an entity for the molecule containing
# the atom.
for idx in atoms:
# The atom index is invalid.
if idx >= system.nAtoms():
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(
"The collective variable is incompatible with the "
"system. Contains atom index %d, number of atoms in system is %d "
% (idx, system.nAtoms())
# Get the molecule numbers in this system.
mol_nums = system._sire_object.molNums()
# Loop over each molecule and find the one that contains this atom.
for x, num in enumerate(mol_nums):
# The atom was in the previous molecule.
if system._atom_index_tally[num] > idx:
num = mol_nums[x - 1]
# This is a new molecule.
if num not in molecules:
# Initialise the configuration string.
# Create an entity for each unique molecule.
for x, molecule in enumerate(molecules):
# Get the start index.
idx = system._atom_index_tally[molecule]
# Get the number of atoms in the molecule.
num_atoms = system._sire_object.molecule(molecule).nAtoms()
# Create the entity record. Remember to one-index the atoms.
string += " ENTITY%d=%d-%d" % (x, idx + 1, idx + num_atoms)
# Append the string to the configuration list.
self._config.append("\n# Define the molecular entities.")
# Initialise tally counters.
num_distance = 0
num_torsion = 0
num_rmsd = 0
num_center = 0
num_fixed = 0
# Initialise a list to store the grid data for each variable.
grid_data = []
# Initialise the METAD string.
metad_string = "metad: METAD ARG="
for idx, colvar in enumerate(colvars):
# Get the lower/upper bounds and the grid data.
lower_wall = colvar.getLowerBound()
upper_wall = colvar.getUpperBound()
grid = colvar.getGrid()
# Whether the collective variable is a torsion or funnel.
is_torsion = False
is_funnel = False
# Distance.
if isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Distance):
num_distance += 1
# Create the argument name.
arg_name = "d%d" % num_distance
# Get the atoms between which the distance is measured.
# Also get the weights, and the center of mass flag.
# Start.
atom0 = colvar.getAtom0()
weights0 = colvar.getWeights0()
is_com0 = colvar.getCoM0()
# End.
atom1 = colvar.getAtom1()
weights1 = colvar.getWeights1()
is_com1 = colvar.getCoM1()
# Initialise the collective variable string.
colvar_string = "d%d: DISTANCE ATOMS=" % num_distance
# Process the first atom(s) or fixed coordinate.
# A single atom.
if type(atom0) is int:
colvar_string += "%d" % (atom0 + 1)
# A list of atom indices.
elif isinstance(atom0, list):
num_center += 1
colvar_string += "c%d" % num_center
center_string = "c%d: CENTER ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in atom0]),
# Center of mass weighting takes precedence.
if is_com0:
center_string += " MASS"
# User weights.
elif weights0 is not None:
center_string += " WEIGHTS=%s" % ",".join(
[str(x) for x in weights0]
# A coordinate of a fixed point.
elif isinstance(atom0, _Coordinate):
# Convert to nanometers.
x = atom0.x().nanometers().value()
y = atom0.y().nanometers().value()
z = atom0.z().nanometers().value()
num_fixed += 1
"f%d: FIXEDATOM AT=%s,%s,%s" % (num_fixed, x, y, z)
colvar_string += "f%d" % num_fixed
# Process the second atom(s) or fixed coordinate.
# A single atom.
if type(atom1) is int:
colvar_string += ",%d" % (atom1 + 1)
# A list of atom indices.
elif type(atom1) is int:
num_center += 1
colvar_string += ",c%d" % num_center
center_string = "c%d: CENTER ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in atom1]),
# Center of mass weighting takes precedence.
if is_com1:
center_string += " MASS"
# User weights.
elif weights1 is not None:
center_string += " WEIGHTS=%s" % ",".join(
[str(x) for x in weights1]
# A coordinate of a fixed point.
elif isinstance(atom1, _Coordinate):
# Convert to nanometers.
x = atom1.x().nanometers().value()
y = atom1.y().nanometers().value()
z = atom1.z().nanometers().value()
num_fixed += 1
"f%d: FIXEDATOM AT=%s,%s,%s" % (num_fixed, x, y, z)
colvar_string += ",f%d" % num_fixed
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Measure the x, y, and z distance components.
