Source code for BioSimSpace.Protocol._metadynamics

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2024
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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# GNU General Public License for more details.
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"""Functionality for metadynamics protocols."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Metadynamics"]

import os as _os
import warnings as _warnings

from .. import Types as _Types
from ..Metadynamics import CollectiveVariable as _CollectiveVariable

from ._protocol import Protocol as _Protocol

# Store the collective variable base type.
_colvar_type = _CollectiveVariable._collective_variable.CollectiveVariable

[docs] class Metadynamics(_Protocol): """A class for storing metadynamics protocols."""
[docs] def __init__( self, collective_variable, timestep=_Types.Time(2, "femtosecond"), runtime=_Types.Time(1, "nanosecond"), temperature=_Types.Temperature(300, "kelvin"), pressure=_Types.Pressure(1, "atmosphere"), thermostat_time_constant=_Types.Time(1, "picosecond"), hill_height=_Types.Energy(1, "kj per mol"), hill_frequency=1000, report_interval=1000, restart_interval=1000, bias_factor=None, ): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- collective_variable : :class:`CollectiveVariable <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable>`, \ [:class:`CollectiveVariable <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable>`] The collective variable (or variables) for the simulation. timestep : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The integration timestep. runtime : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The running time. temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The temperature. pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. Pass pressure=None to use the NVT ensemble. thermostat_time_constant : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` Time constant for thermostat coupling. hill_height : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The height of the Gaussian hills. hill_frequency : int The frequency at which hills are deposited. report_interval : int The frequency at which statistics are recorded. (In integration steps.) restart_interval : int The frequency at which restart configurations and trajectory frames are saved. (In integration steps.) bias_factor : float The bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__() # Whether this is a newly created object. self._is_new_object = True # Set the collective variable. self.setCollectiveVariable(collective_variable) # Set the time step. self.setTimeStep(timestep) # Set the runtime. self.setRunTime(runtime) # Set the system temperature. self.setTemperature(temperature) # Set the report interval. self.setReportInterval(report_interval) # Set the restart interval. self.setRestartInterval(restart_interval) # Set the system pressure. if pressure is not None: self.setPressure(pressure) else: self._pressure = None # Set the thermostat time constant. self.setThermostatTimeConstant(thermostat_time_constant) # Set the hill parameters: height, frequency. self.setHillHeight(hill_height) self.setHillFrequency(hill_frequency) # Set the bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. if bias_factor is not None: self.setBiasFactor(bias_factor) else: self._bias_factor = None # Flag that the object has been created. self._is_new_object = False
def __str__(self): """Return a human readable string representation of the object.""" if self._is_customised: return "<BioSimSpace.Protocol.Custom>" else: string = "<BioSimSpace.Protocol.Metadynamics: " string += "collective_variable=%s" % self._collective_variable string += ", timestep=%s" % self._timestep string += ", runtime=%s" % self._runtime string += ", temperature=%s" % self._temperature if self._pressure is not None: string += ", pressure=%s" % self._pressure string += ", hill_height=%s" % self._hill_height string += ", hill_frequency=%s" % self._hill_frequency if self._bias_factor is not None: string += ", bias_factor=%s" % self._bias_factor string += ", report_interval=%d" % self._report_interval string += ", restart_interval=%d" % self._restart_interval string += ">" return string def __repr__(self): """Return a string showing how to instantiate the object.""" return self.__str__() def __eq__(self, other): """Equality operator.""" if not isinstance(other, Metadynamics): return False if self._is_customised or other._is_customised: return False return ( self._collective_variable == other._collective_variable and self._timestep == other._timestep and self._runtime == other._runtime and self._temperature == other._temperature and self._pressure == other._pressure and self._hill_height == other._hill_height and self._hill_frequency == other._hill_frequency and self._bias_factor == other._bias_factor and self._report_interval == other._report_interval and self._restart_interval == other._restart_interval )
