Source code for BioSimSpace._Config._amber

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2024
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
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"""Functionality for generating configuration files for AMBER."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Amber"]

import math as _math
import warnings as _warnings

from sire.legacy import Units as _SireUnits

from ..Align._squash import _amber_mask_from_indices, _squashed_atom_mapping
from .. import Protocol as _Protocol
from ..Protocol._free_energy_mixin import _FreeEnergyMixin
from ..Protocol._position_restraint_mixin import _PositionRestraintMixin

from ._config import Config as _Config

[docs] class Amber(_Config): """A class for generating configuration files for AMBER."""
[docs] def __init__(self, system, protocol, property_map={}): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. protocol : :class:`Protocol <BioSimSpace.Protocol>` The protocol for the process. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__(system, protocol, property_map=property_map)
[docs] def createConfig( self, version=None, is_pmemd=False, is_pmemd_cuda=False, explicit_dummies=False, extra_options={}, extra_lines=[], ): """ Create the list of configuration strings. version : float The AMBER version. is_pmemd : bool Whether the configuration is for a simulation using PMEMD. is_pmemd_cuda : bool Whether the configuration is for a simulation using PMEMD with CUDA. explicit_dummies : bool Whether to keep the dummy atoms explicit at the endstates or remove them. extra_options : dict A dictionary containing extra options. Overrides the defaults generated by the protocol. extra_lines : [str] A list of extra lines to put at the end of the configuration file. Returns ------- config : [str] The list of AMBER format configuration strings. """ # Validate input. if version and not isinstance(version, float): raise TypeError("'version' must be of type 'float'.") if not isinstance(is_pmemd, bool): raise TypeError("'is_pmemd' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(is_pmemd_cuda, bool): raise TypeError("'is_pmemd_cuda' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(explicit_dummies, bool): raise TypeError("'explicit_dummies' must be of type 'bool'.") if not isinstance(extra_options, dict): raise TypeError("'extra_options' must be of type 'dict'.") else: keys = extra_options.keys() if not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in keys): raise TypeError("Keys of 'extra_options' must be of type 'str'.") if not isinstance(extra_lines, list): raise TypeError("'extra_lines' must be of type 'list'.") else: if not all(isinstance(line, str) for line in extra_lines): raise TypeError("Lines in 'extra_lines' must be of type 'str'.") # Vaccum simulation. if not self.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map) or not self.hasWater( self._system ): is_vacuum = True else: is_vacuum = False # Initialise the protocol lines. protocol_lines = [] # Define some miscellaneous defaults. protocol_dict = { # Interval between reporting energies. "ntpr": self.reportInterval(), # Interval between saving restart files. "ntwr": self.restartInterval(), # Trajectory sampling frequency. "ntwx": self.restartInterval(), # Output coordinates as NetCDF. "ntxo": 2, # Whether to restart. "irest": int(self.isRestart()), } # Input. if self.isRestart(): # Read coordinates and velocities. protocol_dict["ntx"] = 5 else: # Only read coordinates from file. protocol_dict["ntx"] = 1 # Initialise a null timestep. timestep = None # Minimisation. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Work out the number of steepest descent cycles. # This is 1000 or 10% of the number of steps, whichever is larger. if self.steps() <= 1000: num_steep = self.steps() else: num_steep = _math.ceil(self.steps() / 10) if num_steep < 1000: num_steep = 1000 # Minimisation simulation. protocol_dict["imin"] = 1 # Set the minimisation method to XMIN. protocol_dict["ntmin"] = 2 # Set the number of integration steps. protocol_dict["maxcyc"] = self.steps() # Set the number of steepest descent steps. protocol_dict["ncyc"] = num_steep # Report energies every 100 steps. protocol_dict["ntpr"] = 100 else: # Get the time step. timestep = self._protocol.getTimeStep().picoseconds().value() # For free-energy calculations, we can only use a 1fs time step in # vacuum. if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): if is_vacuum and not is_pmemd_cuda and timestep > 0.001: raise ValueError( "AMBER free-energy calculations in vacuum using pmemd must use a 1fs time step." ) # Set the integration time step. protocol_dict["dt"] = f"{timestep:.3f}" # Number of integration steps. protocol_dict["nstlim"] = self.steps() # Constraints. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Enable SHAKE. protocol_dict["ntc"] = 2 # Don't calculate forces for constrained bonds. protocol_dict["ntf"] = 2 # Periodic boundary conditions. if is_vacuum and not ( is_pmemd_cuda and isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin) ): # No periodic box. protocol_dict["ntb"] = 0 # Non-bonded cut-off. protocol_dict["cut"] = "999." if is_pmemd_cuda: # Use vacuum generalised Born model. protocol_dict["igb"] = "6" else: # Non-bonded cut-off. protocol_dict["cut"] = "8.0" # Wrap the coordinates. protocol_dict["iwrap"] = 1 # Postion restraints. if isinstance(self._protocol, _PositionRestraintMixin): # Get the restraint. restraint = self._protocol.getRestraint() if restraint is not None: # Get the indices of the atoms that are restrained. if type(restraint) is str: atom_idxs = self._system.getRestraintAtoms(restraint) else: atom_idxs = restraint # Convert to a squashed representation, if needed if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): atom_mapping0 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self.system, is_lambda1=False ) atom_mapping1 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self._system, is_lambda1=True ) atom_idxs = sorted( {atom_mapping0[x] for x in atom_idxs if x in atom_mapping0} | {atom_mapping1[x] for x in atom_idxs if x in atom_mapping1} ) # Don't add restraints if there are no atoms to restrain. if len(atom_idxs) > 0: # Generate the restraint mask based on atom indices. restraint_mask = self._create_restraint_mask(atom_idxs) # The restraintmask cannot be more than 256 characters. if len(restraint_mask) > 256: # AMBER has a limit on the length of the restraintmask # so it's easy to overflow if we are matching by index # on a large protein. As such, handle "backbone" and # "heavy" restraints using a non-interoperable name mask. if type(restraint) is str: if restraint == "backbone": # Determine wether the system contains protein, nucleic acid, or both. restraint_atom_names = [] if self._system.nAminoAcids() > 0: restraint_atom_names += ["N", "CA", "C", "O"] if self._system.nNucleotides() > 0: restraint_atom_names += [ "P", "C5'", "C3'", "O3'", "O5'", ] restraint_mask = "@" + ",".join(restraint_atom_names) elif restraint == "heavy": restraint_mask = "!:WAT & !@%NA,CL & !@H=" elif restraint == "all": restraint_mask = "!:WAT & !@%NA,CL" # We can't do anything about a custom restraint, since we don't # know anything about the atoms. else: raise ValueError( "AMBER atom 'restraintmask' exceeds 256 character limit!" ) protocol_dict["ntr"] = 1 force_constant = self._protocol.getForceConstant()._sire_unit force_constant = _SireUnits.kcal_per_mol / _SireUnits.angstrom2 ) protocol_dict["restraint_wt"] = force_constant protocol_dict["restraintmask"] = f'"{restraint_mask}"' # Pressure control. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): if self._protocol.getPressure() is not None: # Don't use barostat for vacuum simulations. if self.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map) and self.hasWater( self._system ): # Isotropic pressure scaling. protocol_dict["ntp"] = 1 # Pressure in bar. protocol_dict["pres0"] = ( f"{self._protocol.getPressure().bar().value():.5f}" ) if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Equilibration): # Berendsen barostat. protocol_dict["barostat"] = 1 else: # Monte Carlo barostat. protocol_dict["barostat"] = 2 else: _warnings.warn( "Cannot use a barostat for a vacuum or non-periodic simulation" ) # Temperature control. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Langevin dynamics. protocol_dict["ntt"] = 3 # Collision frequency (1 / ps). protocol_dict["gamma_ln"] = "{:.5f}".format( 1 / self._protocol.getThermostatTimeConstant().picoseconds().value() ) if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Equilibration): temp0 = self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value() temp1 = self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value() if not self._protocol.isConstantTemp(): # Initial temperature. protocol_dict["tempi"] = f"{temp0:.2f}" # Final temperature. protocol_dict["temp0"] = f"{temp1:.2f}" protocol_dict["nmropt"] = 1 protocol_lines += [ f"&wt TYPE='TEMP0', istep1=0, istep2={self.steps()}, value1={temp0:.2f}, value2={temp1:.2f} /" ] else: if not self.isRestart(): # Initial temperature. protocol_dict["tempi"] = f"{temp0:.2f}" # Constant temperature. protocol_dict["temp0"] = f"{temp0:.2f}" else: temp = self._protocol.getTemperature().kelvin().value() if not self.isRestart(): # Initial temperature. protocol_dict["tempi"] = f"{temp:.2f}" # Final temperature. protocol_dict["temp0"] = f"{temp:.2f}" # Free energies. if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): # Free energy mode. protocol_dict["icfe"] = 1 # Use softcore potentials. protocol_dict["ifsc"] = 1 # Remove SHAKE constraints. protocol_dict["ntf"] = 1 # Get the list of lambda values. lambda_values = [f"{x:.5f}" for x in self._protocol.getLambdaValues()] # Number of states in the MBAR calculation. (Number of lambda values.) protocol_dict["mbar_states"] = len(lambda_values) # Lambda values for the MBAR calculation. protocol_dict["mbar_lambda"] = ", ".join(lambda_values) # Current lambda value. protocol_dict["clambda"] = "{:.5f}".format(self._protocol.getLambda()) if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Production): # Calculate MBAR energies. protocol_dict["ifmbar"] = 1 # Output dVdl protocol_dict["logdvdl"] = 1 # Atom masks. protocol_dict = { **protocol_dict, **self._generate_amber_fep_masks( self._system, is_vacuum, is_pmemd_cuda, timestep, explicit_dummies=explicit_dummies, ), } # Put everything together in a line-by-line format. total_dict = {**protocol_dict, **extra_options} dict_lines = [self._protocol.