Source code for BioSimSpace._Config._gromacs

# BioSimSpace: Making biomolecular simulation a breeze!
# Copyright: 2017-2024
# Authors: Lester Hedges <>
# BioSimSpace is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# BioSimSpace is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with BioSimSpace. If not, see <>.

"""Functionality for generating configuration files for AMBER."""

__author__ = "Lester Hedges"
__email__ = ""

__all__ = ["Gromacs"]

import math as _math
import warnings as _warnings

from .. import Protocol as _Protocol
from ..Protocol._free_energy_mixin import _FreeEnergyMixin
from ..Protocol._position_restraint_mixin import _PositionRestraintMixin

from ._config import Config as _Config

[docs] class Gromacs(_Config): """A class for generating configuration files for GROMACS."""
[docs] def __init__(self, system, protocol, property_map={}): """ Constructor. Parameters ---------- system : :class:`System <BioSimSpace._SireWrappers.System>` The molecular system. protocol : :class:`Protocol <BioSimSpace.Protocol>` The protocol for the process. property_map : dict A dictionary that maps system "properties" to their user defined values. This allows the user to refer to properties with their own naming scheme, e.g. { "charge" : "my-charge" } """ # Call the base class constructor. super().__init__(system, protocol, property_map=property_map)
[docs] def createConfig(self, version=None, extra_options={}, extra_lines=[]): """ Create the list of configuration strings. version : float The GROMACS version. extra_options : dict A dictionary containing extra options. Overrides the defaults generated by the protocol. extra_lines : [str] A list of extra lines to put at the end of the configuration file. Returns ------- config : [str] The list of AMBER format configuration strings. """ # Validate input. if version and not isinstance(version, float): raise TypeError("'version' must be of type 'float'.") if not isinstance(extra_options, dict): raise TypeError("'extra_options' must be of type 'dict'.") else: keys = extra_options.keys() if not all(isinstance(k, str) for k in keys): raise TypeError("Keys of 'extra_options' must be of type 'str'.") if not isinstance(extra_lines, list): raise TypeError("'extra_lines' must be of type 'list'.") else: if not all(isinstance(line, str) for line in extra_lines): raise TypeError("Lines in 'extra_lines' must be of type 'str'.") # Make sure the report interval is a multiple of nstcalcenergy. if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): nstcalcenergy = 250 else: nstcalcenergy = 100 report_interval = self.reportInterval() if report_interval % nstcalcenergy != 0: report_interval = nstcalcenergy * _math.ceil( report_interval / nstcalcenergy ) # Define some miscellaneous defaults. protocol_dict = { # Interval between writing to the log file. "nstlog": report_interval, # Interval between writing to the energy file. "nstenergy": report_interval, # Interval between writing to the trajectory file. "nstxout-compressed": self.restartInterval(), } # Minimisation. if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): protocol_dict["integrator"] = "steep" else: # Timestep in picoseconds timestep = self._protocol.getTimeStep().picoseconds().value() # Integration time step. protocol_dict["dt"] = f"{timestep:.3f}" # Number of integration steps. protocol_dict["nsteps"] = self.steps() # Constraints. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): # Rigid bonded hydrogens. protocol_dict["constraints"] = "h-bonds" # Linear constraint solver. protocol_dict["constraint-algorithm"] = "LINCS" # Periodic boundary conditions. # Simulate a fully periodic box. protocol_dict["pbc"] = "xyz" # Use Verlet pair lists. protocol_dict["cutoff-scheme"] = "Verlet" if self.