Source code for BioSimSpace.Process._process_runner

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2025
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.

"""Functionality for running multiple processes."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["ProcessRunner"]

import os as _os
import tempfile as _tempfile
import threading as _threading
import time as _time

from .._SireWrappers import System as _System

from ._process import Process as _Process

[docs] class ProcessRunner: """ A class for managing and running multiple simulation processes, e.g. a free energy simulation at multiple lambda values. Since BioSimSpace handles its own background processes it is unsuitable for use with Python modules such as concurrent.futures, where use of objects like a ProcessPoolExecutor would lead to redundant processes, i.e. a process would be created, from which BioSimSpace would fork its own background process. Instead, we recommend using a ProcessRunner, which can handle the running of processes for you, both in serial and parallel. At present there is no way to allocate specific compute resources to individual processes. As such, unless you have access to a large amount of compute, when executing the runner in parallel we recommend that the individual processes are serial in nature. BioSimSpace is not intended to be a workflow manager and the ProcessRunner is only meant to help facilitate running of more complex, multi-leg simulation processes. If you desire more fine-grained resource control we recommend breaking your workflow into separate :class:`nodes <BioSimSpace.Gateway.Node>`, which can be run independently and allocated their own specific resources. """
[docs] def __init__(self, processes, name="runner", work_dir=None): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- processes : [:class:`Process <BioSimSpace.Process>`] A list of process objects. name : str The name of the of processes. work_dir : str The working directory for the processes. """ # Convert tuple to list. if isinstance(processes, tuple): processes = list(processes) # Convert to a list. if not isinstance(processes, list): processes = [processes] # Check that the list of processes is valid. if not all(isinstance(process, _Process) for process in processes): raise TypeError( "'processes' must be a list of 'BioSimSpace.Process' types." ) # Make sure all of the processes aren't running. if not all(process.isRunning() == False for process in processes): raise ValueError( "'processes' must not contain any running 'BioSimSpace.Process' objects!" ) # Check that the working directory is valid. if work_dir is not None and not isinstance(work_dir, str): raise TypeError("'work_dir' must be of type 'str'") # Convert to absolute path. if work_dir and not _os.path.isabs(work_dir): work_dir = _os.path.abspath(work_dir) # Set the list of processes. self._processes = processes # Set the working directory. self._work_dir = work_dir # Inititialise a null thread to run the processes. self._thread = None # Flag that the runner hasn't been killed. self._is_killed = False # Set the name. self.setName(name) # Nest all of the process working directories inside the runner directory. if self._work_dir is not None: self._processes = self._nest_directories(self._processes) # Initialise the state for each process. for p in self._processes: p._is_queued = True p._is_finished = False p._num_failed = 0
def __str__(self): """Return a human readable string representation of the object.""" return ( "<BioSimSpace.Process.%s: nProcesses=%d, nRunning=%d, nQueued=%d, nError=%d, name='%s', work_dir='%s'>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.nProcesses(), self.nRunning(), self.nQueued(), self.nError(), self._name, self._work_dir, ) ) def __repr__(self): """Return a human readable string representation of the object.""" return ( "<BioSimSpace.Process.%s: nProcesses=%d, nRunning=%d, nQueued=%d, nError=%d, name='%s', work_dir='%s'>" % ( self.__class__.__name__, self.nProcesses(), self.nRunning(), self.nQueued(), self.nError(), self._name, self._work_dir, ) )
[docs] def processes(self): """ Return the list of processes. Returns ------- processes : [:class:`Process<BioSimSpace.Process>`] The list of processes. """ return self._processes
[docs] def workDir(self): """ Return the working directory. Returns ------- work_dir : str The working directory. """ return str(self._work_dir)
[docs] def getName(self): """ Return the process runner name. Returns ------- name : str The name of the process. """ return self._name