if colvar.getComponent() is not None:
colvar_string += " COMPONENT"
arg_name += ".%s" % colvar.getComponent()
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = _Units.Length.nanometer
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
# Torsion.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Torsion):
is_torsion = True
num_torsion += 1
arg_name = "t%d" % num_torsion
colvar_string = "%s: TORSION ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in colvar.getAtoms()]),
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = _Units.Angle.radian
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.RMSD):
num_rmsd += 1
arg_name = "r%d" % num_rmsd
colvar_string = "%s: RMSD REFERENCE=reference_%d.pdb" % (
colvar_string += " TYPE=%s" % colvar.getAlignmentType().upper()
# Write the reference PDB file.
with open(
_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"reference_{num_rmsd}.pdb"),
) as file:
for line in colvar.getReferencePDB():
file.write(line + "\n")
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = None
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
# Funnel.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Funnel):
is_funnel = True
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
# Funnel has two components, the projection and extent.
self._colvar_unit["pp.proj"] = _Units.Length.nanometer
self._colvar_unit["pp.ext"] = _Units.Length.nanometer
self._config.append("\n# Center-of-mass definitions.")
# Get the start index of the ligand.
idx = system._atom_index_tally[molecules[1]]
# Get the number of atoms in the ligand.
num_atoms = system._sire_object.molecule(molecule).nAtoms()
# Create the ligand record. Remember to one-index the atoms.
colvar_string = "lig: COM ATOMS=%d-%d" % (idx + 1, idx + num_atoms)
# Create the center-of-mass record for the atoms that are used
# to define the funnel origin.
arg_name = "p1"
colvar_string = "%s: COM ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in colvar.getAtoms0()]),
# Create the center-of-mass record for the atoms that are used
# to define the funnel inflection point.
arg_name = "p2"
colvar_string = "%s: COM ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in colvar.getAtoms1()]),
# Create the "projection-on-axis" collective variable.
self._config.append("\n# Projection-on-axis collective variable.")
colvar_string = "pp: PROJECTION_ON_AXIS AXIS_ATOMS=p1,p2 ATOM=lig"
# Add funnel parameters.
self._config.append("# Funnel parameters.")
f"s_cent: CONSTANT VALUES={colvar.getInflection().value()}"
) # inflection
f"beta_cent: CONSTANT VALUES={colvar.getSteepness()}"
) # steepness
f"wall_width: CONSTANT VALUES={colvar.getWidth().value()}"
) # width
f"wall_buffer: CONSTANT VALUES={colvar.getBuffer().value()}"
) # total = width + buffer
# Define the funnel calculation. This function returns the
# radius of the funnel at the current value of the collective
# variable.
self._config.append("\n# Calculate the funnel.")
self._config.append("MATHEVAL ...")
self._config.append(" LABEL=wall_center")
" ARG=pp.proj,s_cent,beta_cent,wall_width,wall_buffer"
self._config.append(" VAR=s,sc,b,h,f")
self._config.append(" FUNC=h*(1./(1.+exp(b*(s-sc))))+f")
self._config.append(" PERIODIC=NO")
self._config.append("... MATHEVAL")
# Define the funnel potential.
self._config.append("\n# Define the potential.")
self._config.append("scaling: CONSTANT VALUES=1.0")
self._config.append("spring: CONSTANT VALUES=1000.0")
self._config.append("MATHEVAL ...")