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map) and self.hasWater( self._system ): # Use a grid to search for neighbours. protocol_dict["ns-type"] = "grid" # Rebuild neighbour list every 20 steps. protocol_dict["nstlist"] = "20" # Set short-range cutoff. protocol_dict["rlist"] = "0.8" # Set van der Waals cutoff. protocol_dict["rvdw"] = "0.8" # Set Coulomb cutoff. protocol_dict["rcoulomb"] = "0.8" # Fast smooth Particle-Mesh Ewald. protocol_dict["coulombtype"] = "PME" # Dispersion corrections for energy and pressure. protocol_dict["DispCorr"] = "EnerPres" else: # Perform vacuum simulations by implementing pseudo-PBC conditions, # i.e. run calculation in a near-infinite box (333.3 nm). # c.f.: # Single neighbour list (all particles interact). protocol_dict["nstlist"] = "1" # "Infinite" short-range cutoff. protocol_dict["rlist"] = "333.3" # "Infinite" van der Waals cutoff. protocol_dict["rvdw"] = "333.3" # "Infinite" Coulomb cutoff. protocol_dict["rcoulomb"] = "333.3" # Plain cut-off. protocol_dict["coulombtype"] = "Cut-off" # Twin-range van der Waals cut-off. protocol_dict["vdwtype"] = "Cut-off" # Position restraints. if isinstance(self._protocol, _PositionRestraintMixin): # Note that constraints will be defined by the GROMACS process. protocol_dict["refcoord-scaling"] = "com" # Pressure control. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): if self._protocol.getPressure() is not None: # Don't use barostat for vacuum simulations. if self.hasBox(self._system, self._property_map) and self.hasWater( self._system ): # Barostat type. if version and version >= 2021: protocol_dict["pcoupl"] = "c-rescale" else: protocol_dict["pcoupl"] = "berendsen" # 1ps time constant for pressure coupling. protocol_dict["tau-p"] = 1 # Pressure in bar. protocol_dict["ref-p"] = ( f"{self._protocol.getPressure().bar().value():.5f}" ) # Compressibility of water. protocol_dict["compressibility"] = "4.5e-5" else: _warnings.warn( "Cannot use a barostat for a vacuum or non-periodic simulation" ) # Temperature control. if not isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Minimisation): if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): # Langevin dynamics. protocol_dict["integrator"] = "sd" else: # Leap-frog molecular dynamics. protocol_dict["integrator"] = "md" # Temperature coupling using velocity rescaling with a stochastic term. protocol_dict["tcoupl"] = "v-rescale" # A single temperature group for the entire system. protocol_dict["tc-grps"] = "system" # Thermostat coupling frequency (ps). protocol_dict["tau-t"] = "{:.5f}".format( self._protocol.getThermostatTimeConstant().picoseconds().value() ) if isinstance(self._protocol, _Protocol.Equilibration): if self._protocol.isConstantTemp(): temp = ( "%.2f" % self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value() ) protocol_dict["ref-t"] = temp protocol_dict["gen-vel"] = "yes" protocol_dict["gen-temp"] = temp else: # still need a reference temperature for each group, # even when heating/cooling protocol_dict["ref-t"] = ( "%.2f" % self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value() ) # Work out the final time of the simulation. timestep = self._protocol.getTimeStep().picoseconds().value() end_time = _math.floor(timestep * self.steps()) # Single sequence of annealing points. protocol_dict["annealing"] = "single" # Two annealing points for "system" temperature group. protocol_dict["annealing-npoints"] = 2 # Linearly change temperature between start and end times. protocol_dict["annealing-time"] = "0 %d" % end_time protocol_dict["annealing-temp"] = "%.2f %.2f" % ( self._protocol.getStartTemperature().kelvin().value(), self._protocol.getEndTemperature().kelvin().value(), ) else: # Fixed temperature. protocol_dict["ref-t"] = ( "%.2f" % self._protocol.getTemperature().kelvin().value() ) # Free energies. if isinstance(self._protocol, _FreeEnergyMixin): # Extract the lambda array. lam_vals = self._protocol.getLambdaValues() # Determine the index of the lambda value. idx = self._protocol.getLambdaIndex() # Free energy mode. protocol_dict["free-energy"] = "yes" # Initial lambda state. protocol_dict["init-lambda-state"] = idx # Lambda value array. protocol_dict["fep-lambdas"] = " ".join([str(x) for x in lam_vals]) # All interactions on at lambda = 0 protocol_dict["couple-lambda0"] = "vdw-q" # All interactions on at lambda = 1 protocol_dict["couple-lambda1"] = "vdw-q" # Write all lambda values. protocol_dict["calc-lambda-neighbors"] = -1 # Calculate energies every 250 steps. protocol_dict["nstcalcenergy"] = 250 # Write gradients every 250 steps. protocol_dict["nstdhdl"] = 250 # Put everything together in a line-by-line format. total_dict = {**protocol_dict, **extra_options} total_lines = [ f"{k} = {v}" for k, v in total_dict.items() if v is not None ] + extra_lines return total_lines