[docs] def getCollectiveVariable(self): """ Return the collective variable (or variables). Returns ------- collective_variable : [:class:`CollectiveVariable <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable>`] The collective variable (or variables) for the simulation. """ return self._collective_variable.copy()
[docs] def setCollectiveVariable(self, collective_variable): """ Set the collective variable (or variables). Parameters ---------- collective_variable : :class:`CollectiveVariable <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable>`, \ [:class:`CollectiveVariable <BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable>`] The collective variable (or variables) for the simulation. """ # A single collective variable. if isinstance(collective_variable, _colvar_type): self._collective_variable = [collective_variable] return if isinstance(collective_variable, (list, tuple)): if not all(isinstance(x, _colvar_type) for x in collective_variable): raise TypeError( "'collective_variable' must all be of type " "'BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable'" ) else: raise TypeError( "'collective_variable' must be of type " "'BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable' " "or a list of 'BioSimSpace.Metadynamics.CollectiveVariable' types." ) # Make sure all of the collective variables are consistent. If any have # a grid set, then so must all other variables. num_grid = 0 for colvar in collective_variable: if colvar.getGrid() is not None: num_grid += 1 if num_grid > 0 and num_grid != len(collective_variable): raise ValueError( "If a 'grid' is desired, then all collective " "variables must define one." ) self._collective_variable = collective_variable # If the object has already been created, then check that other member # data is consistent. if not self._is_new_object: self.setHillHeight(self._hill_height)
[docs] def getTimeStep(self): """ Return the time step. Returns ------- timestep : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The integration time step. """ return self._timestep
[docs] def setTimeStep(self, timestep): """ Set the time step. Parameters ---------- timestep : str, :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The integration time step. """ if isinstance(timestep, str): try: self._timestep = _Types.Time(timestep) except: raise ValueError("Unable to parse 'timestep' string.") from None elif isinstance(timestep, _Types.Time): self._timestep = timestep else: raise TypeError( "'timestep' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Time'" )
[docs] def getRunTime(self): """ Return the running time. Returns ------- runtime : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The simulation run time. """ return self._runtime
[docs] def setRunTime(self, runtime): """ Set the running time. Parameters ---------- runtime : str, :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The simulation run time. """ if isinstance(runtime, str): try: self._runtime = _Types.Time(runtime) except: raise ValueError("Unable to parse 'runtime' string.") from None elif isinstance(runtime, _Types.Time): self._runtime = runtime else: raise TypeError( "'runtime' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Time'" )
[docs] def getTemperature(self): """ Return temperature. Returns ------- temperature : :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The simulation temperature. """ return self._temperature
[docs] def setTemperature(self, temperature): """ Set the temperature. Parameters ---------- temperature : str, :class:`Temperature <BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature>` The simulation temperature. """ if isinstance(temperature, str): try: self._temperature = _Types.Temperature(temperature) except: raise ValueError("Unable to parse 'temperature' string.") from None elif isinstance(temperature, _Types.Temperature): self._temperature = temperature else: raise TypeError( "'temperature' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Temperature'" )
[docs] def getPressure(self): """ Return the pressure. Returns ------- pressure : :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ return self._pressure
[docs] def setPressure(self, pressure): """ Set the pressure. Parameters ---------- pressure : str, :class:`Pressure <BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure>` The pressure. """ if isinstance(pressure, str): try: self._pressure = _Types.Pressure(pressure) except: raise ValueError("Unable to parse 'pressure' string.") from None elif isinstance(pressure, _Types.Pressure): self._pressure = pressure else: raise TypeError( "'pressure' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Pressure'" )