self._config.append(" LABEL=wall_bias")
self._config.append(" ARG=pp.ext,spring,wall_center,scaling")
self._config.append(" VAR=z,k,zc,sf")
self._config.append(" FUNC=step(z-zc)*k*(z-zc)*(z-zc)/(sf*sf)")
self._config.append(" PERIODIC=NO")
self._config.append("... MATHEVAL")
self._config.append("finalbias: BIASVALUE ARG=wall_bias")
# Store the argument names in a list.
arg_name = ["pp.proj", "pp.ext"]
# Check for lower and upper bounds on the collective variable.
# This only applies to the first collective variable name.
if lower_wall is not None:
self._num_lower_walls += 1
lower_wall_string = "lwall%d: LOWER_WALLS ARG=%s" % (
# Unit based.
lower_wall_string += ", AT=%s" % lower_wall.getValue().value()
# Dimensionless.
lower_wall_string += ", AT=%s" % lower_wall.getValue()
lower_wall_string += ", KAPPA=%s" % lower_wall.getForceConstant()
lower_wall_string += ", EXP=%s" % lower_wall.getExponent()
lower_wall_string += ", EPS=%s" % lower_wall.getEpsilon()
self._config.append("\n# Lower bound on collective variable.")
# Check for lower and upper bounds on the collective variable.
# This only applies to the first collective variable name.
if upper_wall is not None:
self._num_upper_walls += 1
upper_wall_string = "uwall%d: UPPER_WALLS ARG=%s" % (
# Unit based.
upper_wall_string += ", AT=%s" % upper_wall.getValue().value()
# Dimensionless.
upper_wall_string += ", AT=%s" % upper_wall.getValue()
upper_wall_string += ", KAPPA=%s" % upper_wall.getForceConstant()
upper_wall_string += ", EXP=%s" % upper_wall.getExponent()
upper_wall_string += ", EPS=%s" % upper_wall.getEpsilon()
self._config.append("\n# Upper bound on collective variable.")
# Store grid data.
if grid is not None:
if is_torsion:
grid_data.append(("-pi", "pi", grid.getBins()))
elif is_funnel:
# Grid for "projection" component.
# Grid for "extent" component.
# Unit based.
# Dimensionless.
(grid.getMinimum(), grid.getMaximum(), grid.getBins())
# Add the argument to the METAD record. We join argument names with
# a "," to handle multi-component collective variables.
metad_string += "%s" % ",".join(arg_name)
# Update the METAD record to separate the collective variable arguments.
if idx < self._num_colvar - 1:
metad_string += ","
# Now complete the METAD record string.
# Hill width.
metad_string += " SIGMA="
for idx0, colvar in enumerate(colvars):
hill_width = colvar.getHillWidth()
if isinstance(hill_width, tuple):
last_hill = len(hill_width) - 1
for idx1, width in enumerate(hill_width):
metad_string += "%s" % width.value()
if idx1 < last_hill:
metad_string += ","
# Handle dimensionless collective variables.
metad_string += "%s" % hill_width.value()
metad_string += "%s" % hill_width
if idx0 < self._num_colvar - 1:
metad_string += ","
# Hill height.
metad_string += " HEIGHT=%s" % protocol.getHillHeight().value()
# Hill frequency.
metad_string += " PACE=%s" % protocol.getHillFrequency()
# Grid parameters.
if len(grid_data) > 0:
grid_min_string = " GRID_MIN="
grid_max_string = " GRID_MAX="
grid_bin_string = " GRID_BIN="
for idx, grid in enumerate(grid_data):
grid_min_string += str(grid[0])
grid_max_string += str(grid[1])
grid_bin_string += str(grid[2])
if idx < self._num_components - 1:
grid_min_string += ","
grid_max_string += ","
grid_bin_string += ","
metad_string += grid_min_string + grid_max_string + grid_bin_string
metad_string += (
" GRID_WFILE=GRID GRID_WSTRIDE=%s" % protocol.getHillFrequency()
if is_restart and _os.path.isfile(
_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "GRID")
metad_string += " GRID_RFILE=GRID"
metad_string += " CALC_RCT"
# Temperature and bias parameters.
metad_string += " TEMP=%s" % protocol.getTemperature().kelvin().value()
if protocol.getBiasFactor() is not None:
metad_string += " BIASFACTOR=%s" % protocol.getBiasFactor()
# Append the METAD record to the config.
self._config.append("\n# Define the metadynamics simulation.")
