Source code for BioSimSpace.Protocol._minimisation
####################################################################### BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!## Copyright: 2017-2025## Authors: Lester Hedges <>## BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or# (at your option) any later version.## BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of# MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the# GNU General Public License for more details.## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.#####################################################################"""Functionality for minimisation protocols."""__author__="Lester Hedges"__email__=""__all__=["Minimisation"]importwarningsas_warningsfrom..importUnitsas_Unitsfrom._position_restraint_mixinimport_PositionRestraintMixinfrom._protocolimportProtocolas_Protocol
[docs]classMinimisation(_Protocol,_PositionRestraintMixin):"""A class for storing minimisation protocols."""
[docs]def__init__(self,steps=10000,restraint=None,force_constant=10*_Units.Energy.kcal_per_mol/_Units.Area.angstrom2,):""" Constructor. Parameters ---------- steps : int The maximum number of steps to perform. restraint : str, [int] The type of restraint to perform. This should be one of the following options: "backbone" Protein backbone atoms. The matching is done by a name template, so is unreliable on conversion between molecular file formats. "heavy" All non-hydrogen atoms that aren't part of water molecules or free ions. "all" All atoms that aren't part of water molecules or free ions. Alternatively, the user can pass a list of atom indices for more fine-grained control. If None, then no restraints are used. force_constant : :class:`GeneralUnit <BioSimSpace.Types._GeneralUnit>`, float The force constant for the restraint potential. If a 'float' is passed, then default units of 'kcal_per_mol / angstrom**2' will be used. """# Call the base class constructor._Protocol.__init__(self)_PositionRestraintMixin.__init__(self,restraint,force_constant)# Set the number of steps.self.setSteps(steps)
def_get_parm(self):"""Return a string representation of the parameters."""returnf"steps={self._steps}, "+_PositionRestraintMixin._get_parm(self)def__str__(self):"""Return a human readable string representation of the object."""ifself._is_customised:return"<BioSimSpace.Protocol.Custom>"else:returnf"<BioSimSpace.Protocol.Minimisation: {self._get_parm()}>"def__repr__(self):"""Return a string showing how to instantiate the object."""ifself._is_customised:return"BioSimSpace.Protocol.Custom"else:returnf"BioSimSpace.Protocol.Minimisation({self._get_parm()})"def__eq__(self,other):"""Equality operator."""ifnotisinstance(other,Minimisation):returnFalseifself._is_customisedorother._is_customised:returnFalsereturnself._steps==other._stepsand_PositionRestraintMixin.__eq__(self,other)
[docs]defgetSteps(self):""" Return the maximum number of steps. Returns ------- steps : int The maximum number of minimisation steps. """returnself._steps
[docs]defsetSteps(self,steps):""" Set the maximum number of steps. Parameters ---------- steps : int The maximum number of minimisation steps. """ifnottype(steps)isint:raiseTypeError("'steps' must be of type 'int'")ifsteps<=0:_warnings.warn("Number of steps must be greater than zero. Using default (10000).")self._steps=10000else:self._steps=steps