[docs] def setName(self, name): """ Set the process runner name. Parameters ---------- name : str The process runner name. """ if not isinstance(name, str): raise TypeError("'name' must be of type 'str'") else: self._name = name
[docs] def addProcess(self, process): """ Add a process to the runner. Parameters ---------- process : :class:`Process <BioSimSpace.Process>`, \ [:class:`Process <BioSimSpace.Process>`] The process/processes to add. """ # Convert to a list. if not isinstance(process, list): processes = [process] else: processes = process # Check that the list of processes is valid. if not all(isinstance(process, _Process) for process in processes): raise TypeError( "'processes' must be a list of 'BioSimSpace.Process' types." ) # Make sure all of the processes aren't running. if not all(process.isRunning() == False for process in processes): raise ValueError( "'processes' must not contain any running 'BioSimSpace.Process' objects!" ) if self._work_dir is None: self._processes.extend(self._nest_directories(processes)) else: self._processes.extend(processes) # Initialise the state for each process. num_processes = self.nProcesses() for x in range(0, len(processes)): idx = num_processes - x - 1 self._processes[idx]._is_queued = True self._processes[idx]._is_finished = False self._processes[idx]._num_failed = 0
[docs] def removeProcess(self, index): """ Remove a process from the runner. Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the process. """ try: index = int(index) except: raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'") num_processes = self.nProcesses() if index < -num_processes or index > num_processes - 1: raise IndexError( f"'index' is out of range: [-{num_processes}:{num_processes-1}]" ) # Map negative indices back into positive range. if index < 0: index = index + num_processes # Only remove process if the runner is stopped. if self._thread is None or not self._thread.is_alive(): try: # Pop the chosen process from the list. process = self._processes.pop(index) # Kill the process. process.kill() except IndexError: raise IndexError( "'index' is out of range: [0-%d]" % (self.nProcesses() - 1) ) else: print("ProcessRunner has started. Kill all processes before removing.")
[docs] def nProcesses(self): """ Return the number of processes. Returns ------- n_processes : int The number of processes managed by the runner. """ return len(self._processes)
[docs] def nRunning(self): """ Return the number of running processes. Returns ------- n_running : int The number of processes that are running. """ n = 0 for p in self._processes: if p.isRunning(): n += 1 return n
[docs] def nQueued(self): """ Return the number of queued processes. Returns ------- n_queued : int The number of processes that are queued. """ n = 0 for p in self._processes: if p.isQueued(): n += 1 return n
[docs] def nError(self): """ Return the number of errored processes. Returns ------- n_error : int The number of processes that are in an error state. """ n = 0 for p in self._processes: if p.isError(): n += 1 return n
[docs] def running(self): """ Return the indices of the running processes. Returns ------- idx_running : [ int ] A list containing the indices of the running processes. """ indices = [] for idx, p in enumerate(self._processes): if p.isRunning(): indices.append(idx) return indices
[docs] def queued(self): """ Return the indices of the queued processes. Returns ------- idx_queued : [int] A list containing the indices of the queued processes. """ indices = [] for idx, p in enumerate(self._processes): if p.isQueued(): indices.append(idx) return indices
[docs] def errored(self): """ Return the indices of the errored processes. Returns ------- idx_errored : [int] A list containing the indices of the errored processes. """ indices = [] for idx, p in enumerate(self._processes): if p.isError(): indices.append(idx) return indices
[docs] def isRunning(self): """ Return whether each process is running. Returns ------- is_running : [ bool ] A list indicating whether each process is running. """ bool_list = [] for p in self._processes: if p.isRunning(): bool_list.append(True) else: bool_list.append(False) return bool_list
[docs] def isQueued(self): """ Return whether each process is queued. Returns ------- is_queued : [ bool ] A list indicating whether each process is queued. """ bool_list = [] for p in self._processes: if p.isQueued(): bool_list.append(True) else: bool_list.append(False) return bool_list