# Print all record data to the COLVAR file.
print_string = "PRINT STRIDE=%s ARG=* FILE=COLVAR" % protocol.getHillFrequency()
# Flag that we have a valid config.
self._has_config = True
return self._config, self._aux_files
def _createSteeringConfig(self, system, protocol, property_map={}):
Create a PLUMED steering molecular dynamics configuration file.
system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>`
A BioSimSpace system object.
protocol : :class:`Protocol.Steering <BioSimSpace.Protocol.Steering>`
The metadynamics protocol.
property_map : dict
A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined
values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their
own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" }
config, auxiliary_files : [str], [str]
The list of PLUMED configuration strings and paths to any auxiliary
files required by the collective variables.
if not isinstance(system, _System):
raise TypeError(
"'system' must be of type 'BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System'"
if not isinstance(protocol, _Steering):
raise TypeError(
"'protocol' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Protocol.Steering'"
if not isinstance(property_map, dict):
raise TypeError("'property_map' must be of type 'dict'")
# Clear data.
self._num_colvar = 0
self._colvar_name = []
self._colvar_unit = {}
self._config = []
self._aux_files = []
# Always remove pygtail offset files.
_os.remove(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "COLVAR.offset"))
# Restart if an existing COLVAR files is present.
if _os.path.isfile(self._colvar_file):
self._config.append("RESTART NO")
# Initialise molecule number to atom tally lookup dictionary in the system.
raise ValueError("The system contains no molecules?")
# Store the collective variable(s).
colvars = protocol.getCollectiveVariable()
self._num_colvar = len(colvars)
for cv in colvars:
self._num_components += cv.nComponents()
# Loop over each collective variable and create WHOLEMOLECULES entities
# for any molecule that involve atoms in a collective variable. We only
# want to record each molecule once, so keep a list of the molecules
# that we've already seen.
molecules = []
for colvar in colvars:
# Store all of the atoms to which the collective variable applies.
atoms = []
# Distance.
if isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Distance):
atom0 = colvar.getAtom0()
atom1 = colvar.getAtom1()
if type(atom0) is int:
elif isinstance(atom0, list):
if type(atom1) is int:
elif isinstance(atom1, list):
# Torsion.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Torsion):
atoms = colvar.getAtoms()
# Funnel.
if isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Funnel):
raise ValueError(
"'CollectiveVariable.Funnel' is not supported for steered molecular dynamics."
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.RMSD):
for i in colvar.getMoleculeIndices():
num = system._mol_nums[i]
if num not in molecules:
# Loop over all of the atoms. Make sure the index is valid and
# check if we need to create an entity for the molecule containing
# the atom.
for idx in atoms:
# The atom index is invalid.
if idx >= system.nAtoms():
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(
"The collective variable is incompatible with the "
"system. Contains atom index %d, number of atoms in system is %d "
% (idx, system.nAtoms())
# Get the molecule numbers in this system.
mol_nums = system._sire_object.molNums()
# Loop over each molecule and find the one that contains this atom.
for x, num in enumerate(mol_nums):
# The atom was in the previous molecule.
if system._atom_index_tally[num] > idx:
num = mol_nums[x - 1]
# This is a new molecule.
if num not in molecules:
# Initialise the configuration string.
# Create an entity for each unique molecule.
for x, molecule in enumerate(molecules):
# Get the start index.
idx = system._atom_index_tally[molecule]
# Get the number of atoms in the molecule.
num_atoms = system._sire_object.molecule(molecule).nAtoms()
# Create the entity record. Remember to one-index the atoms.
string += " ENTITY%d=%d-%d" % (x, idx + 1, idx + num_atoms)
# Append the string to the configuration list.
self._config.append("\n# Define the molecular entities.")