__class__.__name__, "&cntrl"] dict_lines += [ f" {k}={v}," for k, v in total_dict.items() if v is not None ] + ["/"] total_lines = protocol_lines + extra_lines if total_lines: total_lines += ["&wt TYPE='END' /"] total_lines = dict_lines + total_lines return total_lines
def _create_restraint_mask(self, atom_idxs): """ Internal helper function to create an AMBER restraint mask from a list of atom indices. Parameters ---------- atom_idxs : [int] A list of atom indices. Returns ------- restraint_mask : str The AMBER restraint mask. """ if not isinstance(atom_idxs, (list, tuple)): raise TypeError("'atom_idxs' must be a list of 'int' types.") if not all(type(x) is int for x in atom_idxs): raise TypeError("'atom_idxs' must be a list of 'int' types.") # AMBER has a restriction on the number of characters in the restraint # mask (not documented) so we can't just use comma-separated atom # indices. Instead we loop through the indices and use hyphens to # separate contiguous blocks of indices, e.g. 1-23,34-47,... # Create a set to sort and ensure no duplicates, then convert back to a list. # This should already by done, but do so again in case the user is accessing # the method directly. atom_idxs = list(set(atom_idxs)) atom_idxs.sort() # Handle single atom restraints differently. if len(atom_idxs) == 1: restraint_mask = f"@{atom_idxs[0]+1}" else: # Start the mask with the first atom index. (AMBER is 1 indexed.) restraint_mask = f"@{atom_idxs[0]+1}" # Store the current index. prev_idx = atom_idxs[0] # Store the lead index for this block. lead_idx = prev_idx # Loop over all other indices. for idx in atom_idxs[1:]: # There is a gap in the indices. if idx - prev_idx > 1: if prev_idx != lead_idx: restraint_mask += f"{prev_idx+1},{idx+1}" else: restraint_mask += f",{idx+1}" lead_idx = idx else: # This is the first index beyond the lead. if idx - lead_idx == 1: restraint_mask += "-" # Set the value of the previous index. prev_idx = idx # Add the final atom to the mask. if idx - atom_idxs[-2] == 1: restraint_mask += f"{idx+1}" else: if idx != lead_idx: restraint_mask += f",{idx+1}" return restraint_mask def _generate_amber_fep_masks( self, system, is_vacuum, is_pmemd_cuda, timestep, explicit_dummies=False ): """ Internal helper function which generates timasks and scmasks based on the system. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. is_vacuum : bool Whether this is a vacuum simulation. is_pmemd_cuda : bool Whether this is a CUDA simulation. timestep : float The timestep of the simulation in femtoseconds. explicit_dummies : bool Whether to keep the dummy atoms explicit at the endstates or remove them. Returns ------- option_dict : dict A dictionary of AMBER-compatible options. """ # Get the merged to squashed atom mapping of the whole system for both endpoints. kwargs = dict(environment=False, explicit_dummies=explicit_dummies) mcs_mapping0 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self._system, is_lambda1=False, common=True, dummies=False, **kwargs ) mcs_mapping1 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self._system, is_lambda1=True, common=True, dummies=False, **kwargs ) dummy_mapping0 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self._system, is_lambda1=False, common=False, dummies=True, **kwargs ) dummy_mapping1 = _squashed_atom_mapping( self._system, is_lambda1=True, common=False, dummies=True, **kwargs ) # Generate the TI and dummy masks. mcs0_indices, mcs1_indices, dummy0_indices, dummy1_indices = [], [], [], [] for i in range(self._system.nAtoms()): if i in dummy_mapping0: dummy0_indices.append(dummy_mapping0[i]) if i in dummy_mapping1: dummy1_indices.append(dummy_mapping1[i]) if i in mcs_mapping0: mcs0_indices.append(mcs_mapping0[i]) if i in mcs_mapping1: mcs1_indices.append(mcs_mapping1[i]) ti0_indices = mcs0_indices + dummy0_indices ti1_indices = mcs1_indices + dummy1_indices # SHAKE should be used for timestep >= 2 fs. if timestep is not None and timestep >= 0.002: no_shake_mask = "" else: no_shake_mask = _amber_mask_from_indices(ti0_indices + ti1_indices) # Create an option dict with amber masks generated from the above indices. option_dict = { "timask1": f'"{_amber_mask_from_indices(ti0_indices)}"', "timask2": f'"{_amber_mask_from_indices(ti1_indices)}"', "scmask1": f'"{_amber_mask_from_indices(dummy0_indices)}"', "scmask2": f'"{_amber_mask_from_indices(dummy1_indices)}"', "tishake": 0 if is_pmemd_cuda else 1, "noshakemask": f'"{no_shake_mask}"', "gti_add_sc": 1, "gti_bat_sc": 1, } return option_dict