[docs] def isError(self): """ Return whether each process is in an error state. Returns ------- is_error : [bool] A list indicating whether each process is in an error state. """ bool_list = [] for p in self._processes: if p.isError(): bool_list.append(True) else: bool_list.append(False) return bool_list
[docs] def start(self, index): """ Start a specific process. The same can be achieved using:\n runner.processes()[index].start() Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the process. """ try: index = int(index) except: raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'") num_processes = self.nProcesses() if index < -num_processes or index > num_processes - 1: raise IndexError( f"'index' is out of range: [-{num_processes}:{num_processes-1}]" ) # Map negative indices back into positive range. if index < 0: index = index + num_processes # Reset the process state self._processes[index]._is_queued = False self._processes[index]._is_error = False self._processes[index]._num_failed = 0 # Start the process. self._processes[index].start()
[docs] def startAll(self, serial=False, batch_size=None, max_retries=5): """ Start all of the processes. Parameters ---------- serial : bool Whether to start the processes in serial, i.e. wait for a process to finish before starting the next. When running in parallel (serial=False) care should be taken to ensure that each process doesn't consume too many resources. We normally intend for the ProcessRunner to be used to manage single core processes. batch_size : int When running in parallel, how many processes to run at any one time. If set to None, then the batch size will be set to the output of multiprocess.cpu_count(). max_retries : int How many times to retry a process if it fails. """ if self.nProcesses() == 0: raise ValueError("The ProcessRunner contains no processes!") # Validate input. if not isinstance(serial, bool): raise TypeError("'serial' must be of type 'bool'.") if batch_size is not None: if not type(batch_size) is int: raise TypeError("'batch_size' must be of type 'int'.") if batch_size < 1: raise ValueError("'batch_size' must be > 1.") else: from multiprocessing import cpu_count batch_size = cpu_count() if not type(max_retries) is int: raise TypeError("'max_retries' must be of type 'int'.") if max_retries < 1: raise ValueError("'max_retries' must be > 0.") # Set up the background thread. if self._thread is None or not self._thread.is_alive(): # Flag that the runner is alive. self._is_killed = False # Create the thread. self._thread = _threading.Thread( target=self._run_processes, args=[serial, batch_size, max_retries] ) # Daemonize the thread. self._thread.daemon = True # Start the thread. self._thread.start() else: print("ProcessRunner already started!")
def _run_processes(self, serial=False, batch_size=None, max_retries=5): """ Helper function to run all of the processes in a background thread. Parameters ---------- serial : bool Whether to start the processes in serial, i.e. wait for a process to finish before starting the next. When running in parallel (serial=False) care should be taken to ensure that each process doesn't consume too many resources. We normally indend for the ProcessRunner to be used to manage single core processes. batch_size : int When running in parallel, how many processes to run at any one time. If set to None, then the batch size will be set to the output of multiprocess.cpu_count(). max_retries : int How many times to retry a process if it fails. """ if self.nProcesses() == 0: raise ValueError("The ProcessRunner contains no processes!") # Validate input. if not isinstance(serial, bool): raise TypeError("'serial' must be of type 'bool'.") if batch_size is not None: if not type(batch_size) is int: raise TypeError("'batch_size' must be of type 'int'.") if batch_size < 1: raise ValueError("'batch_size' must be > 1.") else: from multiprocessing import cpu_count batch_size = cpu_count() if not type(max_retries) is int: raise TypeError("'max_retries' must be of type 'int'.") if max_retries < 1: raise ValueError("'max_retries' must be > 0.") # Run processes in serial. if serial: for p in self._processes: # Initialise the error state. is_error = True # Flag that the process is no longer queued. p._is_queued = False # Zero the tally of failed processes. num_failed = 0 # Retry failed processes up to a maximum of 5 times. while is_error and not self._is_killed: # Start the process and wait for it to finish. p.start() p.wait() # Check the error state. is_error = p.isError() # Increment the number of failures. if is_error: num_failed += 1 # Maximum retries reached, move to the next process. if num_failed == max_retries: break # Run in parallel. else: # First, set all processes as queued and set the number of # failures to zero. for p in self._processes: p._is_queued = True p._is_finished = False p._num_failed = 0 # The total number of finished processes. num_finished = 0 # A list to hold the indices of the processes that have been run. # (Not those that are actually still running.) run_idxs = [] # Loop until all processes have finished. while num_finished < self.nProcesses() and not self._is_killed: # Only submit more processes if we're below the batch size. if self.nRunning() < batch_size: # Loop over all queued processes until we've submitted batch_size. queued = self.queued() for idx in queued: p = self._processes[idx] p._is_queued = False # Start the process and mark it as no-longer queued. p.start() # Record that we've run this process. run_idxs.append(idx) # We've hit the batch size, exit. if self.nRunning() == batch_size: break # Copy the indices of the run jobs. run_idxs_copy = run_idxs.copy() # Loop over all the jobs that we've run. for idx in run_idxs_copy: # The process is no longer running. p = self._processes[idx] if not p.isRunning(): # There was an error. if p.isError(): # We haven't yet reached the retry limit. Add this # process back to the queue and delete it from the # run list. if p._num_failed < max_retries: p._is_queued = True p._num_failed += 1 run_idxs.remove(idx) else: # Record the the proceess has finished. if not p._is_finished: p._is_finished = True num_finished += 1 else: # Record the the proceess has finished. if not p._is_finished: p._is_finished = True num_finished += 1 # Sleep for 5 seconds. _time.sleep(5)
[docs] def wait(self): """Wait for any running processes to finish.""" if self._thread is not None and not self._thread.is_alive(): self._thread.join() else: for p in self._processes: # Sleep for a second to give the process a chance to start. _time.sleep(1) # Now wait for it to finish. p.wait()
[docs] def kill(self, index): """ Kill a specific process. The same can be achieved using:\n runner.processes()[index].kill() Parameters ---------- index : int The index of the process. """ try: index = int(index) except: raise TypeError("'index' must be of type 'int'") num_processes = self.nProcesses() if index < -num_processes or index > num_processes - 1: raise IndexError( f"'index' is out of range: [-{num_processes}:{num_processes-1}]" ) # Map negative indices back into positive range. if index < 0: index = index + num_processes self._processes[index].kill()
[docs] def killAll(self): """Kill all of the processes.""" self._is_killed = True for p in self._processes: p.kill()
[docs] def restartFailed(self): """Restart any jobs that are in an error state.""" for p in self._processes: if p.isError(): # Reset the process state. p._is_queued = False p._is_error = False p._num_failed = 0 # Only directly start the process if the runner is not active. # Otherwise, it will be picked up by virtue of its state being # reset to queued. if self._thread is None or not self._thread.is_active(): p.start()
[docs] def runTime(self): """ Return the run time for each process. Returns ------- run_time : [ BioSimSpace.Types.Time ] A list containing the run time of each process. """ run_time = [] for p in self._processes: run_time.append(p.runTime()) return run_time
def _nest_directories(self, processes): """ Helper function to nest processes inside the runner's working directory. Parameters ---------- processes : [:class:`Process <BioSimSpace.Process>`] A list of process objects. Returns ------- new_processes : [:class:`Process <BioSimSpace.Process>`] A list of procesess with updated working directories. """ # Create the list of new processes. new_processes = [] # Loop over each process. for process in processes: # Create the new working directory name. new_dir = _os.path.join( self._work_dir, _os.path.basename(process._work_dir) ) # Create a new process object using the nested directory. if process._package_name == "SOMD": new_processes.append( type(process)( _System(process._system), process._protocol, process._exe, process._name, process._platform, new_dir, process._seed, process._property_map, ) ) else: new_processes.append( type(process)( _System(process._system), process._protocol, process._exe, process._name, new_dir, process._seed, process._property_map, ) ) return new_processes