# Initialise tally counters.
num_distance = 0
num_torsion = 0
num_rmsd = 0
num_center = 0
num_fixed = 0
# Initialise the ARG string.
arg_string = "ARG="
for idx, colvar in enumerate(colvars):
# Whether the collective variable is a torsion.
is_torsion = False
# Distance.
if isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Distance):
num_distance += 1
# Create the argument name.
arg_name = "d%d" % num_distance
# Get the atoms between which the distance is measured.
# Also get the weights, and the center of mass flag.
# Start.
atom0 = colvar.getAtom0()
weights0 = colvar.getWeights0()
is_com0 = colvar.getCoM0()
# End.
atom1 = colvar.getAtom1()
weights1 = colvar.getWeights1()
is_com1 = colvar.getCoM1()
# Initialise the collective variable string.
colvar_string = "d%d: DISTANCE ATOMS=" % num_distance
# Process the first atom(s) or fixed coordinate.
# A single atom.
if type(atom0) is int:
colvar_string += "%d" % (atom0 + 1)
# A list of atom indices.
elif isinstance(atom0, list):
num_center += 1
colvar_string += "c%d" % num_center
center_string = "c%d: CENTER ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in atom0]),
# Center of mass weighting takes precedence.
if is_com0:
center_string += " MASS"
# User weights.
elif weights0 is not None:
center_string += " WEIGHTS=%s" % ",".join(
[str(x) for x in weights0]
# A coordinate of a fixed point.
elif isinstance(atom0, _Coordinate):
# Convert to nanometers.
x = atom0.x().nanometers().value()
y = atom0.y().nanometers().value()
z = atom0.z().nanometers().value()
num_fixed += 1
"f%d: FIXEDATOM AT=%s,%s,%s" % (num_fixed, x, y, z)
colvar_string += "f%d" % num_fixed
# Process the second atom(s) or fixed coordinate.
# A single atom.
if type(atom1) is int:
colvar_string += ",%d" % (atom1 + 1)
# A list of atom indices.
elif isinstance(atom1, list):
num_center += 1
colvar_string += ",c%d" % num_center
center_string = "c%d: CENTER ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in atom1]),
# Center of mass weighting takes precedence.
if is_com1:
center_string += " MASS"
# User weights.
elif weights1 is not None:
center_string += " WEIGHTS=%s" % ",".join(
[str(x) for x in weights1]
# A coordinate of a fixed point.
elif isinstance(atom1, _Coordinate):
# Convert to nanometers.
x = atom1.x().nanometers().value()
y = atom1.y().nanometers().value()
z = atom1.z().nanometers().value()
num_fixed += 1
"f%d: FIXEDATOM AT=%s,%s,%s" % (num_fixed, x, y, z)
colvar_string += ",f%d" % num_fixed
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Measure the x, y, and z distance components.
if colvar.getComponent() is not None:
colvar_string += " COMPONENT"
arg_name += ".%s" % colvar.getComponent()
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = _Units.Length.nanometer
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
# Torsion.
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.Torsion):
is_torsion = True
num_torsion += 1
arg_name = "t%d" % num_torsion
colvar_string = "%s: TORSION ATOMS=%s" % (
",".join([str(x + 1) for x in colvar.getAtoms()]),
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = _Units.Angle.radian
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
elif isinstance(colvar, _CollectiveVariable.RMSD):
num_rmsd += 1
arg_name = "r%d" % num_rmsd
colvar_string = "%s: RMSD REFERENCE=reference_%i.pdb" % (
colvar_string += " TYPE=%s" % colvar.getAlignmentType().upper()
# Write the reference PDB file.
with open(
_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), f"reference_{num_rmsd}.pdb"),
) as file:
for line in colvar.getReferencePDB():
file.write(line + "\n")
# Store the collective variable name and its unit.
self._colvar_unit[arg_name] = None
# Disable periodic boundaries.
if not colvar.getPeriodicBoundaries():
colvar_string += " NOPBC"
# Append the collective variable record.
self._config.append("\n# Define the collective variable.")