[docs] def getThermostatTimeConstant(self): """ Return the time constant for the thermostat. Returns ------- runtime : :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The time constant for the thermostat. """ return self._thermostat_time_constant
[docs] def setThermostatTimeConstant(self, thermostat_time_constant): """ Set the time constant for the thermostat. Parameters ---------- thermostat_time_constant : str, :class:`Time <BioSimSpace.Types.Time>` The time constant for the thermostat. """ if isinstance(thermostat_time_constant, str): try: self._thermostat_time_constant = _Types.Time(thermostat_time_constant) except: raise ValueError( "Unable to parse 'thermostat_time_constant' string." ) from None elif isinstance(thermostat_time_constant, _Types.Time): self._thermostat_time_constant = thermostat_time_constant else: raise TypeError( "'thermostat_time_constant' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Time'" )
[docs] def getHillHeight(self): """ Return the height of the Gaussian hills. Returns ------- hill_width : :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The height of the Gaussian hills. """ return self._hill_height
[docs] def setHillHeight(self, hill_height): """ Set the height of the Gaussian hills. Parameters ---------- hill_height : str, :class:`Energy <BioSimSpace.Types.Energy>` The hill height. """ if isinstance(hill_height, str): try: hill_height = _Types.Energy(hill_height) except: raise ValueError("Unable to parse 'hill_height' string.") from None elif not isinstance(hill_height, _Types.Energy): raise TypeError( "'hill_height' must be of type 'str' or 'BioSimSpace.Types.Energy'" ) # Check that heights is greater than zero. if hill_height.value() <= 0: raise ValueError("Cannot have 'hill_height' with value <= 0") self._hill_height = hill_height.kj_per_mol()
[docs] def getHillFrequency(self): """ Return the frequency at which Gaussian hills are deposited. Returns ------- hill_frequency : int The frequency at which hills are deposited. """ return self._hill_frequency
[docs] def setHillFrequency(self, hill_frequency): """ Set the frequency at which Gaussian hills are deposited. Parameters ---------- hill_frequency : int The frequency at which hills are deposited. """ try: hill_frequency = int(hill_frequency) except: raise TypeError("'hill_frequency' must be of type 'int'") if hill_frequency < 1: raise ValueError("'hill_frequency' must be >= 1") self._hill_frequency = hill_frequency
[docs] def getBiasFactor(self): """ Return the bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. Returns ------- bias_factor : float The bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. """ return self._bias_factor
[docs] def setBiasFactor(self, bias_factor=None): """ Set the bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. Call with no arguments to clear the bias factor. Parameters ---------- bias_factor : float The bias factor for well tempered metadynamics. """ if bias_factor is None: self._bias_factor = None return try: bias_factor = float(bias_factor) except: raise TypeError("'bias_factor' must be of type 'float'") if bias_factor < 1.0: raise ValueError("'bias_factor' must be > 1.0") # OpenMM crashes when the bias factor is exactly one, so add a delta. delta = 1e-6 if abs(bias_factor - 1.0) < delta: bias_factor += delta self._bias_factor = bias_factor
[docs] def getReportInterval(self): """ Return the interval between reporting statistics. (In integration steps.). Returns ------- report_interval : int The number of integration steps between reporting statistics. """ return self._report_interval
[docs] def setReportInterval(self, report_interval): """ Set the interval at which statistics are reported. (In integration steps.). Parameters ---------- report_interval : int The number of integration steps between reporting statistics. """ if not type(report_interval) is int: raise TypeError("'report_interval' must be of type 'int'") if report_interval <= 0: _warnings.warn("'report_interval' must be positive. Using default (100).") report_interval = 100 self._report_interval = report_interval
[docs] def getRestartInterval(self): """ Return the interval between saving restart confiugrations, and/or trajectory frames. (In integration steps.). Returns ------- restart_interval : int The number of integration steps between saving restart configurations and/or trajectory frames. """ return self._restart_interval
[docs] def setRestartInterval(self, restart_interval): """ Set the interval between saving restart confiugrations, and/or trajectory frames. (In integration steps.). Parameters ---------- restart_interval : int The number of integration steps between saving restart configurations and/or trajectory frames. """ if not type(restart_interval) is int: raise TypeError("'restart_interval' must be of type 'int'") if restart_interval <= 0: _warnings.warn("'restart_interval' must be positive. Using default (500).") restart_interval = 500 self._restart_interval = restart_interval