# Convert arg_name to a list so we can handle multi-component
# collective variables.
arg_name = [arg_name]
# Add the argument to the ARG record. We join argument names with
# a "," to handle multi-component collective variables.
arg_string += "%s" % ",".join(arg_name)
# Update the ARG record to separate the collective variable arguments.
if idx < self._num_colvar - 1:
arg_string += ","
# Get the steering schedule and restraints.
schedule = protocol.getSchedule()
restraints = protocol.getRestraints()
# Define the MOVINGRESTRAINT record.
self._config.append("\n#Define the moving restraint.")
self._config.append("MOVINGRESTRAINT ...")
self._config.append(f" {arg_string}")
# Create the VERSE record.
verse_string = " VERSE="
mapping = {"both": "B", "larger": "U", "smaller": "L"}
verse = protocol.getVerse()
mapped_verse = [mapping[v] for v in verse]
verse_string += ",".join(mapped_verse)
# Add all the stages of the schedule.
for x in range(0, len(schedule)):
# Initialise the strings.
step = f"STEP{x}={schedule[x]}"
at = (16 - len(str(schedule[x]))) * " " + f"AT{x}="
kappa = f"KAPPA{x}="
# Loop over all restraints for this stage.
for idx, r in enumerate(restraints[x]):
# Get the value of the restraint.
val = r.getValue()
# Convert to correct unit and take the value.
if isinstance(val, _Types.Length):
val = val.nanometers().value()
elif isinstance(val, _Types.Angle):
val = val.radians().value()
at += f"{val:.6f}"
kappa += f"{r.getForceConstant():.2f}"
if idx < self._num_colvar - 1:
at += ","
kappa += ","
# Add the stage to the config.
self._config.append(f" {step}{at}\t{kappa}")
# End the MOVINGRESTRAINT record.
self._config.append("... MOVINGRESTRAINT")
# Add PRINT record.
print_string = (
"PRINT STRIDE=%s ARG=* FILE=COLVAR" % protocol.getReportInterval()
# Flag that we have a valid config.
self._has_config = True
return self._config, self._aux_files
def getTime(self, time_series=False):
Get the simulation run time.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
time : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>`
The simulation run time.
# We need to have generated a valid config before being able to parse
# the COLVAR records.
if not self._has_config:
msg = "No PLUMED configuration found! Please run 'createConfig' first."
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(msg)
# Get the latest records.
# Get the corresponding data from the dictionary and return.
return self._get_colvar_record(
key="time", time_series=time_series, unit=_Units.Time.picosecond
def getCollectiveVariable(self, index, time_series=False):
Get the value of a collective variable.
index : int
The index of the collective variable (CV), or CV component. If
there are a mixture of single and multi-component CVs, then they
are indexed by the total number of components in the CV list that
was passed to the protocol. For example, if there are two CVs,
the first with one component and the second with two, then index
1 would refer to the first component of the second CV.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a list of time series records.
collective_variable : :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`
The value of the collective variable.
# We need to have generated a valid config before being able to parse
# the COLVAR records.
if not self._has_config:
msg = "No PLUMED configuration found! Please run 'createConfig' first."
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(msg)
if not type(index) is int:
raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'")
if index > self._num_components - 1 or index < -self._num_components:
raise IndexError(
"'index' must be in range -%d to %d"
% (self._num_components, self._num_components - 1)
# Get the latest records.
# Get the corresponding data from the dictionary and return.
return self._get_colvar_record(
def getFreeEnergy(self, index=None, stride=None, kt=_Types.Energy(1.0, "kt")):
Get the current free energy estimate.
index : int
The index of the collective variable (CV), or CV component. If
there are a mixture of single and multi-component CVs, then they
are indexed by the total number of components in the CV list that
was passed to the protocol. For example, if there are two CVs,
the first with one component and the second with two, then index
1 would refer to the first component of the second CV. If None,
then all variables and components will be considered.
stride : int
The stride for integrating the free energy. This can be used to
check for convergence.
kt : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>`
The temperature in energy units for integrating out variables.
free_energies : [:class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`, ...], \
[[:class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`, :class:`Type <BioSimSpace.Types>`, ...], ...]
The free energy estimate for the chosen collective variables.
# We need to have generated a valid config before being able to compute
# free energies.
if not self._has_config:
msg = "No PLUMED configuration found! Please run 'createConfig' first."
raise _Exceptions.IncompatibleError(msg)
if index is not None:
if not type(index) is int:
raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'")
if index > self._num_components - 1 or index < -self._num_components:
raise IndexError(
"'index' must be in range -%d to %d"
% (self._num_components, self._num_components - 1)
if stride is not None:
if not type(stride) is int:
raise TypeError("'stride' must be of type 'int'")
if stride < 0:
raise ValueError("'stride' must be >= 0")
if not isinstance(kt, _Types.Energy):
raise TypeError("'kt' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Type.Energy'")
# Convert to default PLUMED unit and get the value.
kt = kt.kj_per_mol().value()
if kt <= 0:
raise ValueError("'kt' must have value > 0")
# Delete any existing FES directotry and create a new one.
_shutil.rmtree(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "fes"), ignore_errors=True)
_os.makedirs(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "fes"))
# Create the command string.
command = "%s sum_hills --hills ../HILLS --mintozero" % self._exe
# Append additional arguments.
if index is not None:
command += " --idw %s" % self._colvar_name[index]
command += " --kt %s" % kt
if stride is not None:
command += " --stride %s" % stride
# Initialise a list to hold the free energy estimates.
free_energies = []
# Move to the working directory.
with _Utils.cd(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "fes")):
# Run the sum_hills command as a background process.
proc = _subprocess.run(
if proc.returncode != 0:
raise RuntimeError(
"Failed to generate free energy estimate.\n"
"Error: %s" % proc.stderr
# Get a sorted list of all the fes*.dat files.
fes_files = _glob.glob("fes*.dat")
if len(fes_files) > 1:
# Plumed doesn't zero-pad the files, so we need to work out their
# indices and sort them ourselves.
idxs = []
idx_to_fes = {}
for x, fes in enumerate(fes_files):
idx = int(fes.split("_")[1].split(".dat")[0])
idx_to_fes[idx] = fes
# Sort the indices.
# Now sort the files.
fes_files = [idx_to_fes[x] for x in idxs]
# Process each of the files.
for fes in fes_files:
# Create a list to store the free energy estimate for this file.
free_energy = []
if index is None:
# Create lists for each the collective variable data point.
for x in range(0, self._num_components):
# Create a list to store the free energy.
# Read the file.
with open(fes, "r") as file:
# Loop over all lines in the file.
for line in file:
# Ignore comments and blank lines.
if line[0] != "#":
# Extract the data.
# This is: colvar1, colvar2, ..., fes
data = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
# The line contains data.
if len(data) > 0:
# Store data for each of the collective variables.
if index is None:
for x in range(0, self._num_components):
name = self._colvar_name[x]
data[x] * self._colvar_unit[name]
* _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol
name = self._colvar_name[0]
data[0] * self._colvar_unit[name]
data[1] * _Units.Energy.kj_per_mol
if len(fes_files) == 1:
free_energies = free_energy
# Remove the file.
# Remove the FES output directory.
_shutil.rmtree(_os.path.join(str(self._work_dir), "fes"), ignore_errors=True)
return tuple(free_energies)
def _update_colvar_dict(self):
"""Read the COLVAR file and update any records."""
# Exit if the COLVAR file hasn't been created.
if not _os.path.isfile(self._colvar_file):
# We can use the hills file to get the same information.
if not _os.path.isfile(self._hills_file):
self._colvar_file = self._hills_file
self._use_hills = True
# Parse the HILLS file for OpenMM.
if self._use_hills:
# Loop over all new lines in the file.
for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._hills_file):
# Is this a header line. If so, store the keys.
if line[3:9] == "FIELDS":
self._colvar_keys = line[10:].split()[: self._num_components + 1]
# This is an actual data record. Update the multi-dictionary.
elif line[0] != "#":
data = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
for key, value in zip(self._colvar_keys, data):
self._colvar_dict[key] = value
# Loop over all new lines in the file.
for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._colvar_file):
# Is this a header line. If so, store the keys.
if line[3:9] == "FIELDS":
self._colvar_keys = line[10:].split()
# This is an actual data record. Update the multi-dictionary.
elif line[0] != "#":
data = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
for key, value in zip(self._colvar_keys, data):
self._colvar_dict[key] = value
def _update_hills_dict(self):
"""Read the HILLS file and update any records."""
# Exit if the HILLS file hasn't been created.
if not _os.path.isfile(self._hills_file):
# Loop over all new lines in the file.
for line in _pygtail.Pygtail(self._hills_file):
# Is this a header line. If so, store the keys.
if line[3:9] == "FIELDS":
self._hills_keys = line[10:].split()
# This is an actual data record. Update the multi-dictionary.
elif line[0] != "#":
data = [float(x) for x in line.split()]
for key, value in zip(self._hills_keys, data):
self._hills_dict[key] = value
def _get_colvar_record(self, key, time_series=False, unit=None):
Helper function to get a COLVAR record from the dictionary.
key : str
The record key.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a time series of records.
unit : BioSimSpace.Types._type.Type
The unit to convert the record to.
record :
The matching stdout record.
# No data!
if len(self._colvar_dict) == 0:
return None
if not isinstance(time_series, bool):
_warnings.warn("Non-boolean time-series flag. Defaulting to False!")
time_series = False
# Validate the unit.
if unit is not None:
if not isinstance(unit, _Types._type.Type):
raise TypeError("'unit' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types'")
# Return the list of dictionary values.
if time_series:
if unit is None:
return self._colvar_dict[key]
if key == "time":
return [
(x * unit).nanoseconds() for x in self._colvar_dict[key]
return [x * unit for x in self._colvar_dict[key]]
except KeyError:
return None
# Return the most recent dictionary value.
if unit is None:
return self._colvar_dict[key][-1]
if key == "time":
return (self._colvar_dict[key][-1] * unit).nanoseconds()
return self._colvar_dict[key][-1] * unit
except KeyError:
return None
def _get_hills_record(self, key, time_series=False, unit=None):
Helper function to get a HILLS record from the dictionary.
key : str
The record key.
time_series : bool
Whether to return a time series of records.
unit : BioSimSpace.Types._type.Type
The unit to convert the record to.
record :
The matching stdout record.
# No data!
if len(self._hills_dict) == 0:
return None
if not isinstance(time_series, bool):
_warnings.warn("Non-boolean time-series flag. Defaulting to False!")
time_series = False
# Validate the unit.
if unit is not None:
if not isinstance(unit, _Types._type.Type):
raise TypeError("'unit' must be of type 'BioSimSpace.Types'")
# Return the list of dictionary values.
if time_series:
if unit is None:
return self._hills_dict[key]
return [x * unit for x in self._hills_dict[key]]
except KeyError:
return None
# Return the most recent dictionary value.
if unit is None:
return self._hills_dict[key][-1]
return self._hills_dict[key][-1] * unit
except KeyError:
return None